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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ESPN Power Rankings - Week 15

Puckers stay at #1.

Pears hold steady at #17.

Skins hold steady at #27.


deepie said...

The only good thing about this terrible season is....RG3 to the Skins! Com'on baby! But with our luck, he will decide to stay in school and we will end up with Barkley who will be another Mark Sanchez.

j, k, and s's d said...

I would be content with either RG3 or Barkley.

deepie said...

Here is my ideal situation for next season. Dump Beck AND Grossman. Draft RG3. Trade for Peyton Manning. Yes, I said it. We need Manning.

Manning is old and one hit away from retirement, but here is what he brings...Professionalism, leadership, and the "it" factor we need to keep our FAs from leaving. IF he stays healthy, he would give RG3 time to develop as a pro QB then he could ride off into the sunset as the greatest to ever play the game.

As long as we can keep enough picks to get RG3, a solid RT or OF, and a CB or safety, I say do everything you can to bring Manning here. Yes, I know McNubb was supposed to be the savior and we all know how that ended, but Manning is a whole different category of QB. We won't have to see our beloved team at #27 anymore and guys like Fletcher and Osackpo won't regret their years in DC.


j, k, and s's d said...

No way we can get Manning and RG3. In order to get Manning, we will have to give up our first pick and others along with that.

I say dump Beck but keep Rexy. Draft RG3 (or Barkley if RG3 is selected). Let Rexy start the season and play until either Rexy sucks it up or the season is over.

As Deepie mentioned, Manning is one hit away from retirement. He is a great QB but he is older and he has had the fortune of playing with many of the same coaches and players for several years. He understands that system VERY well. If he comes here, it all new. The coaches, the players, the system, the practice schedule, the trainers, the routines, the practice/game's all new. At this stage in his career, Manning would have difficulty adjusting to all of that.

Instead of paying Manning $15M and not sure what you will get, stick with Rexy for a couple of million and roll the dice with him until the rookie is ready.

One more note is Manning won't be happy about being a bridge QB for a youngster. It would be bad enough for him to be that in Indy but it would be MUCH worse for him in another town.

JSR said...

I dont think Manning would come here and even if he did, he wouldnt be the same Peyton Manning from the years past. Peyton Manning is an offensive coordinator on the field. He calls and adjusts his own plays at the line. I dont think that would sit well with the Shannys who like to run things their way. Peyton Manning's acquisition would, without a doubt fall onto a list of many other high profile free agent acquisitions that failed to meet expectations here in Washington.
Also, Manning is one maybe two hits away from his career being over. I dont think he would risk his health to play behind the atrocious offensive line that the skins have. He can get big money elsewhere and play for a contender and be well protected.