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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Face Transplant

If any of you have been paying attention to the news, then you are probably aware of Richard Lee Norris and him being the latest to undergo a face transplant right here in MD.

In 1997, Richard Lee Norris suffered a horrific gun accident that ripped off his nose, chin, lips and teeth and turned him into a recluse. 15 years later, doctors were able to perform the "most extensive face transplant ever" and give him a brand new face and new life. I won't put up the pictures as they are graphic but it is truly amazing the transformation. He looks amazing in the after photo. He looks like a pretty decent looking guy.

I'm sure he doesn't have full feeling and function of his new face but hopefully that will all come with time. Dr. Stephen T. Bartlett, surgeon-in-chief at the University of Maryland, only expects "nips and tucks" in the future and says Norris will soon to be "downright handsome".

It's amazing what can be done today and for a guy that has spent the last 15 years of his life basically as a recluse gets a second chance at a normal life.


Rob said...

Did you see the pictures? I showed my kids the pictures a couple of days ago - they were in the Post. It is good to see medical science move to the point where this can be done.

j, k, and s's d said...

Of course I saw the pictures that is why I did the posting. I have seen other face transplants but this one is by far the best. It also seems like it was one of the most complicated as the guy needed a new jaw, tongue, teeth, etc.

I didn't put the pictures up because not sure if everyone wants to see the pictures. Still, for me, the work is amazing. The after picture looks like a pretty decent looking guy that might have gotten into a fight.

Apparently once the patient saw his new face, he just grabbed the doctor and gave him a hug. Again, I don't know how much feeling and function he has in his new face right now but just based on the one picture, it is amazing.

Can't help but feel good for the patient as he gets another opportunity to have a "normal" life. I'm sure it will be very strange for him to assimilate back into society.

I also love that the doctor said that in the future the guy would be "downright handsome."