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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Power Rankings - Week 2

Pack hold on to the top spot.

Pears climb 6 spots to #7.

Skins climb 9 spots to #19.


Rob said...

Looks about right.

j, k, and s's d said...

Surprising. I half expected you to say the Skins should have fallen in the rankings.

Rob said...

Why? They still stink, but they won.

Scott said...

The Pears are way too high. Skins are fine. I like them as the underdog.

j, k, and s's d said...

Your comment basically is my reason for why I half expected you to have them fall in the rankings.

The funny thing is I don't think you even realize how biased you are and that you seem to think that you are some how objective.

The only thing more ridiculous is your deep love for Rex Grossman.

Rob said...

You keep saying I'm biased but then I end up being right much of the time - more than you.

The Bears were good last year. The Deadskins were bad last year. Rex can play.

It's not bias toward the Deadskins that makes me think they will stink again this year - it is 20 years of Snyderatto nonsense.

It is not love of Rex that makes me think he can play. I have watched him and know stats about QBs.

It is not my love of the Bears that makes me think they will do well this year. It is the fact that they won the North, hosted the NFC title game, and got better on both the O and D line this year.

You think the Deadskins are changing culture because some of their guys wanted to watch film on a day that they weren't going to have a day off anyway.

j, k, and s's d said...

Right about what?

I've never said the Skins are going to the Super Bowl this season. In fact, I think we agree on the number of wins. We are rebuilding.

I have said that Rex can play. He needs to play WELL more consistently. He hasn't proven that he can do that. Lets see if he can.

Lets see if the Pears are good this year.

For the freakin' umpteenth time, it's not the voluntary practice alone that changes culture. You really don't understand.

Rob said...

I assume that you are saying that my bias causes me to incorrectly assess the Deadskins.

If that is true then we would not have the same prediction for the Deadskins this year.

Given that, what is you point about my anti-Deadskin bias? Or is there just no point to that comment?

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs you want to believe the worst with the Skins.

It's fine. It's not secret.

God be with you also.

Rob said...

Even if that is true, so what? We have the same outlook for the team.

Who the F cares?

Basically there is no point to your comment.

j, k, and s's d said...

What do you mean "even?" Are you somehow saying that it is not? HILARIO!!!

Rob said...

I mean what I said.

I don't hate all things 'Skins. I like Rex and am happy for him. I wish him all the best. Last I heard he was the Deadskins starting QB.

JSR said...

I think moving them up to 19 was more a result of other teams not doing so well. I agree they should have moved up but not up by 26% because of just one win in which they showed no rushing attack, and played against a depleted Giants team.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, you are in love with Rexy.

JSR, time will tell where the teams should end up in the rankings. No problem with any of our team rankings after week 1.

deepie said...

The Pears jump was about right considering the strength of other teams at this time. I seriously doubt that the Falcons are as bad as they were last week by the end of the year. It was a very good win, but I think the Pears are getting too a lot of credit for beating a young Hotlanta team that also got reamed in the playoffs by the Packers.

The Skins are about right at 19. The Gigantics were depleated, but I think the we proved we're not bottom feeders. It will take a few more wins to really convince me that we should be any better than about 20th.