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Friday, August 22, 2008

Karate Kid II

So I was flipping channels last night/this morning and got sucked into watching Karate Kid II. What a piece of shat! All that movie is doing is trying to rake in more money from the success of the Karate Kid. The acting was pathetic and the story is just plain silly. Sato has spent his entire adult life focused on one thing...destroying his former best friend, Mr. Miyagi. Miyagi finally agrees to fight Sato but the night of the fight, there is a typhoon and everyone needs to find safe shelter. The house in the village that Sato is staying in collapses under the storm and he is stuck under a wood plank. Miyagi and Daniel (why does he go by Daniel?) go out there to rescue him but Sato is yelling at Miyagi saying he is a coward for wanting to fight while he is incapacitated.

First, it's ridiculous that Sato thinks Miyagi wants to fight him like that. Then when Miyagi gets him out of the predicament and takes him to safety, all of a sudden the lifetime of hate and vengeance is gone and Sato becomes the nicest guy around. Also, the love story between Kumiko and Daniel (again, why does he go by Daniel?) is so awkward. Daniel wouldn't know how to get a girl if she fell naked out of the sky, landed on his face, and started wiggle.

The last battle scene between Sato's nephew and Daniel is silly too. In Karate Kid I, we were led to believe that there was no defense to the crane technique. This is a lie since clearly the crane technique was defended against in part deaux. Also, I guess the new technique is the drum technique which is basically clasping your hands together and swinging them back and forth. Apparently it is so technical that the nephew can't see it coming and can't defend it and he ends up getting pummelled.

There are a number of silly and awkward moments throughout the movie. The thing I love is that I stayed up until like 1:30 am watching this shat. The thing I love even more is that once this was over, I started flipping around some more and was able to find Predator. NOW THERE IS A MOVIE!!!!


matar-alloo said...

What a review! I would pay to read reviews like this. You should take over for Ebert and Roeper...

I really like this movie. At least I did. Did you ever like it at one point? I think the problem is that as people get older our expectations become greater. What was once a great flim is now shat. Even Terminator 2 is kinda cheesy now (mainly because of young John Connor...he's annoying) but back when it came out it would have been considered heresy to call it "cheesy."

deepie said...

Perhaps they should have named the movie, "Karate Kid Part Shat," or "Karate Shat II," or just plain old, "Shat."

Hard to believe that the Karate Kid movies were the cool martial arts movies of their time. The next generation got "The Matrix." I'd call that a slight upgrade.