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Monday, September 12, 2011

Skins beat the Giants!

Great game yesterday. Great overall performance. It was an obviously emotional day but I really liked what I saw. Here are my specific thoughts on the game:

1. I LOVE REXY!!! Yes, Robs! I am a believer!!! Actually, I don't want to go that far but I wanted Rexy to start and he got off to a little rocky start but quickly settled down and played very good football. He was under pressure a number of times as the Giants seemed intent on blitzing (particularly on 3rd and longs) and did a good job for the most part to get the ball out effectively. He didn't play mistake free football as his fumble was one where he clearly saw Pierre-Paul and should have just tucked it away and taken the sack (BTW - Williams did his matador impression on that play allowing Pierre-Paul to come right on through). He also took a VERY bad sack losing 16 yards and taking us well out of FG range. Still, he made some very good throws including the two TD passes (one to Armstrong and one to Gaffney). They were spot on. Really liked his performance and if he can be more consistent like that, he could do very well. Again, I love his confidence. It's probably one of the bigger reasons the team likes him and it certainly works for me.

2. Defense was huge. Particularly in the second half. Put good pressure on Eli and he struggled. Play of the game was the trifecta by rookie Ryan Kerrigan - tipped, picked, TD. Great play for the rookie in his first NFL regular season game. Backup NT Chris Neild also came up big with two sacks. Nice to see new comer Bowen get a sack. Secondary was solid EXCEPT for Doughty (will comment on him separately as I have a number of thoughts on him).

3. Doughty sucks! I have stood by Doughty but he was pretty terrible yesterday. He got blown away on the 3rd and long deep ball from Eli that set up their first TD. B Mitch said it best saying that it's not Doughty's fault -- he's just not athletic enough. Doughty has pretty good fundamentals but he just can't compete in those situations. What was worse was that he was juked out by Bradshaw on their second TD. Doughty finished with the most tackles on the team but he just wasn't that great and it will be a huge upgrade getting Landry back in there.

4. Fred Davis was huge! The guy came into camp 12 lbs. lighter and he's already very athletic. Seems like the Shannys recognize that they can create good mismatches with him and use him more effectively than previous coaches. Davis had a couple of great catches and nearly all of his catches were critical third down completions or receptions for first downs. Will be interesting to see how Davis does this year and also how it affects Cooley's status. My own impressions are that Cooley is going to be phased out a bit but he will always be a fan favorite.

5. Gano scares me. He won the competition in preseason/camp. He was pretty solid from what I saw but he missed a 39 yarder that came after the Skins drove the ball pretty effectively and would have made the game 7-3. That is unacceptable. An NFL kicker needs to make FGs inside 40 yards 95% of the time. It's one kick but he really needs to step up his game.

6. O line needs to improve. They were okay but still Rexy was under quite a bit of duress. This was mostly a result of the regular blitzes they sent but still have to do better. It was also coming against many second stringers as the Giants were w/o Umenyiora and Tuck and two of their starting LBs.

7. Good job of coaching. I liked the mix of run vs. pass although I was getting a little concerned in the fourth quarter when it seemed like the run game faded and we were getting one dimensional in just a passing attack. Still, I like the mix of short, intermediate, and deeper routes. We missed on a few of the deeper balls but I like that we had those opportunities and we'll connect on some of those this year. I would like to see the screen set up a little more. Hightower seems like he could be very effective with that.

All in all a very sound victory. A great way to start the season. It's one game so you can't get over excited. You really can't figure out how good/bad your team is until about week 4 or 5 but for what it was, it was good.



deepie said...

It's funny, but I was pretty confident that we'd win the game yesterday. There are a few reasons for this confidence:
1. I got a sense during the pre-season that the players were buying into and understanding the Shanny system better.
2. The lack of Fat Albert/Portis/McNubb drama would keep everyone more focused.
3. The level of talent has clearly improved.
4. There's more youth, energy, and desire.

I think all of these factors were key to our performance yesterday. It was fun to see us not only compete, but prove to be the better team pretty much throughout the game. Having a two TD lead at the end was odd. That hasn't happened in a while.

I agree with most of your points. A few thoughts...
Doughty is a concern. I like him as a back-up SS and special teams guy, but he's not fast enough to cover anyone down-field. Landry needs to return healthy so opposing teams don't exploit the obvious weakness that Doughty creates.

Don't be too worried about Gano. He's got to hit that 39 yarder, but I'm confident that he'll be more reliable this year. Most kickers take some time and bounce around from team to team before establishing themselves. He'll get it right this season.

The O-line either needs some time to gel or we've got some serious problems. Protection wasn't solid even with the Giants' two best linemen out. Hightower had a tough time finding running lanes. This is an area that needs to improve over the course of the year.

Rexy is sexy...for one week. I was a Beck fan this off-season, but that was with the assumption that the team would suck and we would be struggling through a rebuilding year. Given the infusion of youth and talent, we stand to be much better than expected. Rexy is the right guy to go with given the situation. Let's just hope Good Rex shows up more often than Bad Rex.

All-in-all, it was a good performance. I'm glad that I can actually look forward to next week's game with confidence that we can win. It's a strange feeling.


Rob said...

Rex can play - I've told you for years. I like seeing him perform the way I know he can. He would have had even bigger numbers if there weren't so many drops and poor receiving (guys not catching it in bounds or having the ball knocked out of their hands).

I was kind of mixed about whether the Deadskins would win or not. Clearly the Giants were not at full strength, but I thought they still had enough to beat the Deadskins at FedEx. This was a must game for the Deadskins if they are going to have even a mediocre season and they got it.

The D looked much improved and the Giants O was pretty much in tact - so that is good.

The Giants D was depleted (linemen, linebackers, and secondary are all missing and it showed) and the Deadskins made enough plays to win, but I think the concerns on the offensive line and with drops are real.

Ga-NOOOOOOOO! may have some trouble.

j, k, and s's d said...

I have always agreed that Rexy can play. It's that he can also make the stupid mistakes. The fumble was not a good one. Lets not get carried away with him. It was one game. I liked what I saw from him in preseason and from my perspective, I was happy that he was named starter and I thought he was going to do well. He did. However, you are in love with guy. You say he could have had better numbers if not for poor receiving. What was poor about the receiving?

Frankly, there were plays made by Davis, Moss, and Armstrong that made Grossman's numbers better. Grossman also badly missed Gaffney on a deep ball that could have gone for a TD. So it's not like Rexy was perfect. He was very good and I liked what I saw but again, one game and I am fascinated with your deep affection towards him.

We clearly beat the Giants. Yeah, they were suffering from injuries but that is not my nor the Skins concern. The Giants only mustered one good drive. Outside of that, I felt that we largely dominated the game.

Yes, the D was very impressive.

What concerns with the O line? It's not like they were horrible. They need to improve but the Giants were blitzing heavily - probably because they thought they could force Grossman to make his silly mistakes. I don't think we will see that type of blitzing from most teams. The line has to get better but it wasn't as though they were horrible.

Again, where was all this poor receiving? The deep ball to Armstrong was a difficult catch. The DB's left arm was in b/t the ball and Armstrong and that was not an easy catch. The Gaffney ball looked to be a catch to me and the announcers so I was surprised that was overturned. What else?

As Deepie mentioned, I'm willing to give Gano some leeway but he has to play the way he played in the preseason. He can be good but that was a bad miss.

It was a good win and something to build off of. For the third time, it's one week and everything can change for the Skins (and all teams) in one week. If Rexy comes out and stinks it up and we lose, the guys that are loving him now will turn their back on him and the Shannys and the same media that is writing about promise for the future will write about the world coming to an end so everything has to be taken with a grain of salt.

For what it was, it was a very good win and now we have to build off of it.

BTW - the Skins are typically given the day off after a game but the players insisted that they practice. That is the kind of attitude we need.


Rob said...

Yeah coach, let's practice! You think that matters? Really!?

I thought their offensive line sucked. Rex got hit fairly often against the Giants' JV players.

Armstrong and Gaffney had "catches" where they stepped out of bounds so they were incomplete. Armstrong had one clean drop and should have secured the long pass that was knocked away. Those are plays that can be the difference between winning and losing. Armstrong made the one good diving catch, but the receivers were not particularly good.

Keep in mind that the Giants are playing their JV secondary and their zone play in the secondary was awful.

I've been consistent in my view of Rex. He shouldn't have fumbled the one he did, but that happens to all QBs. The difference is that people are harder on Rex. Matty Ice, Big Ben, and Romo put the ball on the ground in critical situations, but when Rex does it people are all over him.

deepie said...

I heard about the team wanting to practice instead of taking the day off. At first I was thinking, what good will that do? Probably not much. I do agree with JKSD though. It's about attitude. The players want to play and get better as a team and that is a 180-degree flip from the attitude the team had in previous seasons. I think it's great.

Rob's love-fest with Rexy is bound to hit new levels this year with each 'Skins win. For some reason, Robs, you don't see what everyone else sees when it comes to Rexy. He was on pace to have 37 turnovers last season. THIRTY-FRICKIN'-SEVEN! That's the problem that we've always harped on. He can play, but he coughs up the ball way too much to have a better reputation than he already has. That said, I hope the Shanny system continues to highlight his strengths. He seems to have a great grasp of the offense and should have a lot of success this season.

I may sound like I'm drinking the Shanny kool-aid. I'm proud to be a Skins fan today, but I will stick with my original 7-9 prediction. The back-half of the season will be brutal. The only way we win more than 7 is if the O-line gels and can keep Rexy upright this season. We gave up 4 sacks to the Gigantics' 2nd string line. Not too good.

Rob said...

Big Ben is on track to have 64 turnovers this year. Come on - a sample of 3 games!

Plus the O-line was terrible last year.

The Packers didn't meet for any off-season practices while the lockout was taking place. Didn't seem to hurt them. In fact, Rodgers joked about it in the post-game press conference.

Wanting to practice means NOTHING!

When the Deadskins lose the next 4 games we'll see how much this practice nonsense helps, or the attitude, or whatever.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, you got a problem, dude. The Packers are a well coached team made up of young vets that have great leadership and culture.

The Skins are trying to create a positive culture. After all the distractions and nonsense in previous seasons (Haynesworth, Mc5, Snyderatto, CP, etc.), what's wrong with trying to continue to build off what seems like a very positive training camp/preseason. Again, the Packers are established. The Skins are building. It's times like these when I wonder if your bias truly affects your thinking.

As far as the comparison of Rexy with Matty Ice and Big Ben, the problem is Rexy regularly made the stupid plays. If it happens once in a while, big deal. Why do you think the world is against your beloved Rexy? Do you think it is some type of conspiracy or something?

Wanting to practice does mean something. Think about your kid. If he comes off of good soccer game and has success and the next day asks you if he can go out and practice soccer drills it means he is excited and wants to build off of his success and get better. It's the same principle. Or maybe you think practice and the desire to practice to get better for your kid means nothing.

Rob said...

Fine, we'll see when they lose their next 4 how much that practice helped.

Look up the numbers and you will see that Rex was not that far off many, many QBs. He just has a rep that he cannot shake.

I don't think it is a conspiracy. It is just like guys not liking Eli because of his hang dog expression, or Cutler for his demeanor. It is just an impression that people have about him.

He has gotten to the Super Bowl and he got there because he delivered in meaningful situations and in many cases when his team needed him.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, do you understand sports and building confidence? How can you be so obtuse? If your son wanted to run soccer drills today does that guarantee a victory on game day and guarantee him scoring 5 goals? I think you are smart enough that you would say "no." The point is that he is excited to play and learn and get better. He is building a foundation on improving himself and a commitment to get better so he can compete at the highest levels. I'm sure you would be proud if he exuded that type of attitude and worked hard every day. He may not get results tomorrow or next week but I guarantee that over time, he would become a stronger player not just with his skills but his attitude towards the game.

It's the same principle or do you think that if he just didn't care and didn't practice, that is just as good? May be you do.

Rexy made a lot of believers yesterday. A few more games like that and he will have created a new impression of himself. It's up to him. As a Skins fan, nothing would make me happier.

deepie said...

I looked up the numbers and it's hard to think of a QB with many starts with a higher turnover to games played ratio than Rexy.

I looked up QBs considered to be great (Brady, Montana, etc.). These guys average slightly more than one turnover/game. Even a guy like Michael Vick averages only 1.1 turnovers per game played. Matty Ice - 1.0 turnovers per game.

Rexy averages 1.4 turnovers per game. Kerry Collins is a guy with a worse average (1.5), but I hope my QB doesn't strive to be like Kerry Collins.

The fact is, he makes more bad plays per game than the good QBs do. His reputation is justified. You just don't seem to want to believe it.

Rob said...

Let's see what happens. Don't compare an NFL team made up of professionals who have played football since they were kids with 8 year old kids learning to play soccer. There is no comparison.

You are the one being obtuse if you think there is any comparison.

My point about the Packers is a far better and more relevant comparison, but you just discount that and say - it's the Packers, they don't need to practice.

You are a silly, silly man.

j, k, and s's d said...

The principle of the Skins wanting to practice and your kid wanting to practice is the same. They are committed to being better. It is simplified but how is that not a comparison?

I don't say that the Packers don't need to practice. When did I say that? I said that the Packers have a strong foundation built by several young vets who are talented and been together for some time and understand the culture.

The Skins have several new guys and are trying to wash the sins of previous seasons. They are trying to create a culture of winning. We are TRYING to capture what the Packers have. Again, the Packers are established. The Skins are building. BIG difference.

As the Post says, if you don't get it, you don't get it. I can't help you.

Rob said...

Dude, you can just pick a couple of QBs and see that he is within the "normal" range.

Favre - 1.7 turnovers/game
Elway - 1.6 turnovers/game
Big Ben - 1.4 turnovers/game
Eli - 1.6 turnovers/game
Peyton - 1.2 turnovers/game

Certainly, Rex isn't a disaster at 1.5 turnovers/game.

The dude has some consistency issues, but guys can work those things out with playing time. The fact is that his teammates - those who see him every day - have always liked him, respected him, and largely supported him.

Rob said...

OK, the Deadskins are more similar to your 8 year old son's soccer team that you coach, then to the Packers.

That is pathetic.

But, since you think it will make such a big difference I'll just go with your impression of the principle. When they lose the next couple of games, I hope they call you up for coaching suggestions.

j, k, and s's d said...

WTF are you talking about?!!!

Have you gone totally deranged?!!!

Take another shot of metameucil and hit the can again. Maybe that will clear your mind because you can't seem to follow.

Scott said...

Ok, it's quite early in the season for such fighting words. You guys are like Sam and Ron from Jersey Shore!

The Skins have taken one step of many necessary to rebuild the culture and quality of this team. One very important sentiment has been communicated that the players believe in their coaches and they seem to get along with each other quite well. It's much too early to draw any comparisons to any other team at this point.

Koodos to the crowd for making it seem like home field advantage.

deepie said...

Ok...So the numbers argument doesn't hold against Rexy. It doesn't matter. Robs seems to agree that his inconsistency issues are real. That's all that matters.

As far as the practice issue is concerned...There was a much needed culture change that needed to happen in the locker room and in the organization. This desire to practice shows that the change is happening. It doesn't mean the team will win next week against the Cards. It's a sign of dedication and desire to improve. I think it's easy to see and I have no idea why it wouldn't be appreciated.

As Scott, the wise one, has mentioned, it's way too early to jump to any conclusions. One thing is clear though. Robs clearly injured himself this weekend. Somehow he sprained his brain when the Skins started looking like a real team and it's got him spewing a whole bunch of nonsense again.

I love football! HAIL SKINS!

Rob said...

He has been inconsistent, but presumably he can work that out with more experience.

Here is the bottom line on Rex - the guy can go out and flat out win games for you. A guy like John Beck can't. Beck can be a game manager and he may make a few plays here and there, but he isn't going to win any games for you.

I'm glad you guys are creaming in your pants because some Deadskin players want to practice on their off-day, but it is silly to think that it will actually make any difference as to whether they win or lose in coming weeks.

deepie said...

Dude. No one is saying it will impact winning and losing. I'm not sure why you keep thinking that. It's all about a culture change that this team and organization desperately needed. That's it. This team has been known to have players that party all night during the week and fall asleep in meetings and all of the other cliches describing dysfunctional teams. This is a sign that those days have ended. The entire team wanted to work instead of taking the day off. If that's a bad thing, then I guess you don't believe in hard work and dedication.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yeah, I cannot understand how/why Robs does not understand and keeps repeating himself.

Deepie seems to understand clearly what is being said and the meaning of the practice.

Whatever. Robs just won't understand.

Rob said...

OK, you think you can change culture with a voluntary practice. I say it won't actually happen without wins. They go hand-in-hand.

j, k, and s's d said...

It's surprising to me that you are having so much difficulty understanding the concept. You've played sports, you should get this.

The voluntary practice in and of itself does nothing. However, anyone that follows the Skins (and seems like you follow them equally if not more than your precious Pears) would be able to see that there is a big difference in attitude this season. It started in the offseason and went through camp/preseason and is carrying over into the regular season.

Again, because we had a voluntary practice doesn't guarantee victories. It does build chemistry, camaraderie, and commitment. It's clear the players were on board with it. Good.

I played on higher level teams nearly my entire athletic career and the teams that did well were the ones that were committed and cared. The teams that held each other accountable and put in extra work and looked down at guys that couldn't hold their own were the ones that were successful. You cannot have a winner without that commitment.

Again, going back to our 8 year olds. My son has recently shown a lot more commitment to playing soccer. He pushes me to go outside and get some work in. He asks me to stay after practice so that we can run more drills. He wants to get better and there is no question that it is showing. It's that type of commitment that will make him a better player -- not just from a skills perspective but in terms of commitment and desire to be the best. He wants to win.

It is the same principle and again, I cannot understand how you are having difficulty grasping that concept.

For a team that has had to deal with a bunch of nonsense over the last several years, it finally seems like we have good leadership and younger, more talented, and impressionable guys that you can help shape/build a better team.

Rob said...

OK, we'll see.

I just read the Post piece about it. Here are a couple of points:

First, there were players who were asking if they had the day off for winning, but the captains shut that down and said people had to come in.

Second, Shanny was going to require the guys to show up anyway.

You guys are reading way, way too much into this whole thing. When the Cardinals come into FedEx and win, you can crow all you want about the new attitude.

Rob said...

Look, it is not like I don't understand the principle that you seem to want to hang on to.

The Deadskins have had moments in the past where they got a win or had something good happen and then the desperate, good news-starved, delusional Deadskin fans who have suffered for the last 20 years dreaming about the glory days claim that things are really changing (like you and JKSD).

We'll see.

j, k, and s's d said...

I just read the piece as well and it seemed obvious that by and large the players were excited to get back to it on Monday.

"In the postgame locker room, immediately following the team’s 28-14 win over the New York Giants, there wasn’t much debate about spending the next day at home. Players say they were eager to get back to work."

So what if Shanny was going to mandate it? He didn't even have to as the players took it upon themselves to come in. Again, there is a culture/commitment/attitude change that is obvious. It is a BIG step in the right direction. It doesn't guarantee victories. You can't change years of mismanagement overnight but we are moving forward the right way. Again, you having played sports should understand the importance of commitment and attitude. Just think about your senior year of high school and the difference between the football team and soccer team. The football team wasn't the largest or most talented group but they worked hard and expected victory. The soccer team did not care and we had players show up to games drunk. The difference was obvious and the results were clear.

Mike Wise wrote a good piece about the team coming together. Highlights include: "Contrast that atmosphere to Sunday — not the score, but the locker room.

Sure, winning is a great deodorant; it covers up so much that smells bad. But there is something afoot in Ashburn now that resembles chemistry and camaraderie. Whether that translates to much better than 6-10 remains to be seen. But as you walk from cubicle to cubicle, it’s palpable.

“The one thing that’s been nice is this environment, this coaching staff, the players — I mean, it’s the best I’ve ever seen in my career,” Chris Cooley said. “It reminds me almost of like a high school locker room — guys are playing for each other.

“And I haven’t seen that since high school. To see a bunch of guys excited to be around each other every day that play for each other.”

“Since I've been here,” Fletcher said, “this is definitely the best team I've been on. . . . It’s not just because we beat the Giants [on Sunday]. This was the feeling I felt back in training camp.

“Coach Shanahan, he and Bruce Allen have come in, cleaned out a lot of the negativity that has been around this place, this building, this team for a number of years."

Even Casey Rabach when he was cut commended Shanny and the organization and said that the organization finally seems to have gotten it right with Shanny.

Look, I know you hate the Skins as much (if not more) than you love the Pears but these things that are taking place are steps in the right direction. Again, the significance of the practice is big. It is one of many steps that has taken place that helps bring this team together and exemplify camaraderie and commitment.

If you don't get it, either you have forgotten the value of commitment from when you played, never understood it in the first place, or are just a hater.

As Walter Payton said, "And to those who are going to say what they want to say, may God be with you also."

Rob said...

Nice touch . . . quoting Walter Payton . . . I am still laughing right now at the totally irrelevant quote.

For years I've heard people talking about how the Deadskins are really turning a corner. Spurrier is going to make the team more exciting. Gibbs will bring back the glory years. Zorn and his "hip, hip, hoorays" will change the atmosphere.

If I were you and Deeps I would probably grab at any straw I can to make me believe things will be better.

Whatever. We'll see if this team really is turning a corner.

j, k, and s's d said...

You don't even understand/remember the importance of commitment.

When have you heard so many players sound so positive?

It's fine, you don't get it. Once again, as Payton said, "God be with you also."

Rob said...

I "don't even understand/remember the importance of commitment."

No I am laughing at that and the irrelevant Payton comment. Thanks for the moment of hilarity.

j, k, and s's d said...

No problem on the moment of hilarity. I'm glad I can provide you wih the laugh.

It's amazing. I think you are the only person that I have spoken to that doesn't understand the importance of commitment and camaraderie. Funny because I would've expected you to be the first to understand.

Whatever. God be with you also.

Rob said...


Show me where I said that.

What I have said consistently is that this whole thing is a non-story that is unlikely to change anything for the Deadskins.

In four weeks the Deadskins have a bye week. If they all stick around and practice I may find it interesting. But, to come in for film study and to lift weights after game one is really no big deal. They were required to come in anyway.

JSR said...

Well I think something things are true that cant be denied besides winning games.

1. The Redskins are a better TEAM this year than they were last year. Maybe its only because they lost all of the negative players and can finally have players that can focus on playing better. As for the attitude... I feel like the Skins had a circus going on last year and there was extreme negativity radiating from the franchise due to Albert, Donovan, CP, Danny Boy and their antics. Now that they are gone, there is no negativity anymore, and that being confused with positiveness. (dont forget about the big negative thats supposedly dormant right now - Dan) In other words redskins nation is so looking to get past the negativity of past years (especially last year) that they are viewing no negativity as positiveness. Grasping for anything that least represents last year. And rightly so. Maybe this is all they need to help win some games and get out of this 20 year rut. We'll know in a few weeks.

2. Showing up to practice the day after the win, does not equal to more wins. If that was the case then all of the other 27 teams ( not including the teams that played Monday night) would have mandatory practice on Monday or mandatory camaraderie day on Mondays(or maybe they did or always have but they dont make a big deal about it). But it is a positive thing for sure. Much more positive than last year that players are excited to come back and get to work. Cant fault them for that. They have every reason to be in good spirits after a win (i mean what would you have them do? be upset and in bad spirits cus they won a big game?). Most people (even some redskins fan prior to sunday) have this team written off as losers, to finish last in their division. Its almost like an "us against the world" attitude. and then they come out and beat the giants. A team like this that is underestimated, but has some determination and drive to win and prove people wrong is very dangerous. Even more so after they have beaten one of the teams in their division that has beaten them six straight times. An interesting angle: Would the Skins players have insisted on coming to practice monday if Kerrigan doesnt tip that pass, tynes doesnt get that kick blocked and the Giants rally to score at the end to win the game?

3. This is just one game. No one said that the Redskins cant win a game this year. Week 1 is kind of fluky anyways. You need a sample of 4-5 games before any real determination of what type of team they are. I think as long as they are flying under the radar, they are fine. Unfortunately for them, as more and more weeks pass, there will be more and more film available and teams can better prepare for the Rexskins. Also, this was a depleted Giants team. I dont consider them a premier team. I consider the Giants average at best.

5. The Redskins showed no signs of any rushing attack. Thats extremely scary to me if I were a redskins fan ( have to rely solely on Rex Grossman's arm and decision making to win games). There is a reason why this guy is regarded the way he is. He might win a few games, but hes not a great QB. I can pull up a dozen bad QB's whose turnover to games ratio is less than Matty Ice ( 1.0). Favre and Elway have considerably higher Turnover to Game ratios than Rexy but I am sure anyone would pick those two legends over Grossdude any day. Its one game. Rex Grossdude has had good days before. But his history tells us that that he will come back furiously with a bad day almost an equal number of times. We just don't know which Rex will come to play. Good Rex or Bad Rex.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, WTF were we talking about this whole time then?

I said that the voluntary practice doesn't guarantee wins. The significance of it is a change in attitude and showing a level of commitment we have not seen before and building off of that. WTF have we been talking about then this whole time?

JSR, I agree with many of your points and can largely live with what you are saying. No question running game needs to improve and I expect Hightower to have a better game against his former team.

Rob said...

We've been talking about the importance of going on Monday to watch film.

JSR said...

Youre better off practicing on monday and losing the following sunday rather than not practicing on monday and losing on sunday.

The one extra practice session, and the the desire for the players to get to work cannot do any harm at the very least.