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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


BLOW'EM UP!!! Tremendously disappointing season. The team was supposed to contend for the Eastern Conference. Instead, the season has turned into an embarrassing train wreck.

The trade of Caron, Haywood, and Deshawn is the start the rebuilding process. Josh Howard and Gooden will be rentals and the trade frees up a lot of money for the Wizards to entice the plentiful amount of FAs this offseason. I only feel bad for Jamison who seems to be the consummate professional and gives it his all night in and night out. He seems like a good guy and a good leader and it's too bad that he has to suffer through this mess. On the one hand, I would want to see him stay because I like him but on the other, it would be nice to see him go to a team that has a chance of winning. I suppose if you love someone, you have to set them free. I know that sounds corny and I hesitated to write it but I did SO SUE ME!!!

There is still the issue with Arenas and it will be interesting to see what we do about him and it will be interesting to see who we pick up in the offseason. No doubt there will be a number of quality players available and no doubt we will make a run at a couple and we should have a very different look to our team next year.


deepie said...

NBA b-ball is pointless if you don't have a superstar on your team. There was reason for optimism going into this season, but here we go again...The Wizards will be uninteresting and mediocre at best going into next season.


BTW...your Sting reference...That was the corniest thing you could have said. Lame.

j, k, and s's d said...

Just another year of Les Boulez.

Regarding the comment...SUE ME!!!!

Rob said...

They need better management at the top. I like Flip Saunders but they cannot seem to pick the right types of players and then when they have had them, they trade them away (Webber and the North Carolina dude who won a championship in Detroit come immediately to mind).

j, k, and s's d said...

Grunfeld is okay. He has good experience. The problem is that we have zero leverage. We were a team coming into this year expecting to go well into the playoffs. Things have not turned out that way and we suck. Teams know we suck and know we want to blow it up and we have lost leverage in trying to trade players away.

The Butler deal sucks in my mind. We lost Butler who is a good shooting G/F and Haywood who is a legitimate big man (hard to come by). Don't care for/about Stevenson. In return, we get a couple of rentals and salary relief. We didn't get any draft picks and I guess the hope is that we will be able to entice a big name FA to come to D.C. but who will want to come here? We are unclear on the ownership. The team is in disarray. Nothing really to build on. It's not very attractive.

Viva Les Boulez!