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Monday, August 4, 2008

Redskins look good in HOF game.

Now I understand that it is the HOF game and it is very preliminary. That said, for what it was, the Redskins looked very good out there. Campbell and the first team offense were sharp and the offense the entire game looked good. Here are my thoughts in no particular order:

1. Campbell and first team offense looked crisp and on the mark.

2. Defense was okay. My issue with them was that on their first drive they had the Colts on at least three 3rd and 5s and every time the Colts would run a short out in the flat and we couldn't defend it. We just didn't learn so that was bothersome. Still, they held when they needed and did an okay job.

3. Colt Brennan had a great game. Despite his size and delivery seems like he can develop into a nice back up for us.

4. Chris Horton had a huge game. He looks like he can be a solid special teamer and good backup.

5. Chad Rhinehart looked good on the O line. That is a good sign as we will definitely need to address the aging O line next year.

I knew that not many of the starters would play and those that did play wouldn't play for long. I wasn't so much watching the game for individual play but more how did they look and feel overall and how would Zorn handle the offense/coaching responsibilities. By yesterday's showing, he handled it very well. He looked very comfortable, confident, and in charge. I really liked that the team didn't have many penalties and were in and out of the huddle and executed well. I also liked that the team seemed to really rally around one another and played with fun and confidence. When that guy intercepted the ball for the TD, I liked that many of the veterans were running on the field and laughing and high fiving. That is a good sign. To me, it is the sign of a team that is coming together and having fun and feeling good about where we are at.

Again, I know it is early and things will change a lot b/t now and the season opener and then change even more a few games in but I did like what I saw. Again, I was looking more from a higher level and I liked how the team played and executed and seemed to be having fun out there. Those are all good signs to me.



Rob said...

Good start. I really like Zorn.

Much more confidence in this offense than in Saunders.

However the Danny and his Manny (Vinny C.) still suck.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am liking Zorn more and more. He seems very much in control. I listened to a portion of his press conference today and he seems very sure of himself. He clearly has a plan in place in how he wants the offense to operate and he is trying to put that in place. He also doesn't seem arrogant enough to not listen to assistant coaches.

I think his style/system will be a much better fit for this team than the Gibbs/Saunders regime.

Glad you are coming around on the team. As far as the Manny, I think he did a decent job in the offseason. No overspending. Decent draft. Brought in Jason Taylor for a good price when it was critical we needed help there. I haven't heard much from Danny so that is a good thing in my book.

Rob said...

I'm not coming around on the team. I think they just had a good start and I like Zorn.

j, k, and s's d said...

You hated the Skins before and you made fun of Gibbs saying something to the effect that he looked like an old and feeble guy out there that was lost.

Now you say they had a good start and you like Zorn. Sounds like someone is coming around to me.


Rob said...

Let me be clear - I don't like the Redskins.

I can like a player or a coach and still dislike the organization. It really isn't that hard to understand.

deepie said...

First, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how organized and disciplined the team was. Zorn has impressed me. He emphasizes fundamentals and appears to be able to communicate with his players effectively...seems like a good leader to me. I am a little concerned about Jansen coming off another serious injury and getting another year older. He was burnt on what looked like a very slow spin move for a sack. I didn't like how the D gave up yards on 3rd downs. Aside from those two negatives, I have nothing to complain about. Good show for the first meaningless game.

Second, RobsObs is exhibiting his irrational thought-process again...and it's only preseason. Robs...most fans of any team separate the organization from the team on the field when expressing their opinions about a team. When I look at the Bears TEAM, I could give a rats arse what the ownership is up to. When I consider what the Redskins' ownership is doing to the team, I critique the organization and not the team. Are you saying you don't care for the Redskins team because you don't care for the ownership? Does the inner workings of the organization really affect your opinion of the product on the field? If so, and I believe this to be the case, I question your ability to provide an objective opinion about the Redskins TEAM. You're Danny Boy loathing has clouded your judgment and makes your unable to provide a reasonable critique of the team.

Do you hate living in America because you despise George Bush's administration? I know you loath our ever increasing debt to China, but have you ever bought and been satisfied with a product made in China?

j, k, and s's d said...

Well said, Deepie.


Rob said...

Danny Boy owns the product and I don't support his product because I think he has ruined the brand. That is why I don't like the team and would never support it. He also owns Six Flags and I won't frequent that park as long as he owns it.

Your analogy makes little sense.

There is no term limit on Danny Boy, so there won't be any changes in Redskins ownership.

Bush doesn't "own" the U.S. He has a limited term in office and I can actively work to get someone else elected president. On top of that, Congress has a major role in the direction of the country.

As for China, 92 percent of all toys in the U.S. are made in China. Virtually all TVs and electronics are made overseas - there isn't much I can do about the products. But, that is again why I work to get the government I want. I have a choice and choose to support candidates that share my views.

j, k, and s's d said...

RobsObs, I think Deepie's analogy makes very good sense.

You are so silly. Even if you enjoyed Six Flags, you won't go to it because of Danny Boy. How has he ruined the Six Flags brand? He hasn't ruined the brand. You just hate Danny boy more than anyone in the world and won't support anything he owns, touches, looks at, etc. You don't like Tom Cruise and probably Bernard Shaw because they associate themselves with Danny boy. I suppose you won't bother eating at a Johnny Rockets restaurant since he owns that as well. You probably won't watch the American Music Awards, Golden Globes, or Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve Party since he owns that as well. I'm sure that you won't allow your kids to ever watch his local children's cartoons encouraging proper sensitivity towards minorities.
You won't give him any other opportunities and you despise the guy for some mistakes he made early on in his Redskin ownership days. You are silly. I pity you.

Rob said...

You didn't read my response about how it is a bad analogy (at least you don't argue against any of my points).

6 Flags now charges more inside and outside the park, but they have purposely chosen a strategy NOT to upgrade rides in order to save cash. So they are charging more for less. There is a good article in the Wall Street Journal today that talks about this. Read about it if you don't believe me.

FYI, I won't eat at Johnny Rockets because Danny Boy.

I don't watch the awards shows and don't really care much for Dick's Rockin' New Year.

I am comfortable that I have good reason not to like Danny Boy. What I cannot figure out is why you pity me, or even better, why you care whether I like Danny Boy or not.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't care if you don't like Danny boy. Why I pity you is that your hatred runs so deep that you hate anyone or anything associated with him. That is a shame that you hate so much.

deepie said...

You never denied that you are incapable of objectively critiquing the 'Skins in your rebuttal, so I have to assume that you agree that your opinions of the team are clouded by your Danny Boy hatred. Fine. You hate Danny Boy and everything he stands for. You're entitled to your opinion. Frankly, I don't necessarily care for all of his meddling either. But that doesn't mean I believe your thinking is rational. If you feel like you're riding Danny Boy's jock when you sit on a roller coaster at Six Flags instead of being able to enjoy the roller coaster for what it is, that's your problem.

The 'Skins are a football team loved by millions of fans, the majority of whom most likely do not agree with Danny Boy's tactics. The bottom line is, when the team takes the field, I am watching my team - not the guy in the owner's suite.

Rob said...

Great for you guys. Don't worry about who I like and don't like, how/where I spend my money, or the reasons for my opinions. I don't buy stuff from Sears because I think they suck - who cares?

I think the Redskins will struggle on offense this year - because it is a new offense. I think they will be mediocre and are not as good as the other three teams in their division. That is what I think.

I'll wait until the end of the preseason to see what happens and to get a better feel for the NFL before I make my final picks, but I see no reason to believe that the Redskins will be making any leaps forward.

j, k, and s's d said...

You are getting off point. Your Sears point is meaningless because you won't go there because you don't like their stuff not because you hate their owner. You hate everything/everyone associated with Danny boy. Again, your Sears point is meaningless.

That's fine with your opinion on the Redskins. Again, it's off point but if that is what you want to do fine.

Rob said...

No, I won't go to Sears because they mistreated me - the whole leak at the house thing that they refused to fix.

I think Danny Boy has mistreated a bunch of people to a point that I find unacceptable. You do not find it unacceptable. Big deal.

j, k, and s's d said...

Who has he mistreated? I can agree with Norv although he never seemed to like Norv who was the coach he inherited when he bought the team. I can also agree with Marty who seemed like the guy who got the biggest shaft. However, if you say the fans, than you should look at McCaskey and the Bears fans. You were okay with her raising ticket prices because you thought they would be perennial winners. After a hugely disappointing year, they yet again raised ticket prices and look to be in a rebuilding mode. The Redskins didn't raise prices this year. So who else has he mistreated?

Rob said...

Norv and Marty we can agree on, Robiskie, Frank Herzog, Double G, Al Saunders, his nanny, Charley Casserly, Brad Johnson, LaVar, I am sure I could think of more if put my mind to it.

I expect that he will cut loose Brian Mitchell and Smokin' Al Koken if he hasn't already done so.

j, k, and s's d said...

How did he mistreat Robiskie? He was an interim head coach and was never promised the head coaching job.

Herzog maybe. I don't know the specifics about that one.

Double G. I don't think so. If he didn't want him, he didn't want him. It just didn't work out. We don't know what transpired there.

Saunders. How?

I knew you would pull out the nanny and I knew you would side with her. Often times people have disgruntled employees especially those that live with you.

Brad Johnson. I can somewhat agree on. However, if Norv was truly the coach and felt that Brad was the right QB, he should have stuck up for him.

LaVar. I'm sure there were issues on both sides.

We agree on some of the cases. My point is that many of these issues happened when he first took over the team (Norv, Marty, Herzog) and I say he seems to have backed off of the operations of the team. Also, I don't think it is fair to comment on some of the other incidents without knowing all of the facts. You can't claim that you know all of the facts in those cases.

Finally, as I have mentioned numerous times, I am not a Danny fan. I don't despise the guy though. I accept him and I love the Redskins. However, you loathe the guy to the point that you despise everything/everyone he is associated with and that's a shame.

Rob said...

I'm not going to bother to go into all of the reasons - if you don't think some of the people were wronged that is fine.

I will say this - even if he wanted to make changes when he took over the team, he could have been much more professional.

Don't worry about what I think about Danny Boy. It really doesn't make any difference if we disagree.

deepie said...

Robs hates Danny Boy so much, he's lost track of what the issue we're discussing is because he needed to berate the third best owner in the league some more. No one ever said you need to like Danny Boy. You said you like Zorn and some of the players, yet you refuse to separate the team from the owner when critiquing them. That's all we're talking about.

I have nothing more to add. There is no reasoning with the unreasonable.

j, k, and s's d said...

Totally agree. I still think Deepie's analogy is comparable. Many I have asked agree with the analogy as well. RobsObs plays on a different playing field.