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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jurcina is BACK!!

Oh sweet Milan how we've missed you! Actually it's good to get the big defenseman back. He is a solid guy back there and he knows the team so it's a great pickup. How happy must he be to come back from the Blue Jackets to the Caps a team he is familiar with AND is in first place.

On top of that, the Caps picked up defensman Joe Corvo from the Hurricanes.

Good job, McPhee for addressing defensive concerns as we make a run for the Cup.


Rob said...

I like the moves. Apparently Jurcina will be out for a few weeks, but the two defensemen are better than Pothier.

Hopefully the D will tighten up and the goaltending will hold up. With the offense the Caps have it should be enough to make a very strong Stanley Cup run.

Frankly, anything short of the Cup is a disappointment at this point.

j, k, and s's d said...

They are certainly setting themselves up for a run at the Cup.

I liked Pothier but he was small and seemed a little more offensive minded. He had a good shot but Jurcina is bigger and better defensively.

I don't really know Corvo but I trust McPhee he knows what he is doing.

I just hope the new guys fit in comfortably and don't cause distress for a locker room that seems very sound.

Scott said...

Every time I read Joe Corvo my mind says Jose Cuervo.:) Yeah for Jurcina. I didn't like losing him in the first place.

Answer me this: Why doesn't Ovie have a damn fake tooth surgically inserted? Maybe he's chicken.

j, k, and s's d said...

Think I will go home tonight and drink some Joe Corvo -- actually, I am not a fan of tequiza.

I believe he doesn't get the fake tooth because he enjoys having the missing one. I think I heard or read that somewhere that it was almost a right of passage or something or he wore it like a badge of honor or something.

Frankly, I don't really care as long as he keeps scoring goals.

Rob said...

Why bother with the tooth - it may get knocked out again the way Ovechkin plays.

I'm sure when he is done playing, or he is older and not as physical he will get a fake tooth.