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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ovie vs. Crosby

Great piece last night on the NHL Network. It was an hour long program about Ovie vs. Crosby and their history starting from childhood. It was a great piece and it showed their lives on and off the ice. What was most interesting was how much they truly are a commodity and the lengths companies will go to to market these guys. It was almost as if hockey was secondary and these guys are just busy doing promotions and stuff.

It was a really interesting show and it also documented how truly different these guys are. Crosby recognizes his stature and being a true ambassador of the NHL and hockey in general but still prefers to stay behind the scenes and focus more on hockey and less on interviews, promotions, etc. Whereas Ovie, who also understands his position in hockey, seems to relish more the celebrity status. Actually, their personalities come across in how they play. Still, great program. I'm sure there will be reruns this week and I would encourage catching it if you can.

1 comment:

Rob said...

No question I'd rather have Ovechkin and I think most of the guys in the NHL would agree.