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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rexy is a Skin!

I have had my fair share of "comments" on Rexy; however, I actually like the move. The Skins were in need of a backup QB when they released Collins who was old and basically an Al Saunders guy. Rexy is young and capable (as KGB fully understands). He was broken in Chicago and was run out of town. He was in Houston last year and from all accounts was well liked and respected for his abilities. He understands Kyle Shanahan's offense and apparently even Houston wanted to retain him but had signed Orlovsky to a big deal and it didn't make sense to keep Rexy around. He fell in our laps (although KGB probably wishes he fell into his) for the cheap so I'm good with it.

Shanny said that he wanted to create competition at all positions so hopefully this pushes both Rexy and JC.

Here is my position on Rexy. No question the guy can play as he had games where he lit it up. But he also had games where he sucked (KGB knows that personally)! Rexy could go one week 20-25, 300+ yards passing, and 4 TDs to the next where it was 3 bad INTs, 4 fumbles, a few bad penalties, tripping over his own feet, showing that it is humanly possible to insert your head up your own arse. Hence the term Good Rexy, Bad Rexy was born. If he can be Good Rexy, I'm happy. If he is Bad Rexy, I am not. We'll see how it plays out but I think it is nice pickup and hopefully lessens the need to draft Clausen with pick #4 and instead go O line.

I'm sure KGB is sad to see Rexy go but maybe Demarcus Ware will find him equally appealing.


Rob said...

The irony is dripping off of your blog site. After all of your Rex-hate, now you have to root for the guy.

Changing your mind? After the hate you have exhibited that will be remarkable.

I'll be proven right - the guy can play. Then you can post up a congratulatory note to me that I was right about Rex.

Good luck.

j, k, and s's d said...

The fact is that he was inconsistent. That is what I didn't like about Rexy. You seem to think he is just like Tom Brady and even Eli Manning. The facts are that they are not NEARLY as inconsistent as Rexy. Rexy would light it up one game and the next he would be atrocious. That is the problem with him. There is no question he can play. However, week in and week out you have no idea what you are going to get from the guy. What is worse is that his poor games are pathetic. He makes some unbelievably poor decisions that leave you throwing your beer can at the screen and yelling WTF, DUDE?!!!!

Now if he has eliminated that nonsense and plays well, I am all for it. Again, no question he can play and if he changes and does that on a consistent basis, I will say that he has changed and is good.

Nothing wrong with that.

Rob said...

OK Rex-hater soone to be Rex-lover.

I'll end up being right - that Rex could play.

You will be wrong - that Rex is terrible.

Scott said...

Apparently, KGB is not the only one to think Rexy is sexy. If we only could have had Rexy when the Old Ball Coach was here. Maybe we can pick up Brock Berlin as well. The Skins were one of five teams to watch Tebow's workout. What's the fascination with Florida QBs? Probably more smoke screens. I don't think they will be dumb enough to take him in the 2nd round. Poor Colt Brennan. If he would have been picked up by the Saints, he would have had the Super Bowl ring. Maybe the run and shoot will have a resurgence somewhere.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, what is wrong with you? I thought he sucked in Chicago. He was inconsistent and I proved that to you. The whole Good Rexy/Bad Rexy was what was wrong with him and why I (and the vast majority of people) thought he sucked. The problem is that you wish you were KGB and had Rexy in that position and are SO in love with the guy.

If Rexy becomes more consistent, I am free to change my opinion of him because he has changed. Let me try and break this down into very simplistic terms for you. If there is a box colored blue but you say it is green. I will disagree and say it is blue. However, if the color fades over time and it becomes green, then I will agree with you and say that the box changed colors and is now green. I probably lost you at blue as you are mentally fixated on Rexy's butt.

To Scott, run and shoot is dead in the NFL.

Scott said...

2006 was Rexy's best year, which was very mediocre compared to quarterbacks that I think are worthwhile: He played 16 games, had a 54.6 completion percentage, 3,193 yards, 23 TDs, 20 INTs, 5fumbles and a 73.9 rating. It's sad to say, but I don't think JC has anything to worry about from Rexy unless the new offense is too difficult for JC to grasp, which seems unlikely because it is a variation of the West Coast Offense.

On another topic, what does JKSD think about a possible signing of Joey Porter, who's here for a visit? I think it would be a great move considering he still had over 20 sacks in the past two years with the Dolphins on limited playing time. He also has a certain fire to the way that he plays that I don't see on anyone else on the defense, except Haynesworth on occassion.

j, k, and s's d said...

Osakpo has the fire.

As far as Porter, I think it might be a good fit provided we don't overspend which we haven't on FAs at this point. A few of our defensive coaches coached in Pittsburgh so they are probably familiar with Porter.

At this stage of his career, I am sure he wants familiarity. He seems like a good fit for the 3-4 so I would be good with his signing provided, again, we don't overspend.

Rob said...

Joey Porter? That would be exactly the kind of guy Danny Boy would go out and get in year's past. Aging, selfish, expensive dude who cannot deliver much - especially to a team that is in rebuilding mode.

I cannot imagine they will sign that dude.

"With the 36th pick in the NFL draft, the Deadskins select . . . Tim Tebow, QB, University of Florida."

The worst part of this pick will be that they will pick Jimmy Clausen with the 4th pick.

j, k, and s's d said...






I'm thinking Super Bowl, BABY!!!!

j, k, and s's d said...






I'm thinking Super Bowl, BABY!!!!

Rob said...

The Deadskins are just crazy enough to try this.

If I were betting, I think the Deadskins will draft a LT with their first pick and then take Tebow if he is available in the second round. If Tebow is not available, I would not be surprised to see the Deadskins draft another O-lineman.

I think Shanny understands the importance of O-line and he is going to use this year to rebuild.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs actually saying something reasonable.

I agree that with the signing of Rexy it solidifies the QB spot for this year (and hopefully for years to come) and that the more pressing need is O line. The O line was already ridiculous and with the retirement of Samuels and not really picking anyone up outside of Hicks in FA, seems like we have to go O line.

We'll see.

Rob said...

I think Shanny is a smart coach and he is the de facto GM. Bruce Allen is just a contracts guy. It could work out well. They have taken a measured approach to FA, which I think is great given their rebuilding mode.

If the Deadskins draft to O-linemen with their first 2 picks I think it will be a great sign.

If they go O-line and Tebow, I think it will be OK.

If they go Clausen and O-line it will be weak.

If they do not take an O-lineman with either of their first two picks it will be a disaster (especially if they take Clausen at #4).

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs starting to make A LOT of sense.

I concur 100%

Scott said...

Funny thing I saw on the ticker that Rexy only received a one year deal. Either they are going to lock up JC or they will be taking one of those QB's with the 4th pick. Scarey.

BTW, I watched some of Redskins Nation last night and the new OL guy Hicks looks pretty good. He can play all four positions. He looks bigger and more mobile than Stephon Heyer. If they draft Okung and either another right tackle or guard, it may be a reasonable O-Line. They want to establish the run, which is always a good place to start.

j, k, and s's d said...

It is a 1 year deal and JC essentially has a 1 year deal and it is their opportunity this year to prove they are the franchise QB. To me, their signings/deals lessens the need for drafting a QB.

There will be QBs in next year's draft just as there always are. Every year there are the big names so we don't need to go down that route now.

It's nice that Hicks can play all the O line positions but I would rather get the guy that is superior at his designated position and becomes the mainstay there for the next decade. Much like Samuels was.

I think we have to go O line with pick #4 and there is no other option.