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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sam Hurd arrested for being a drug dealer

Chicago Bears receiver Sam Hurd was arrested in Chicago on federal drug charges on Wednesday night, and the criminal complaint against him describes Hurd as regularly dealing large amounts of drugs in Chicago.

Hurd met with an informant at a restaurant. At that meeting, Hurd told the informant that he wanted to buy "five to 10 kilograms of cocaine and 1,000 pounds of marijuana per week for distribution in the Chicago area," according to the complaint.

Hurd allegedly negotiated to pay $25,000 per kilogram for the cocaine and $450 per pound for the marijuana. The complaint says that Hurd "further stated that he and another co-conspirator currently distribute four kilograms of cocaine per week in the Chicago area, but that the supplier could not supply him with enough quantity."

WTF, man?!!! First, I don't get why an NFL player needs to engage in this. They all make decent livings and should be able to support themselves. Second, why would an NFL player want to engage in this? They can throw their career and life away. Third, WTF is with purchasing that amount of drugs? This guy must have been a hard core dealer doing that. Ridiculous and he should be sent away.

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