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Monday, February 22, 2010

Pizza Hut sucks, man!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I ordered from Pizza Hut about a month or two ago and it took freaking an hour and a half for delivery so what did I do? I ordered from them this past weekend and guess what? It took over an hour for delivery. I called Pizza Hut to find out where the delivery guy was and he just said that he'll be there any minute. He wasn't particularly helpful and wasn't real nice. The dude shows up at the door, didn't seem to care, and the pizza was cold.

So as the title of the post states, Pizza Hut sucks, man!

I understand it might just be the location that delivers to me but it still sucks!


Robin said...

how was the actual pizza?

Rob said...

Probably sucked.

Find a local pizzeria and support it. We have a local place that is five minutes away for pickup but it is a real Italian place and the pizza is great.

j, k, and s's d said...

The actual pizza wasn't bad but that is all relative. In my book, you can't really have bad pizza. Pizza is pizza and I love me some pizza.

I was trying to see how many times I could say pizza in one sentence.

Still, it was cold and it was the service (both the guy on the phone and the dude that delivered) that really turned me off.

From now on, when it comes to delivery pizza...PAPA'S IN THE HIZZOUSE!!!!

j, k, and s's d said...

To Robs point, there is a good local pizzeria that I prefer but when I can't pry my lazy ass of the couch, I gots to have delivery.

Actually, we found another local place that is a little closer than that other pizzeria so I might be able to pry my ass up to go there.

In fact, they are building another pizzeria right in my neighborhood. Hopefully that is good because I should most certainly be able to pry my lazy ass to go to that joint.

Rob said...

Walking the 30 steps to your car and the 30 steps into the pizza shop will give you some exercise and help you build up your already enormous appetite.

Then you can really enjoy the better tasting pizza.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yeah, but walking the 7 steps to the front door of my house and finishing two pieces of pizza as I am walking back to the kitchen...well, there's just something magical about that.

Rob said...

Do you have to stop and sit for rest on the front porch before expending the energy to open your front door, or do you have the stamina to make it all the way to your kitchen?

I know sometimes you have to catch your breath when you exert yourself.

j, k, and s's d said...

Actually, I sit in a wheel barrow and when the doorbell rings, I have my family wheel me to the front door but we need to stop a couple of times along the way because the sudden jostling motion when they first lift me up unregulates my breathing pattern and causes my pulse to rise and just unnecessary bodily stress.

The same is true when they wheel me back inside.

Oh, the sacrifices I make.

Rob said...

I'll get you motorized wheelbarro and a portable oxygen tank for your birthday.

j, k, and s's d said...

Add in a blender and a straw so I don't have to chew my pizza anymore and can just slurp it from the blender.

Chewing can be awfully tiring and hard on the jawbone.
