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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

London Fletcher

So Robs has never given much respect to London Fletcher and said before the season started that he was old and slow. It just is not the case. Fletcher has been one of the best at his position for years and is again having a strong season.

From ESPN's Dan Graziano, "Fletcher was all over the field Sunday, making five tackles, hitting Kolb twice and collecting an interception. He blitzed out of the Redskins' shifting, confusing defensive fronts as if he'd been playing in them his whole career. The Redskins' linebackers were the stars of the defensive show as the banged-up secondary kept losing players to injury, and Fletcher led them."

In fact, if you look at the numbers of Fletcher and Urlacher they are comparable and have been comparable over the last several years. In fact, it appears that Fletcher's numbers are better than Urlacher's.

For whatever reason, similar to the "experts," Robs doesn't give respect to Fletcher. It's similar to Robs case with Rexy. The numbers do not lie.

Again, Fletcher is one of the best at his position. The numbers do not indicate how big of a leader he is on the defense both in terms of coaching guys and motivating his entire team. There is no stat for that.


Rob said...


j, k, and s's d said...

You seem to think you are always right.

It's not the case.

Rob said...

Show me where I have claimed (seriously) that "I am always right."

Another thing you have just made up.

Your problem is that when you make stuff up about what I believe - when in fact I do not believe it - and then try to disprove it, you are not arguing with me, you are only arguing with yourself.

j, k, and s's d said...

Can't remember if you wrote it or told me that you believe you are right when it comes to your analysis of football.

Rob said...

Show me. I don't believe that I am God, contrary to what you incorrectly may think.

You will probably now write, "Robs thinks he is God" and then proceed to write some nonsense about how Robs is not God. Then you will pat yourself on the back and say, "See, you are wrong."

FYI, I have posted your yearly quotes and predictions that the Deadskins are turning the corner. It is rather humorous when you look back at this nearly yearly ritual that you go through every September.

deepie said...

Here's the quote:

"You keep saying I'm biased but then I end up being right much of the time - more than you."


I guess Robs tempered his football-Godliness by saying "much of the time," but this is clearly an example where he's wrong. The only thing Robs is right about is that Fletcher is old. Fletcher is, however, playing at a consistently high level and has been rewarded with back-to-back Pro Bowl trips (albeit as an alternate) for the effort. The dude is consistently one of the best players on the field and his numbers back it up.

I think Robs' case of Snyderitis has affected his brain yet again. He simply cannot accept that the Skins have some talent and are capable of having a decent season as a result of finally doing things the right way.

j, k, and s's d said...

When have I said that you believe you are God? Don't put words in my mouth.

Rob said...

Exactly JKSD! In that case I am arguing against myself - not against you because you never said it. That is what you constantly do.

Deeps - we all express our opinion. As you point out, I have never said I am always right. Your quote just supports my point.

j, k, and s's d said...

That's why I said what I said. Because you often claim that I do things but then you do it.

Your claim that you "end up being right much of the time - more than you" is incorrect. How do you figure that? You have never won our annual picks. You have never come near the FF title game. I wouldn't say that your analyses in the posts are any better than mine or Deepie's. It's just a bad case of Snyderitis that confuses your brains.

Rob said...

I gave you an example of what you do!

Now you are changing the argument. You still haven't shown that I claim, "I am always right."

Your change of argument doesn't change the fact that you like to argue with yourself.

On top of that, you missed part of the quote Deeps provided - a relevant part. At least get the full quote in.

j, k, and s's d said...

I didn't mind what you said but pointed it out to show you that you can be uber sensitive.

What is the relevant part of the quote that I missed? I think I got the gist of it. You think you are right much of the time and more than us. That's your own subjective opinion that is infected with Snyderitis talking.

Rob said...

It's not sensitivity - it is that you literally make up my arguments. I have shown you multiple examples.

Why should I bother defending myself for things you claim I say or believe that simply are not true?

Like I have said, you are now changing the argument and deflecting the discussion.

I'm not going to waste time going back and forth when you just keep changing the discussion.

j, k, and s's d said...

What are you talking about that I am changing the argument and deflecting the discussion?

Rob said...

Read the string of posts.

j, k, and s's d said...

You are just bitter and angry and now you want the string to end because you are wrong.

deepie said...

Not sure where Robs is going because he's going in circles.

Robs - You're taking things way too literally. JKSD overstated his point when he said you think you're always right. I think it's clear that the point was that you claim to be more of a football expert than him based on some sort of history of correct predictions. Sorry, but your history of constantly picking the Pears to be good and hating on the Skins doesn't make you an expert. JKSD already said it...Your weekly picks and fantasy record over the years shows that your are wrong more often than you think.

I think JKSD and I were definitely putting too much faith in Joe Gibbs 2.0 and expected great things out of the team at that time. That failed experiment along with the Zorn years have clearly tempered our enthusiasm. This is why I'm still not understanding your original point. I firmly believe that our analysis of the team wasn't as blindly optimistic as you seem to think based on the quotes you pulled.

Being 2-0 right now is great, but I still think this is a 7-8 win team. I will be pleasantly surprised if we win more. As a fan, I think being excited about the possibility of success is justified. That's what being a fan is all about.

j, k, and s's d said...

Well said Deepie.

Rob said...

I've been clear.

j, k, and s's d said...

Clear on what?

Rob said...

I explained it by phone. Go back and read what we wrote if you are still confused.

I'll leave it like this - when you post things that are simply made up then I'll continue to point out your error.

Like I have said, I cannot defend something that you say I believe or said when I DON'T BELIEVE IT AND NEVER SAID IT.

j, k, and s's d said...

Okay. I didn't know you were taking everything SO literally.

Deepie pulled the quote. Here it is again, "You keep saying I'm biased but then I end up being right much of the time - more than you."

That is not correct. In fact, you are typically wrong more often. Look at your weekly picks. Look at your FF record. You think the Pears are EITHER going to the Super Bowl OR are a contender NEARLY every year. It is not the case.

Are we back on point or are we still arguing something different?

Rob said...

When is the quote from?

Rob said...

By the way, what does FF have to do with anything we are discussing?

j, k, and s's d said...

Your quote was posted on September 14, 2011 12:15 PM. It was in the Power Rankings - Week 2 string. It was just last week.

FF is just another component that showcases football analyses. You claim to be right much of the time and more than me but when it comes to your FF analyses you have been wrong. You think the Pears are either going to the Super Bowl or are a contender nearly every year. You have never won our annual picks. You have never won anything in FF. Your opinions are subjective. Not sure how you think you are right much of the time and more than me.

Rob said...

So I guess my FF football team winning is one indicator? Great, I guess I am a genius this year because both my teams are doing well.

The Bears have been to the Super Bowl once and hosted the NFC title game another time in 5 years. That is pretty good - certainly not an indicator of a mediocre team or organization.

Let's see what happens.

j, k, and s's d said...

What are we arguing now? I can never follow your arguments and want to make sure we are on a common point.

You say that you are right much of the time and more than me. You say the Pears will either go to the Super Bowl or be a Super Bowl contender nearly every year. It's not true.

You think the Pears run a similar type of shop as the Pats? I think most people would disagree with you.

FF is ONE of several indicators determining our analyses and who is right. Congrats on winning a couple of FF games.

Rob said...

Be consistent. You either accept FF or not - you cannot be selective. Personally, I don't see how it is relevant, but you think it is an indicator, fine.

I have not mentioned the Pats in this discussion - why are you bringing it up? I know the Pats are the model organization. So?

I'll just go back to my original point - don't make stuff up an argue against yourself.

Rob said...

FYI - over the last 5 years the Bears have been to as many Championship games (2) as the Pats, Indy, Pittsburgh, and the Jets. In the NFC, just the Pack and Saints have been twice over that same period.

These are the only 7 teams to appear in the conference championships twice (and no one has done it more over the last five years).

Not bad for a "mediocre" team.

j, k, and s's d said...

HOW AM I BEING SELECTIVE?!!! I said FF is one of several elements that compose our analyses. I NEVER said it was THE element that composed our analyis.

Numbers can be shaped in any way. Here is an example: Looking at the last four years and the overall records of the better run teams compared to the Pears:

NE: 51-13
Indy: 49-15
Pitt: 43-21
Pears: 34-30

The Pears were almost a .500 team. Mediocre. Keep in mind that the three other teams above went to the playoffs at least 3 out of those 4 years. The Pears went once.

You have previously claimed that the Pears run a top notch organization and compared them to the above teams. I have said that they are not in that class. I think most people would agree that I am right.

The gist of the discussion is that you say that you are right much of the time and more so than me. I just don't see it.

Rob said...

I gave you 5 year numbers. I think it would be pretty safe to say that every team in the NFL would love to get to a Super Bowl and host another championship game in a 5 year stretch.