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Friday, July 9, 2010

The Heat win the LeBron sweepstakes

I personally think it is a mistake. He is entitled to do what he wants. Strange because with a few words and in a couple of seconds, he changed the entire NBA landscape and the general sentiments of people towards him.

Whatever. At least it will make for an entertaining season.


Rob said...

He is free to do what he wants but the way he left was classless. He wasn't ever going to stay in Cleveland and he shouldn't have dragged it out. He hurt his image badly with the nonsense he pulled out last night.


j, k, and s's d said...

It was nonsense. Why put on the show? Why drag it on?

He could have been a legend in Cleveland. It's not like they had a bad team there. They had the NBA's best record last season.

Now he is going to a team where he is not the only star. It is not his team. There is no bench. Will be interesting to see how it unfolds down there.

As far as Cleveland, I think Wilbon said last night, it's like a nuclear bomb hit them. I'm sure it's devastating for them. It would be interesting to see their papers and news and sports radio out there today. LeBron should probably go ahead and sell his house because he won't be welcome back to his place. He was Cleveland's favorite son and he turned his back on the city.

Sure, he is free to do what he wants but the manner he did it in was deplorable.

The Cavs owner probably went a little over the top in his comments saying that it was a "cowardly betrayal" on the part of LeBron. I can appreciate his commitment to continue to build a winner and he personally guaranteed the Cavs would win a championship before LeBron would. That would be tremendous if that happened.

Rob said...

People are talking about Miami as a favorite to win the East. I say wait to see their full roster.

Wade, Bosh, and LeBron are going to log heavy minutes in the regular season because they don't have any choice. That won't help them win and if one of them gets hurt it will be even worse.

For Cleveland, I hope they recover but the way LeBron stabbed them in the back is just sad. He should move out completely and forever.

j, k, and s's d said...

The Heat will be doing well and right before the playoffs, they may drop a couple of games and that's when Old Man Riley will step in to save the day. It's a no lose situation for him because if they bow out in the playoffs, he came in last minute to try and right the ship and if they win, he can take all the credit.

James should move out of Ohio because he won't be welcome there. A couple of months ago, he owned that city/state. He was the most beloved person to ever walk the streets there. If he tried to walk the streets today, he would be ridiculed and vilified as a traitor.

deepie said...

I don't see what the big deal with him leaving Cleveland is. I do understand that what he did last night was classless, but only because it was narcissistic and self-aggrandizing. LeBron leaving Cleveland is no different than any other free agent leaving for another gig. Why aren't people burning Stoudamire or Bosh jerseys? The only diffrence is they didn't make a big deal out of the process.

James is from Ohio and he's been in Ohio all his life. For people to vilify him because he's leaving to try something new is plain stupid and selfish. I'm looking forward to seeing him with Wade and Bosh...It's like Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman all over again and will be fun to watch.

j, k, and s's d said...

James is a notch higher than Bosh or Stoudemire. It's like Kobe leaving or MJ leaving. It would have more of an impact.

He has the right to leave but the way he did it was classless. To slap your former team, organization, and fans in the face on national tv was nonsense. He probably had his mind made up a while ago but to drag them through that is classless.

Scott said...

I heard that the doctors in Miami are changing the respiratory ailment known as "bronchitis" to "lebronchitis". Ha, ha.

Anyway, I think Lebron is a dumb ass for how he handled the situation and I hope he never wins a NBA Championship. From now on,I root against the Heat. Wade is always hurt and his best games are behind him. Bosch seems like he was a big fish in a small pond and Lebron has proved that he can score a ton and his team still loses. F-LJ, don't call me bitter.

Rob said...

Deeps, I don't have a problem with him leaving - if that's what the man wants then so be it.

But, it is pretty clear that he knew he was going to leave for some time. He could have told Cleveland so they could have tried to attract another marquee player with a max contract. He could have been a man and told Cleveland's front office face to face that he was leaving rather than having them find out on national TV. He stabbed Cleveland in the back on his way out and it was just wrong.

I don't think he is going to help his legacy and even if he wins it all it is doubtful that he will ever be considered as great at MJ, Magic, Bird, or Kobe. Miami is Wade's team not LeBron's team. Maybe he doesn't care.

Even if he never won - and there is no guarantee that he will win it all in Miami - he would have been a beloved figure. Now he will just be a hired gun in a new city.

j, k, and s's d said...

LeBronchitis is an inflammation of your LeBronchiole tubes.

There was a report yesterday that the Nuggets were a late participant in the LeBron sweepstakes and as part of their package, they were willing to change their football team's name to the Denver LeBroncos.

Agree with Robs. Even if he wins a championship(s) in Miami, he will never be loved like he would have been had he just stayed with Cleveland. I really think he has to move from his house as he won't be welcome there anymore.

Scott said...

Surprised that you haven't posted about Stern's comments re: Lebronasshole, the owner of the Cavs and Jesse "Up with hope, down with dope" Jackson. Watch espn news. Very funny.