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Monday, March 1, 2010

Minor miracle

So my 6 year old is in kindergarten now and has been out of the daycare he used to be in for 6 months. It's been a little tough for him to adjust because he was in that daycare since he was less than one year old and grew up with the kids there.

He made some really good connections with a couple of the other kids particularly and it was sad to see them go their separate ways when they started kindergarten. My wife and I had been trying for the last month or so to get in touch with a couple of those kids and plan a play date with them. We were able to track down one of the kids but couldn't get in touch with the other one. Yesterday, we ended up meeting the one kid we got in touch with at Chuck E. Cheese and the two of them were very happy to see each other.

As they ran off to play, I stayed in the booth with one of my other kids. As I am sitting there, the kid who we had great difficulty even finding contact information on and had difficulty getting in touch with walks by my booth. It was crazy. We hadn't seen/heard from this kid in 6 months and we both ended up to just happen to be at Chuck E. Cheese the same day and time. Anyways, that kid saw my son and it was a pretty happy reunion. It actually was pretty neat to see them together and their reactions. My son ended up having a great time and was talking about seeing his friend the rest of the day. We were able to get that kid's contact information and hopefully we can set something up with him again.


Rob said...

Nice story. Things have a way of working out.

j, k, and s's d said...

It is a pretty nice story. The guy is a pretty good kid and it was nice to see him and it's just an amazing coincidence that we happened to be at the same place at the same time.

It was really nice to see the two of them play.

It will be good too because all those kids plan on going back to the same daycare for summer camp so they will get another chance to get the band back together.

Rob said...

Great - they will be able to enjoy their summers a bit more.

Robin said...

Good old chucky cheese. Never fails.

j, k, and s's d said...

Chuck E. Cheese is a magical place where unthinkable things take place as long as you believe...


deepie said...

I saw the title of this posting and I immediately thought you were writing about the U.S.'s tying goal with 20 seconds to go in regulation yesterday.

Chuck E. Cheese...I'm surprised you like taking your kids there considering you've admitted to be a germ-a-phobe. I can't think of a bigger cess pool of pizza grease and kiddie-snot. Top it off with non-stop buzzing from video games and kids screaming/crying/etc. and you've got fun family entertainment.

That being said, I'm glad you were able to meet the little guy's friends. Adjusting to a new school isn't easy. I still remember the beginning of my first day at kindergarten asking my mom why my friends from my daycare weren't in the classroom. I then proceeded to cry my eyes out for no reason at all.

j, k, and s's d said...

Aside from Chuck E. Cheese being a magicaltastic place, you are correct in that it is a cesspool of proportions we cannot begin to imagine.

My kid was running through that maze/obstacle course thing that hangs from the ceiling and not two seconds after he slid down the slide to get back down, they closed it off. I asked the worker who was blocking it off what happened and he said some kid threw up in there...NICE!

There was another dad near me who overheard what happened and he turned to me and said, "Yeah, that's what the kids do up there. They throw up, pee, you name it." NICER!!!

Than he asked me if I had ever stood by the bottom of the tunnel slide. I said no and he just pinched his nose, grimaced, and shook his head. I immediately packed up the kids and we all showered as if we had been molested.