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Friday, September 2, 2011

Skins final preseason game results/thoughts

Skins pulled out the victory - not that it mattered much but there were a few things to take note of in the game:

1. Beck was borderline bad. He started the game and played the entire first half. He played with the starting O line and backup WRs and RBs and was given the opportunity to separate himself. He did...just in the wrong direction. Thought he was pretty bad. He fumbled a snap on the TB's goal line. He missed a pretty open Armstrong on a deep throw to open the game. He threw a bad INT off his back foot in the end zone. He had two really bad throws that could have easily been picked off. He missed a couple of open receivers on short routes. What he does do VERY well is sell the play action and roll out well. He had a couple of decent passes but don't think he did anything that would have him pull away from Rex in Effect. Interestingly, Rexy didn't play at all (although he was dressed). I believe that the starting nod will go to Rex but we'll find out next week for sure.

2. O line not great. The starting O line went up the TB back up D line and did not look great. Becks was under duress more often than he should have so this was disappointing. They will have to pick it up against the G men.

3. Banks solidified his spot on the team. Guy has been out the last couple of weeks but came back yesterday and ran back a 90+ yard punt for a TD although he almost botched it by celebrating early and letting go of the football before crossing the plain of the goal line. Fortunately, instant replay showed he scored before releasing the football. I suppose it is a good lesson to learn in preseason. I doubt he will ever do something like that again. TB punted away from him the rest of the game but he showed that he continues to be a special teams weapon.

4. D looked good. Mostly backups playing but I still loved the pressure they put on. Thought the LBs (Jackson, Riley, Fox) all played well. They created pressure and turnovers which we haven't seen in quite some time.

5. The Love Torain. Good to see him back and he ran hard. He's a big back and had some nice runs. Will be interesting to see the RB depth chart. No question Hightower will be the starter. Seems like Helu is the backup. I know Shanny likes Torain and Royster and both had solid games last night so will be interesting to see what we do with those guys.

All in all, a pretty good game for many of the backups. The tough decisions now have to be made as the final roster will be set in the next couple of days. Bruce Allen commented a few times that he thinks there will be some trades made. We'll see what happens but preseason is all over and the regular season starts in less than a week.



Rob said...

Glenn Beck will be the starter. It is weird, but the Shannies love the dude and are going to force him on the fans. I watched some of the game and saw some post-season analyses, and it appears he was bad - but that won't matter to the Shannies. This plan to make Beck the starter has been in place for months. No need to change now.

Montgomery and Lichtensteiger starting offensive linemen? The idea that those guys will all of a sudden become good starters seems crazy to me.

Banks will be good for 4 games before he gets hurt. He'll make the team and will make 3 highlight reel plays in those 4 games, which will be more than ther rest of the team in those games.

I may actually move my prediction to 6-10. The one thing that keeps me from making the change is all of the injuries to the Gigantes. The Deadskins may be able to sneak that first game from the Giants because they have been devastated on D with injuries. That said, if Beck is the starting QB the Deadskins will lose the game.

j, k, and s's d said...

I really don't like the Glenn Beck thing. It's not because I like John Beck or that I am a Redskin fan but it really has no context or correlation. It's just silly. Again, you are free to do that but it really doesn't work. You need to think of somethng more clever like maybe Peck or The Pecker.

Anyway, if Becks is named the starter, I don't think that is bad for Rex in Effect. The thing is Becks wouldn't last the season and once the fans see Becks limitations, they will call out for Rexy. If Rexy is the starter, there will be many fans from the get go that will be unhappy. Rexy has to win over fans whereas Becks has to prove himself (there is a difference). There is much more negative feelings towards Rexy than Becks.

If Banks gets hurt, put Austin in. Not a problem.

I don't mind Montgomery as much as Lichten-SCHTEIGER!!! I say his name as though I am an angry SS officer. We'll see how they do in the regular season.

Bottom line is the regular season is upon us so we'll see how good/bad teams are.

Rob said...

You say "Pears" - explain the context to me.

If Glenn Beck ends up as the QB, I don't think the Shannies will have a quick hook. They will be stubborn - which isn't necessarily a bad thing for a head coach, but it works against you if you pick the wrong guy (which Beck is in my opinion).

j, k, and s's d said...

Explain the context to you? It's simple...they play like Pears.

Who ever is selected won't get a quick hook but I don't doubt that who ever gets the nod and sucks after 3 games, will get yanked as hard and fast as the way you yank Deepie's dong.

Rob said...

WTF does that mean? I know you are joking, but "play like pears?"

You use "Pears" and I'll use "Glenn Beck." Neither makes sense but it is obvious who we are referring to.

j, k, and s's d said...

Pears is funny and clever.

Glenn Beck is silly and boring.

Rob said...


I like "LictenSTEIGer" - but "Pears" is no different than "Glenn Beck."

j, k, and s's d said...

It's very different.

Pears = funny
Glenn Beck = BORING!!!