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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Samuels to retire

Announcement to come Thursday. Too bad to see him go but it's time. He was getting a little long in the tooth and his spinal condition is just too big of a risk to continue playing. It's tough though to not really choose when you retire and to go out because of injury.

He was a stalwart at LT and a consummate professional. Will be interesting to see how the Skins address his position. Wonder if we will sign Levi or pick up someone in the draft.



deepie said...

I guess we should have expected this, but it is sad. Samuels has been the one constant and only multiple season All-Pro on offense over the last 10 years. To see his career cut short due to injury is a shame, but it is the reality of football. Samuels will be missed...especially because it leaves a gaping hole on an already hole-ridden offensive line.

As I wrote that last sentence, I realized that I really don't care about the players leaving the team. I only care about the current team. Maybe a few years down the road, when Samuels is a perennial semifinalist for the HOF, but not quite good enough to actually get in, I'll reflect back on what he did as a Redskin and how good he was. For now though, the fact is, he played for a loser team for many years and him leaving the game is just another step in the process the team is taking as it attempts to become a contender again.

j, k, and s's d said...

I agree. Samuels was a good player and I feel sorry for him but I am more concerned with how do the Redskins improve. Players come and go but I just want to win so hopefully Shanny and Allen have a plan to correct the O line and offense and get this thing moving.

Rob said...

So? No surprise and probably a year or two late.

j, k, and s's d said...

Year or two late? The guy was a Pro Bowler the previous two years so he still played at a high level. Continue hating, hater.