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Monday, August 25, 2008

Redskins DEMOLISHED!!!

Final score was 47-3. The score pretty much says it all. The Skins were thrashed in every phase of the game and were thoroughly humiliated. In what was supposed to be a dress rehearsal for the starters for the season, they came out and got whipped. Now, I drank a fair amount and was distracted by a variety of things so I didn't pay close attention to the game so I can't really comment too much on individual performances but again, the score says it all. The offensive line apparently played poorly not giving JC much of an opportunity. Zorn called the QB play, "insignificant" which speaks volumes. The defense was missing tackles left and right giving up huge yards on the ground. All in all just a good ole fashion beat down.

I understand it is preseason and I also know that everything that could go wrong did so I know we are not as bad as that score. However, there is concern. Again, that was to be our dress rehearsal and we stunk it up. Based on that performance, I am curious if Zorn will have the starters play some in the final preseason game. Typically, starters won't play in that final game so they can rest for the season opener but things may change. I was just disappointed as a Redskin fan to see that debacle and we better get things corrected quickly.

On a positive note, the Jason Taylor injury which looked pretty bad when you watched it just turned out to be a sprain and he is supposed to be out for 10-14 days. That looked like it was going to be season (maybe even career) ending.

Hopefully we can use that beat down in our favor and use it to humble us and let us know that the season is upon us and it isn't going to get any easier. Now it's going to be very interesting to see how we play.


Rob said...

It certainly is not time to panic for 'Skins fans, but a dose of realism would help. Look, there is a new coach and a completely different offense that is being installed.

I think the D will be OK - but it will drop off. I think GG was a good defensive coach and Blatche won't make them better. The loss of Sean Taylor, the aging linebackers, the suspect line and cover corners are OK, but nothing special.

The big thing to watch this year will be the development of JC. He has the challenge of making the line calls - it took Hasselbeck a year to learn that system. People should get real.

But, 'Skins fans will be chanting, "WE WANT COLT! WE WANT COLT!" when things go wrong early because fans are generally ignorant.

j, k, and s's d said...

No question we have to remember that this is a new coach and he is installing a new system. I think we were spoiled with the success the offense had in the first couple of preseason games. The fact is that it will take some time to adjust.

I have faith in Zorn and JC but they need some time. Sure, I expect the more typical Redskin fan to get on their backs if they don't have success early on. What I don't want to see from JC is poor decisions and fumbles. So far he has been pretty good in the preseason -- even when the team hasn't had success. The point is that the fault can't lie squarely with him. Even Zorn said that only one of the sacks was his fault in the Panther game. Frankly, the line was horrible and didn't give him nearly enough time. Jansen is definitely a concern of mine. We'll see how he holds up but if he struggles, I wouldn't mind seeing Wade or Heyer in there.

The Colt nonsense is just that...nonsense. If there are struggles, I think some people might chant Colt's name because they are enamored with him. He is kind of the "sexy" option given that he had his success in Hawaii, is young, is the gunslinger, had success in the preseason. The fact is that he is far away from being a starter in the NFL. Installing him as the starter would be a big mistake in his development and the performance of the team and people would quickly realize that he is not capable of running an NFL offense at this point.

I think defense will be fine.

We'll find out how they do in 9 days.

Rob said...

I agree Colt is not an answer, and as long as JC plays well there won't be any rumblings. But it just seems to me that this is not an offense for JC's strengths.

We will see.

deepie said...

That was the most diplomatic and objective analysis we've seen from Robsobs in quite a while. Looks like the crusty exterior is starting to fall off. don't have to agree with or like Danny Boy to critique the team on the field.