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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chad Ocho Cinco?!

This guy has lost all sense of reality. So he changes his name to Chad Ocho Cinco?! Great idea. This guy has become like a old reality star who is trying to stay in the spotlight. His talents seem like they may be waning but he wants to continue to stay in the news. The best part is that he is on one of my fantasy teams. He better perform.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Redskins lose.

Largely uneventful game. First team offense didn't do much. Here are a couple of thoughts in no random order:

1. JC didn't really have much of a chance to do much. However, I wasn't thrilled with his play. His first pass seemed like it needed to come out sooner. He often fake pumps and then releases which may cost him time and the WC offense is predicated on timing. The pass got to the WR a little late allowing the DB to get a hand in there that led to the INT. His pass to Cooley was dropped by Cooley. JC did a role out but didn't deliver a very good ball to the WR. Then on a third and long, he threw underneath for minimal gain.

2. JC's play will no doubt garner discussion on his effectiveness. No question if he doesn't perform well in the first couple of games, he will hear it from the fans/media.

3. Tryon seems to be getting beat left and right all preseason. Every time the other team completes a pass, it seems like Tryon was in coverage. I know he is a speedster and I believe he was a 4th round pick and he likes to talk but the guy is small and always getting beat.

4. To exacerbate the JC situation, Brennan's numbers looked decent. Again, he is the "sexy" pick and I'm sure he will get calls to start if JC struggles. It's a mistake. Colt has become the darling of the team for his name and background and his preseason play but he is not ready to be a starter in the league. Putting him in may make him take a step back. He may end up being a great QB but we need to be patient with him.

5. I don't put a whole lot into preseason so I am not worried yet. Many of the Skins said the same thing after the game. JC, Cooley, and Pete Kendall all said that they wished they had moved the ball but there is no reason to panic yet and that there are a number of things that they haven't shown so far. They sounded like they were ready and eager to get the season started so we'll see.

I didn't watch all of the game so my final thoughts going into the season are I won't worry until we see how they perform in the first few games and then I will assess. However, I am not thrilled with the way the preseason finished out. The good thing is that we are less than a week away from the season.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

JMU football ranked in top 5 in all polls

So coming off of a playoff year in which we should have beaten 3 time defending national champion Appalachian State in the playoffs, the Dukes are ranked in the top 5 nationally in all major polls (ranked #1 in one of the polls).

They start their season this weekend against Duke. Should be an interesting game. The schedule is tough as we play 5 teams that start the season ranked in the top 25. The goal is to get to the playoffs and then anything can happen.



Interesting matchup this weekend. Good to see Groh not make his first game against College of MyBallsItchaaaahhhhwhogivesashataboutus.

We'll see how well UVA can matchup against them. I actually hope that UVA pulls off the upset. I don't like USC or Pete Carroll. USC will be traveling across country and first games are difficult so you never know. Aaahhh, who are we kidding? UVA will get trounced. Either that or they will compete and lose it in the end on some UVA dunderhead doing something ghastly!


I gotta hand it to her. She really brought some energy to the crowd yesterday. I thought she did an excellent job of rallying the troops and trying to convince her supporters to vote for Obama. I liked that one of the very first things she said was that she supported Obama. I also REALLY liked about midway through her speech that she tried to make it clear to her supporters not to resent Obama for winning when she asked her supporters that during her campaign were they supporting her or supporting all the people in this country that need help? Whether she likes Obama or not, I thought she did a tremendous job of trying to send the message to her supporters to not resent him and that he is the guy that can bring change and make the country better and that she supports him.

I also thought it was good that she mentioned that she is friends with McCain but he is not the guy. The underlying tone of her speech was do not make this personal but rather be objective and what is best for the country. I liked when she said at the end that it was fitting that the RNC would be held in the twin cities because right now it would be hard to distinguish b/t Bushie and ole' man McCain.

Again, a great job of energizing the audience and being selfless in letting her supporters know that she harbors no ill will for losing the campaign and that the right thing to do is to vote for Obama. I think her speech will go a long way.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Kurt over Leinart.

I don't typically waste space on the Cardinals; however, I don't like Leinart. He seems like a spoiled little guy who had success at USC and won the Heisman and kind of expected he would be a star in the NFL. He's in his third year and by now he should be firmly entrenched as the starter. He has been inconsistent in his training camp and his last perforance against the Raiders was ghastly. Warner, who seems like he has been around forever, has been fighting for the job and makes no bones about wanting to be the starter.

I'm curious if Matty likes Warner. I imagine he goes home and whines every night about being better than Kurt and the coaches are treating him fair and he is better than the world and blah, blah, blah. I'm glad Matty is out.

Redskins DEMOLISHED!!!

Final score was 47-3. The score pretty much says it all. The Skins were thrashed in every phase of the game and were thoroughly humiliated. In what was supposed to be a dress rehearsal for the starters for the season, they came out and got whipped. Now, I drank a fair amount and was distracted by a variety of things so I didn't pay close attention to the game so I can't really comment too much on individual performances but again, the score says it all. The offensive line apparently played poorly not giving JC much of an opportunity. Zorn called the QB play, "insignificant" which speaks volumes. The defense was missing tackles left and right giving up huge yards on the ground. All in all just a good ole fashion beat down.

I understand it is preseason and I also know that everything that could go wrong did so I know we are not as bad as that score. However, there is concern. Again, that was to be our dress rehearsal and we stunk it up. Based on that performance, I am curious if Zorn will have the starters play some in the final preseason game. Typically, starters won't play in that final game so they can rest for the season opener but things may change. I was just disappointed as a Redskin fan to see that debacle and we better get things corrected quickly.

On a positive note, the Jason Taylor injury which looked pretty bad when you watched it just turned out to be a sprain and he is supposed to be out for 10-14 days. That looked like it was going to be season (maybe even career) ending.

Hopefully we can use that beat down in our favor and use it to humble us and let us know that the season is upon us and it isn't going to get any easier. Now it's going to be very interesting to see how we play.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Bears beaten by the 49ers.

Okay. So the Bears lost to the 49ers last night; however, there were some positives. I was able to watch most of the first quarter and part of the second quarter and then some of the end of the game. Here are my thoughts in no particular order:

1. Bears O line looked much better. They actually gave Orton some time to throw. Hopefully for them this will continue.

2. Orton looked pretty good. Had some nice throws and led some nice drives. He also threw downfield which is good because he pretty much limits his game to shorter passes. Also, I think it was important for him to have a strong performance in front of his home crowd the first game after being named the starter. You don't want to blow it and not give the home crowd much confidence. I think his performance was important for both himself and Lovie. He also seemed to develop some chemistry with Rashied Davis. Again, hopefully for them this develops.

3. Rexy again blew. His performance only strengthened Lovie's decision in going with Kyle. Rexy's days in Chicago are done. It will be VERY difficult for him to ever win the Bear fans over. Fair or not, that is the case. He would be better served leaving and starting new some where else. I'm sure he is regretting coming back right now and probably wishes he had gone some where else.

4. The Bear special teams looked decent. Manning had some nice returns (although he fumbled on his second long one). Wolfe fumbled on another kickoff return deep in Bear territory but it was good for them to get some long returns which has been a big part of their game the last couple of years with Hester.

5. Bear defense looked terrible. They missed tackles and a ton of yards and some big plays. They also got called for some untimely penalties. Their defense was supposed to be their strong point of their team but they have been largely unimpressive in the preseason. That is going to have to improve if they expect to do anything this year. It was good for them to make that one goal line stop after Tillman's pass interference penalty; however, they needed to build off of that and improve but they didn't.

All in all, not a terrible performance. Again, it was good that the O line, Orton, and the offense in general put together a decent performance. Sadly, it was offset by the poor defensive performance.

Bottom line, I still think the Bears will struggle this year.

Karate Kid II

So I was flipping channels last night/this morning and got sucked into watching Karate Kid II. What a piece of shat! All that movie is doing is trying to rake in more money from the success of the Karate Kid. The acting was pathetic and the story is just plain silly. Sato has spent his entire adult life focused on one thing...destroying his former best friend, Mr. Miyagi. Miyagi finally agrees to fight Sato but the night of the fight, there is a typhoon and everyone needs to find safe shelter. The house in the village that Sato is staying in collapses under the storm and he is stuck under a wood plank. Miyagi and Daniel (why does he go by Daniel?) go out there to rescue him but Sato is yelling at Miyagi saying he is a coward for wanting to fight while he is incapacitated.

First, it's ridiculous that Sato thinks Miyagi wants to fight him like that. Then when Miyagi gets him out of the predicament and takes him to safety, all of a sudden the lifetime of hate and vengeance is gone and Sato becomes the nicest guy around. Also, the love story between Kumiko and Daniel (again, why does he go by Daniel?) is so awkward. Daniel wouldn't know how to get a girl if she fell naked out of the sky, landed on his face, and started wiggle.

The last battle scene between Sato's nephew and Daniel is silly too. In Karate Kid I, we were led to believe that there was no defense to the crane technique. This is a lie since clearly the crane technique was defended against in part deaux. Also, I guess the new technique is the drum technique which is basically clasping your hands together and swinging them back and forth. Apparently it is so technical that the nephew can't see it coming and can't defend it and he ends up getting pummelled.

There are a number of silly and awkward moments throughout the movie. The thing I love is that I stayed up until like 1:30 am watching this shat. The thing I love even more is that once this was over, I started flipping around some more and was able to find Predator. NOW THERE IS A MOVIE!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This is about how I feel about the Bears this year...

What's worse than worst?
Bears' offense might find out after abysmal showing in Seattle

BY RICK TELANDER Sun-Times Columnist
First of all, remember NFL preseason games are little more than glorified practices.

Keep telling yourself that, and maybe it will help.

But the Bears' second exhibition contest of the preseason, Saturday night against the Seattle Seahawks, was painful to watch, no matter what it was.
''Offensively, we didn't get a lot done with our first group,'' Bears coach Lovie Smith said after the 29-26 overtime loss.

Yeah, didn't get much done with the second group, either. Or third.

Rex Grossman, Kyle Orton, 22-year-old Caleb Hanie -- the quarterbacks for the Bears all look like run-of-the-mill, pick-one-out-of-a-hat guys, featureless crash-test dummies who will do a little of this, a little of that and not much of anything.

Of course, the quarterbacks are mere rag dolls in an offense so devoid of focus and firepower that simply to take a snap behind center is dangerous to one's health.

Grossman, making his first start, got splattered so badly on the first series of the game that you had to wonder if he's the slowest human on the planet or if the Bears' offensive line moonlights as a sieve.

That first series -- which started on the Bears' 20-yard line and ended on their 15 -- had the smell of a long, sad season to it.

When your first draft pick happens to be a left offensive tackle -- the most important lineman for a right-handed quarterback -- and that draft pick is already deep-sixed from back surgery, you have a potential mess.

Chris Williams, that 6-6, 312-pound alleged savior from Vanderbilt, right now is a dud of epic proportions.

(Excuse me, but did Williams ever practice with the Bears, or was he injured hot-tubbing?)

Does it matter who the QB is?
Forget Grossman getting plastered by blitzers. Forget Orton looking anonymous and just ... blah. I mean, how many times have we seen these things before?

And if young Caleb from Colorado State thinks he can count on young tight end Kellen Davis from Michigan State to make leaping, one-handed catches in coverage for the lone offensive touchdown of these contests, good luck, Cowboy.

The issue is the Bears' offense, the whole offense, with any quarterback at the helm. It looks like a stink bomb set to explode.

Winning these quasi-practices is irrelevant. The New York Giants went 1-3 in the preseason before winning the Super Bowl last February. The Indianapolis Colts went 1-3 the year before en route to the 2006 Super Bowl crown.

(Incredible, isn't it, to think the Bears were the Colts' foes down there in rainy Miami?)

But you want to look like you at least have a clue!

The Bears' offense generated 205 net yards, what good teams get in a half.

If there is a Bears running game, it vanished in a bowl of smoke along with Cedric Benson.

Grossman is so not the answer to the Bears' offensive woes that no more comment is needed.

''I was not pleased with what many of our offensive guys did,'' Lovie said in his perfected coach-speak. ''We didn't play well, and Rex was part of that.''

Nuff said.

But Orton?

He was 5-for-9 passing for 43 yards.

Which is like having two pennies and a lint ball in your pocket.

No, the Bears' offense can perhaps be best measured by the greatly skilled players on it. After Devin Hester, there are none. And Hester's credentials as a wide receiver, not just a kick returner, are still under construction.

And the offensive line? Dear God, has Jerry Angelo let that one slip away.

To line up behind the patchwork group of aging and sluggish men is to invite sudden death.

Numbers are down in the dumps
Everything is up for grabs on this offense.

How did this happen?

The Benson and Williams and Grossman busts are a start. But there seems to be a trickle-down of cluelessness.

What's special about a quarterback derby when you've got one at every position?

Last year, the Bears finished tied for 28th in interceptions thrown, 27th in first downs, 27th in total yards, 29th in third-down efficiency and 30th in rushing yards.

Grossman is showing signs of flustering and being ready to demand a ticket out of town.

Smith hasn't even declared his starting quarterback for the ''important'' third preseason game Thursday against the 49ers at Soldier Field.

''This will be my fifth year with this coaching staff,'' Grossman said after the game Saturday. ''I think they should know.''

They probably do.

There are 32 teams in he NFL. The Bears' brass might be wondering if an offense can rank 33rd.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Kyle Era to Begin!

Rexy is out and Kyle is in. It was announced today. Probably the right choice given the options. Kyle should give them a little better decision making and more accurate short game which given the pathetic state of the O line, will suit that team better. Still, Kyle is not the long term answer to that team.

I suppose it is good for Rexy as when Kyle sucks it up and the Bears lose a couple of games, the fans might be more forgiving of Rexy when he takes over. There would be lower expectations for Rexy and less pressure.

Skins beat the Jets.

I admit I didn't get a chance to really watch this game but a win is a win. I did see the highlights of the end where the Jets had a chance to win the game and that WR dropped the ball right in his hands with about 5 seconds to go (he'll probably get his walking papers this week). It's preseason and I don't know why Mangini wanted to go for a tie but their kicker ended up hitting the post on the chip shot allowing the Skins to pull out the victory.

From what I did see and have read, the team was pretty inconsistent. JC and the first team offense didn't look as crisp and sharp as they had the previous two weeks. JC threw a couple of balls high which has been an issue in the past. The good thing is he was able to sustain one longer drive that did lead to a field goal. Another positive is that the running game looks better. It seems like more of a cutting/slashing type of running attack as opposed to Gibbs slower, wait for the hole to open up running game.

Again, I didn't see much but it didn't seem like that great a performance. I imagine the next game will be a little more time for the starters and then they will won't see too much work in the final preseason game as they will want to rest for the season opener especially since it will be played on a Thursday. ONLY 17 MORE DAYS!!!!

Bears Struggle

Seems like there is a growing frustration in Chicago with the offense and the uncertainty of the QB situation. Rexy got the start on Saturday and was largely unimpressive. Much of his performance can be attributed to the pathetic offensive line that caved under the pressure. Rexy seems frustrated with the line, his play, and not knowing who the QB is going to be. In some ways, it seems like Rexy feels like he should be given the job because he has been with the same coaches and system for the last 5 years and they know what he can do.

Apparently Orton fared better in Seattle and led a good 2 minute drive to end the first half. I didn't watch the game and only saw limited highlights but from what I have read, the Bears are struggling.

The line was horrible last year and apparently they haven't improved this year so far. Forte couldn't get any running lanes and the QBs were under constant pressure. The way it is shaping up right now, it looks like it could be a long season in Chi-town. Get ready for the boo birds, Bears.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rocky and Carlos are back and Thomas to debut

Good to have Rocky and Carlos back healthy from their ACL injuries last year. Rocky showed a lot of promise last year and proved to be a force at the weakside LB spot. Carlos showed improvement as well and I think has matured over the last couple of years and hopefully he will be the player we expect him to be. Both players will see very limited action against the Jets but I think they will just be excited to get out there even if it is for the the expected 4-5 plays.

We will also get a chance to see 'Skins top draft pick Devin Thomas. Ideally it would be great to see Thomas or Kelly take on the #2 WR role. Randle El has been surprisingly effective in that role but to have a big, strong, physical receiver like Thomas or Kelly in that position would be ideal. Moss has speed and is a playmaker but he too is small so it would be good to have that guy that in one on one coverage would have the physical attributes that would give you confidence he would come down with the ball. It will be interesting to see Thomas out there and I'm sure Zorn will find a way to get him the ball to see what he can do.

We'll see how it all shakes down against the Jets and newly acquired old man Favre.


Rexy needs good showing on Shatterday

Rexy will be starting for the Bears in their second preseason game against the Seahawks in Seattle. The good news is that he has had success against the 'Hawks in the past and that he will be playing away so he won't have to deal with the "boos" and "jeers" from his home town crowd. The bad news is that he is Rexy. Which Rexy will show up? All he needs to do is show some consistency and if he can make a play or two, he might provide a bit of separation between himself and Orton.

The difficult thing about the whole situation is that regardless of who is picked as the starter, if they falter early and lose a game or two early, you can bet the Chicago media and crowd will be all over the Lovie clamoring for him to make a change. The starter is going to get very little leeway from the fans. Right or wrong, the starter will have to perform and have very thick skin.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oh Moose!

So former Bear WR, Muhsin Muhammad, took a cheap shot at his former team by telling SI's Peter King that Chicago is a wide-receiver's graveyard. Not really sure what prompted that statement but I'm sure it doesn't make Orton or Rexy feel real great.

I suppose the Bears will get a chance to get at Moose in Week 2 when they face the Panthers. Hopefully the Bears have solidified their QB situation and that QB has a good game to stick it to Moose.

I personally don't think Chicago has a very good QB situation and don't think too much of Orton or Grossman but I don't like the cheap shot by Moose.


Can we give a brother a hand for winning the gold at the Olympics in the 10m air rifle event. Prior to the 25 year old's victory, India had only won four individual medals, none of them gold, since sending their first team to the Summer Games in 1928. India is a force to be reckoned with in the Olympics. This time it is the 10m air rifle, next time it may very well be men's basketball. Okay, that might be a bit ambitious but how about men's badminton!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Redskins beat Bills 17-14.

Good win on Saturday night. Once again, the offensive unit looked good. Campbell was impressive out there and certainly looks like he is in command and more comfortable being the leader of the offense. Here are my notes, again in no particular order:

1. Campbell looked good. Looks like he is picking up the offense well and executing well. There were a couple of times when he looked like he could have released the ball a second quicker but it may be because he saw something that we couldn't see. Still, his numbers were solid and more importantly, he is looking the role of starting QB. Looks much more confident than last year. Seems like he is ready for that breakout year. Hopefully he starts out hot and Snyder begins negotiations and signs him by mid year.

2. Portis looked good. Seems like the WC offense will spread the defense and open up more running lanes for our backs. I expect Portis to have a big year this year. Good to see him get the TD.

3. Defense looked good. Nice that they held Buffalo to a FG when Mason fumbled the opening kickoff deep in our territory.

4. Todd Collins had solid numbers but, as should be expected, doesn't look as comfortable in the WC offense as he did in Saunders offense.

5. Justin Tryon, the loud mouth 4th round pick, seems to be having difficulty covering man to man. He was beat a couple of times last week and a couple of times this week. I know he has speed but maybe less talking and more playing will do him good otherwise he may have to look for another profession.

6. Jon Jansen is a concern. Not sure how good he is after his injuries and his age. We'll see how that plays out.

7. Rinehart looks like a keeper and should fill in nicely at LG when Kendall retires.

8. Suisham made a nice 45+ yarder with plenty of leg. Nice bounceback from missing last week's short kick.

9. Zorn looked more comfortable on the sidelines and calling plays. I am really starting to like him. The more you listen to him, the more it sounds like he is very confident in himself and his system and conveying the system.

Bottom line, I am really liking what I am seeing. This is the first time in years where I feel like we have a true direction and I like that we have less chaos with all the coaches and have streamlined things quite a bit and made things less complicated. I like the intensity of our coaches (Zorn and Blache) and I like that the players seem excited playing for these guys and learning their systems. Everyone seems to be picking things up and enjoying the direction of the team. That is key at this point. You really want to see all the pieces start to come together and things to start to make sense and that camarderie to shape here in the preseason. Hopefully it continues over the next couple of weeks and translates into good things when the season starts up.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Bears lose to Chiefs.

Again, it's the first preseason game so you can't put much stock into anything. Teams typically run very basic, vanilla type of plays just to get their teams used to game situations and they don't want to show what they will pull out in the regular season.

Still, the Bears have some concerns. Their first round pick that was supposed to anchor the left side of the line had surgery on a herniated disk in his back and is out indefinitely. Terrence Metcalf is out as well having arthroscopic surgery. John Tait who was supposed to move over to RT with the signing of Chris Williams looks like he is headed back to LT. Now the Bears are looking to resign some of the O linemen they cut from last year in a desperate effort to get some semblance of a line put together. They are trying to resign old guys that were terrible last year. That is how desperate they are.

Also, neither of their QBs made a case for themselves as starters. I didn't see the game but from the highlights, the numbers, and what I have read, neither one of them separated themselves. Orton seemed to manage the game pretty well but stalled a decent drive by inexplicably fumbling while scrambling forcing the Bears to go for a FG. Meanwhile, Grossman, booed often at Soldier Field since the Bears drafted him in the first round in 2003, was greeted with near-silence when he trotted onto the field late in the first half. The jeers came on the opening drive of the second half when he threw an incompletion to finish a drive that went nowhere. He finished 4-8 for 44 yards with most of the yards coming off of a short pass to Garret Wolfe who turned it into a 25 yard TD.

We'll see if they can pull themselves together but they got a long way to go if they expect to compete with the Colts on opening night.

BTW - regarding RobsObs claim that the Bears QBs are fine and passed for more yardage than the Skins. I put my reply to that in the other subject post if he cares to read it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Favre to the Jets.

I'm glad that everyone is moving on. I personally think Brett is going to stink it up this year. NY is completely different than GB and given that he will be under a microscope and expectations are high with the amount of money the Jets spent in the offseason, I think he is going to fail. I think he will have difficulty adjusting to the new scheme, coaches, players, locker room, uniform, media, etc. By midseason, I think he will be questioning his decision to come back and it will all be over. He will hear the boo birds and there will be tons written about him. Favre is a small town country boy and GB fit him nicely. Going to the big apple and being a private kind of guy won't suit him well. He will regret his decision and sadly he will have ruined some of his legacy and greatness.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bears hur-TING!

So the Bears #1 pick has missed almost the entire training camp with muscle issues in his back. Seems like Lovie is getting a little annoyed at the youngster as the more time he misses, the less likely he will be able to pick up the offense. Also, hurting is LG Metcalf who is going to get arthroscopic surgery on his right knee and most likely will be out a few weeks. They have few options to replace these guys and given that their O line struggled last year, this could be devastating given that they have a rookie starting RB, brand new receiving corps, and are still undetermined at QB.

On that note, Orton will get the nod to start in their first preseason game.

Interesting note, the Tribune had a poll on who should be the starter and leading the vote with nearly 30% was "Who cares, they both stink"

Good luck Bears fans!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Favre is a jerk!

So Brett Favre will be back in camp this week. I am curious what the feelings are among the players and coaches in GB. Despite saying that the QB job was Rodgers all along, the team is now saying they will have an open QB competition. I am curious if they are sincere in that or if that is just P.R. bullshat. Even if they don't intend to give it to Favre, it puts Rodgers in a very tough predicament. If he ends up the starter but doesn't produce and they have Favre sitting on the bench, you can bet the fans, media, team mates will want Favre inserted quickly.

It's going to be a circus over there this week and it will be interesting to see how this plays out. I really lost a lot of respect for Brett Favre in how he handled this whole thing. I'm also curious if McCarthy and Thompson will "black ball" Favre and make training camp miserable for him. I wonder what the relationship will be b/t Rodgers and Favre and if the locker room will be divided. I'm just glad I'm not a Packer fan and have to deal with all of that.

Redskins look good in HOF game.

Now I understand that it is the HOF game and it is very preliminary. That said, for what it was, the Redskins looked very good out there. Campbell and the first team offense were sharp and the offense the entire game looked good. Here are my thoughts in no particular order:

1. Campbell and first team offense looked crisp and on the mark.

2. Defense was okay. My issue with them was that on their first drive they had the Colts on at least three 3rd and 5s and every time the Colts would run a short out in the flat and we couldn't defend it. We just didn't learn so that was bothersome. Still, they held when they needed and did an okay job.

3. Colt Brennan had a great game. Despite his size and delivery seems like he can develop into a nice back up for us.

4. Chris Horton had a huge game. He looks like he can be a solid special teamer and good backup.

5. Chad Rhinehart looked good on the O line. That is a good sign as we will definitely need to address the aging O line next year.

I knew that not many of the starters would play and those that did play wouldn't play for long. I wasn't so much watching the game for individual play but more how did they look and feel overall and how would Zorn handle the offense/coaching responsibilities. By yesterday's showing, he handled it very well. He looked very comfortable, confident, and in charge. I really liked that the team didn't have many penalties and were in and out of the huddle and executed well. I also liked that the team seemed to really rally around one another and played with fun and confidence. When that guy intercepted the ball for the TD, I liked that many of the veterans were running on the field and laughing and high fiving. That is a good sign. To me, it is the sign of a team that is coming together and having fun and feeling good about where we are at.

Again, I know it is early and things will change a lot b/t now and the season opener and then change even more a few games in but I did like what I saw. Again, I was looking more from a higher level and I liked how the team played and executed and seemed to be having fun out there. Those are all good signs to me.