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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

NFL Power Rankings - Week 1

ESPN has the Pears at #13 in their weekly power rankings. They have also put the Skins at #28. As our new starting QB Sexy Rexy would say, I love where we are at. Under the radar and no one is talking about us. Not sure I would go so far as to say that we are going to win the East but I like being there are the bottom ready to surprise.


Rob said...

Pretty fair at this point. The Deadskins have been a doormat for a long time and the Bears have some questions about their O-line and receivers that have people wondering.

It's not where you start but where you end up - and the Bears are going to be NUMBER 1 in the NFL's Power Rankings.

j, k, and s's d said...


deepie said...

As Wayne Campbell once said, "It might happen, tsshyeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!"

I don't doubt that your Care Bears are a good team, but that's all they are. #13 is about right. They ended up in the NFC Championship as a result of a fortunate series of events (playing a weak Seattle team in the Divisional Playoff round, winning the division despite clearly being inferior to the Packers, etc.) Don't be mad...everyone was inferior to the Packers last year.

As for the Skins...I'm ok with starting at #28, but I think we're getting low-balled due to the QB situation. Rexy doesn't really instill any confidence in anyone except for some Skins fans and you. I think he'll play well enough to surprise some people and the Skins will settle in around the #15-20 range.

Rob said...

Can't help that we played Seattle. New Orleans couldn't beat the Seahawks.

The Bears lost to the Packers 21-14 in the NFC Championship game and 10-3 on the final weekend of the year. Everyone else was crushed by GB in the last few weeks of the season.

With improved O and D lines we should challenge again.

Deeps, are you pregnant with monkeys? Because when the Bears win it all I cannot wait to see the flock of monkeys emerge from your anal cavity. Please take pictures and have JKSD shoot a video.

j, k, and s's d said...

Deepie pregnant with monkeys?!!! Why didn't someone tell me? Who's the father?

Seriously, the Pears will be a mediocre team this season. Their O line will not be great but they won't give up as many sacks because the Pears will do quick drop back short passes and screens.

The defense is not going to be as good. The LBs are aging and the secondary is a liability. They will fight with the Lions for second place in the North.

Rob said...

You are the father! I wish you, Deeps and all of your weirdo monkey babies long and happy lives.

Yes, yes, yes, the Bears will be mediocre just like last year.

The Deadskins dream of being mediocre.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm the FATHER?!!!! I didn't even realize I was in a committed relationship with Deepie and now we are expecting a bunch of monkey babies being birthed out of Deepie's arse?!!!!! Somebody call a scientist or someone because this has to be some kind of record or miracle or something.

If the Pears come out and win their first few games, I will change my tune. If they lose, they are who we thought they were.

Skins will surprise. HAIL SKINS!!!

JSR said...

lets all rejoice that the season is finally here, weve made it out of august Favre has finally retired, and that weve finally find a way to spawn monkeys from humans (who would have thought that all we had to do is get the bears to top the nfl power rankings... where are the monkeymen of 1985?) it felt like the longest offseason ever. I dont think the Skins (especially now with Rex Grossdude starting) will move out of the 20's this season. I expect the Carebears to fall closer to 20 and the lions to take second place in the division, and ofcourse I expect my Green Bay Packers to repeat by beating the Patriots in the Superbowl.

This should be a fun season... i think ill appreciate it more especially after all of this BS with the lock out.

Go Pack Go!

deepie said...

I just ate Arbys for lunch and now I really do feel like I'm pregnant with monkeys. I don't know what's worse. An Arbys stomach ache or the thought of JKSD somehow fathering a spawn of monkeys from his loins. Eww!

Here's my prediction...Bears will play over their heads and be highly competitive within the division. They will, however, stumble out of the gate and start around 1-3 or 2-2 given their tough schedule. Playing the Lions and Vikes a few times will help them recover as the softer part of the schedule approaches later in the year. 9-10 wins.

A vastly improved Skins D will create havoc in opposing backfields. Ball hawks in the secondary will strike fear in coordinators and QBs as they attempt to decipher the complexities of Haslett's D manned by Otogwe, Landry, Hall, and Wilson. Hightower will approach single season records as he excels in Shanny's zone-blocking run scheme. Rexy will find open receivers often as the new corps of WRs provides previously unseen skills for Skins fans. 6-7 wins.

j, k, and s's d said...

Arby's for lunch? "Feel" like you're pregnant with monkeys? I would be VERY disappointed (not to mention embarrassed) to arrive at the veterinarian's clinic anticipating monkey babies birthing out of your arse only to realize it is just a big pile of shat.

Pears will be lucky to win 9 games. Their O line is not great and their defense is suspect. They can no longer rely on their kick returns so less TDs there and worse starting field positions. Jeff Cutler is going to have to engineer longer drives which won't happen because teams will figure out all the Pears can do is run screen plays. They MIGHT come in second in the North.

Skins will surprise. Defense will be MUCH improved and we will have a solid running game and Rexy will be solid as he cuts down his silly mistakes.

deepie said...

Who said I was having a big pile of shat? Unless, of course, you are in fact the father of a big pile of shat instead of the aforementioned spawn of monkeys. Now that I think of it, a big pile of shat is probably all you are capable of spawning.

So what's the final prediction? Here are mine:
Pears/Care Bears: 9-7
Malcolm Kelly:CEAFOD CHAMPS!


j, k, and s's d said...

Your toxic breeding ground is only conducive for shat. That being the case, it is an inevitable conclusion that you will have a big pile of shat. That being the case, I'm walking out on you (although I still didn't even realize we were in a committed relationship) and you are free to raise your pile 'o shat as you see fit. Good luck to you and your shat.

Here's my final prediction:

Skins: 8-8
Pears: 8-8
Mother Puckers (said in an Indian accent: 12-4

CEAFOD: In what becomes an annual tradition, I beat Deepie again in the championship but the loss isn't as painful as he has his shat to comfort him.

Rob said...

Bears 11-5 (wild card birth)
Deadskins 7-9

The Packers and Bears will play again in the NFC title game with the Bears winning this one in another hard fought battle.

Bears beat the Chargers in a high scoring Super Bowl 38-31.

j, k, and s's d said...

The likelihood of Deepie actually giving birth to a gaggle of monkeys out of his arse is higher than your prediction.

JSR said...


Carebears will be 8-8 at best... they will lose to the falcons (0-1), saints (0-2), packers (0-3), lions (1-4), bucs (2-5), eagles (2-6), chargers(3-7) and packers (7-8).

Skins will be 7-9, start off 5-3 and then fall off as their schedule gets tougher in the second half.

Packers will be 16-0 and win the superbowl by demolishing every opponent by 56 points... but realistically they will go 14-2 Possibly losing to the Lions once, and the Chargers. Packers will play in the superbowl against a bullying Patriots team and the underdog Packers will prevail as NFL champs.