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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Skins interested in Peppers

So with an uncapped year coming up and FA to start in a couple of days, it will be interesting who lands where. There is discussion of the Skins being interested in Julius Peppers. Peppers is still a premier DE and has indicated his desire to go to a team that employs the 3-4 defense. The Skins are moving in that direction and Danny Boy certainly has deep pockets. Will be interesting to see if we pull the trigger on him.


deepie said...

Can we use him? Yes.
Do we take him at the expense of addressing other pressing needs? No.

This is a tough call. Danny Boy is always willing to pay elite players to come to Washington. We've been lacking in the pass rush department for years. With Peppers, Orakpo, and Carter, playing DE/OLB and Haynesworth occupying the midde, the pass rush would be ridiculous.

The problem with Peppers is twofold. 1. We'll need to break the bank to get him. If he can be had for a 3-4 year contract, fine. If he wants 7 years and $40 million guaranteed...No way. 2. He's a minor headcase. He was not motivated the last few years and he's been inconsistent on the field. He may be looking for a paycheck to cash in and that's not what the 'Skins need. We need playmakers who are hungry and around whom we can build a team. I don't know if Peppers is that guy.

j, k, and s's d said...

It's similar to Haynesworth and the problem signing him. We are not a player away from a championship.

We do need to bring in the personnel to fit the scheme we will be running. Peppers wants to be in the 3-4. At 30 years of age, he is on the downside of his career but he is still one of the better DEs in the game. I wouldn't mind spending a boatload of money for a one or two year deal. I definitely don't want to sign him for the Haynesworth type deal. He will probably be looking for something similar to that.

We'll se how it unfolds.

Rob said...

The Bears will talk with him and apparently he is interested in playing in Chicago.

I don't want to see a Haynesworth-type deal.

j, k, and s's d said...

Peppers is interested in playing anywhere that will pay him. He has also expressed his desire to play in a 3-4 defense. Chicago doesn't run that.

Rob said...

Peppers likes Marinelli and Lovie.

He is not going to get the max contract in Chicago, especially if Danny Boy does what he always does and overbids everyone else by a mile.

Still, I think there is a resonable chance Peppers will end up in Chicago at a bit of a discount (relatively speaking).

j, k, and s's d said...

McCaskey won't pay his rate. He will have to allow them a good discount.

Frankly, I hope he goes there because the best years are behind him. He's still good and will give decent production at least for the next year or two but teams will be paying more for the name.

Rob said...

Jeez dude, you really should know better.

I've said it umpteen times, but because of the salary cap every team pays about the same amount.

The Bears and Redskins pay the same amount in payrolls - the only difference is how they pay out. For the Deadskins they pay 6-7 guys enormous amounts and then have 40 guys at the NFL minimum (which is why they end up with so many guys off the street on their roster). The Bears are more equitable in their distribution.

I'd like to think you know more than the average ignorant fan out there - but maybe not.

j, k, and s's d said...

I really don't understand why you think I don't understand that there is a cap that all teams have to operate within.

Why do you think that?

Rob said...

Because you said the Bears are cheap!

If you think the Bears are cheap, please explain your rationale given that it is an easily verifiable fact that team payrolls for all NFL teams are basically the same.

Rob said...

Let me be a little more clear - you said, "McCaskey won't pay his rate."

I read that as you think the Bears are cheap. If that is not what you mean, then do you agree the Bears are not cheap? I cannot really follow your logic.

j, k, and s's d said...

I will admit that I don't understand the ins and outs of the cap or its management. It is VERY easy to understand that say there is a $100M cap and all teams cannot go over that. That is a very simple thing to understand.

I do not understand the management and/or how the Skins seem to be able to make a play at every top FA every year. It's not like Haynesworth, Portis, Moss get paid top dollar and everyone else gets league minimum. Guys are getting paid. We signed Haynesworth last year for megabucks and we are still considered a player in the Peppers sweepstakes. Oh and BTW we are going to have to pay for a QB (whether that is JC or the guy we draft with #4 if we go that route). I know that we keep adjusting contracts every year. You have cried purge for the last 5 years and it has yet to happen. Again, I don't know how we do it but we do it. Maybe you can explain that to me because again, that is where I do not follow.

Regarding McCaskey, it is known that she is not going to shell out the big bucks. She will let players be released before she signs them. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. It is just the way it is. Again, the Skins and the Bears play within the mandated cap but it would seem that the Skins manipulate it somehow and figure out ways to get around it in order to continue to sign (or at least make a run at) the prized FA each year.

Rob said...

Look, it should be obvious that if everyone is close to the cap in payroll - which they are - the only difference is how the money is distributed.

The best teams in the NFL - the Pats, Colts, Steelers, SD, etc. all distribute the money more equitably. Sure they pay their top guys more, but they don't have a roster full of guys making the NFL minimum and they don't have to pull guys off the street.

The Bears follow this model - which I like and is the only way to produce a winner.

The Deadskins get 1-2 big names year after year, but then they are limited in what they can do. That is why their roster is always full of guys making the minimum and guys off the street who are castoffs from everywhere else.

Take Haynesworth - instead of signing him, the Deadskins could have signed 2-3 very good offensive linemen and they likely would have won more games.