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Friday, September 23, 2011

Rexy believes the Skins have the best WRs

So I enjoy Rexy's confidence and I know that is a big reason the players and coaches like him but he can really go off some times. Now Rexy is saying that he believes that the Washington Redskins have the best wide receiving corps in the NFL.

Surveying the unit, which is led by Santana Moss, Jabar Gaffney and Anthony Armstrong, Grossman said he finds himself surrounded by one talented wideout after another and noted that he shares a strong bond with all of them, which the quarterback said makes a big difference for a quarterback.

“I trust all of them,” Grossman said. “This is the best receiving wide receiving corps in the league, in my opinion, from top to bottom. Everybody’s a great player. Anthony Armstrong can do special things. He’s fast, so he gets people off him. He can make big plays, Santana’s great, Jabar’s great. So, everybody has a role and collectively, they’re one of the best.”

I think it's great that he has trust and built chemistry with them. It does go a long way and they genuinely seem to have a bond with each other so his comment isn't so far fetched. You look at Ocho Stinko in NE and he still has talent but he doesn't have the bond with Brady. Hopefully this chemistry shows itself on Monday.



Rob said...

When he was with the Bears you made fun of him. Now look at you.

j, k, and s's d said...

It wasn't so much that I made fun of him as I was trying to show you that he wasn't as great as you made him out to be.

I still call him Rexy. I like his confidence. He just needs to be consistent. He does that and everyone is happy. Monday's a HUGE game for him. Lets see how he does.

Still, as you would say, he's my guy now.

j, k, and s's d said...

Frankly, I like him a lot more than the eHarmony picture of Gay Cutler in my other post. Looks like a promo shot of an actor in a gay soap opera.

Rob said...

He did the same stuff in Chicago and you were unending in your criticism. It's cool. I have always liked him. Nice to see you have come around.

j, k, and s's d said...

I was trying to prove to you that he was inconsistent and not as good as you made him out to believe.

Look, I am pulling for Rexy but he still has to prove to me that he can be a consistently good QB. Just like the Skins, I am not sold on him/them just yet. Monday is a big game for him/them. Lets see what he can do.

BTW - forgot to mention about that Gay Cutler picture, the full shot is with his pants around his ankles and Greg Olsen "ready." That's hot, right?

Rob said...

I never said he was consistent. I just could see that he could play.

JSR said...

LOL... L wayyy O L! Best wide receivers in the game?!?! This guy is delusional. I thought the best in the NFC east thing was borderline insane. How did we go from the Skins have no wide outs in the off-season to a 2-0 record and the best wide outs in the game?

I think its too early to make any comparisons but Rexy brought it up. The skins have no top 20 wide out in yards, receptions, or TDs. Fred Davis is the exception but hes a Tight End and ill say he is playing great, maybe one of the best Tight Ends of the past two weeks.

I guess you cant expect him to say that his receivers suck. He has to pump them up as much as he can. And the fact that he has to tell everyone that they are the best receivers means that they are clearly not. Seriously he needs to just shut up and win more than two games before he makes any more crazy statements.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, that is what we were discussing back then. It was the whole Good Rexy/Bad Rexy thing. I said he could play but he was he could also play VERY bad. I'm hoping he can be consistent. He does that, he can be a solid QB in this league.

JSR, I don't think he is necessarily saying that Moss is better than Andre Johnson. It seems more that he is saying that he enjoys these guys and from top to bottom (Moss, Gaffney, Armstrong, Davis/Cooley), he feels like it is a top notch group. Again, there is more than just talent involved. It is understanding the system and building that chemistry with the QB. He genuinely seems to have that. I believe Rexy has matured and really feels comfortable in his own skin and then trusts the system run by Kyle Shanny and then feels comfortable with each of the receivers.

Still, I love his confidence. Again, this is why the players love him. Heard Orakpo on ESPN and he was asked how he felt about Rexy saying that we would win the East and he said he loved it.

It's up to Rexy to prove that he can be a steady, consistent solid QB in this league. Monday is going to be a great show case for him and we'll see what he does.

Rob said...

And I kept saying that he was a very good NFL QB. That is the difference. You were not sure - I was.

I always knew that he was popular with teammates. That is nothing new - although you seem to be recognizing it moreso now.

Like I keep saying, it is nice to see that you have come around on Rex. Just a few years later than me, but better late than never.

deepie said...

I have a few points to add:

1. JSR is taking Rexy's comments too literally. Rexy is confident and has confidence in each of his receivers. He's, in essence, saying what he should be saying...nothing more. He likes his receivers because they work well with him.

2. Robs has selective hearing. Neither JKSD nor I have said that we're sold on Rexy. His confidence has carried over from Chicago and that has always been a strength of his. He needs to be confident. How else can he shake off all of the boneheaded plays he's made during his career? I'll be sold on Rexy if he can continue to play well for a few more games. I think the system suits him and will allow him to excel by minimizing the chances for mistakes. I'm still not a big fan, but his my QB so I support him and want him to succeed.

3. Why is JKSD on eHarmony looking for Jay George's personal ad?

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, as Deepie said, I am not saying Rexy is a good QB. I said that he can play well but he can equally suck. I am not sold on him just as I am not sold on the Skins yet. I have long maintained that it takes 3-5 weeks to get a sense of how good a team is.

Rexy and the Skins have started out well but if he/they blow tonight, I may think differently.

However, if Rexy plays lights out tonight it will go a long way in him proving to me that he is a better QB and will earn more of my confidence.

Don't get me wrong. I wanted him to win the QB competition as I thought he was the better QB and gave us the better chance to win but it had less to do with Rexy and more to do with I just don't believe in Beck.

As far as the players liking him, I have long said that even when he was in Chicago. It was something that I didn't understand before. Now that I hear/see him more, it is becoming more clear as he is certainly a players player. He has great confidence and he instills that confidence in his teammates. That goes a long way. I believe the players love that he says that we will win the East. I'm sure he is even more vocal about his confidence in the locker room with his teammates and that is why they love him. I think it is great.

Deepie seems to share largely in my opinions and can understand them rather easily.

As far as why I was on eHarmony, I was trying to broker a date b/t Robs and Gay Cutler.