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Monday, November 30, 2009

Skins fall to the Eagles

I don't really expect to win any more games and frankly it doesn't really matter if we win any more given that we have no chance of playoff aspirations.

Still, the last few games have been probably the best football we have played all year so I end up finding myself hoping to pull them out. Just like last week, we had the lead late into the game but fell short. The Skins just don't know how to close games out. We find ways to lose. Still, there are a number of things to feel good about.

1. I like Jason Campbell. I know I am in the minority on this one but the guy looks like he can play. Sure, he's not perfect. I didn't like his two INTs yesterday but the guy is playing some pretty good football given the circumstances. Every time he drops back for a pass, he has to feel like he is going to get nailed and that's pretty tough conditions to play under. Also, I don't think he is the elite NFL QB like Brady, Brees, or Manning but he certainly is a starter in the league and I would love to see him play with a solid O line in front of him. The tough part will be if he is with the Skins next year. I don't think that there is anyone really available out there so hopefully Snyderatto does the right thing for once and bring JC back.

2. Good to see the young guys step up. Kelly, Thomas, and Davis accounted for 10 catches and nearly 150 yards yesterday. It's the second week in a row that these guys have contributed. They just need to be given the opportunity. It's also good to see Thomas returning kicks. He gives a level of speed and elusiveness that Cartwright just can't bring.

3. Defense is solid. We have a playoff caliber defense. Was disappointed they let Philly walk down the field to score the game tying TD but all in all they have been a solid unit. You can also see the difference that Haynesworth brings when he is in there. The guy makes everyone on that line better and helps everyone else bring pressure. We just haven't had the same amount of pressure the last two weeks with him being out. The one thing I would like to see more of on the defense though is more of an attitude. The Bears have attitude but no substance. We have a strong enough defense but need to play with more of an anger. Landry showed some emotion recently and that is good but a good example of what I am talking about is in that incident during the Falcon game when D. Hall was surrounded by 10 Falcons and not one Redskin was in sight. It's like if you are at a bar with your family or friends and one of your friends gets into it with another group of guys. You got to step in and help out. Even if your friend was wrong, you don't leave him out to dry by himself. We need to show more emotion and attitude.

4. O line has been better. This is all relative. The O line still sucks but it is better than it was a few weeks ago. Still, this needs a complete overhaul. We need 4 new linemen. We need a new LT, RT, RG, and bring in a C to compete with Rabach. Dockery is the only guy that is legit out there. For goodness sake, we started our fifth guy at RG yesterday and it was an undrafted rookie. Literally, our line is made up of the following:

LT - a guy off the scrap heap that couldn't make the Packer squad and was out of football until we called and asked him to start at the most important position on the line.

LG - Dockery who is solid.

C - Rabach who is smart and anchors the line but getting a little long in the tooth.

RG - Williams, the undrafted rookie who is a LG but was the fifth player to start at RG for us.

RT - Heyer, who was an undrafted rookie and converted LT.

It's like the JV squad against the Varsity. We are just overmatched at line.

I have to say that I love the heart that we show. We could easily give up since we aren't really playing for anything but these guys are coming out and competing and again, probably playing their best football of the year.

It's tough because Zorn is most likely gone after this year and that means starting over with a new system and new routines and stuff and I could probably accept that since I think our offense sputtered under him. The playcalling and production has been better under Lewis. Still, I hope that we retain JC and then revamp the O line and see what we can do. We should have a top pick in the draft and have to go O line and then draft another O lineman with our next pick and pick up two solid ones via FA. If we do that, I do feel like we can be a playoff team.


Rob said...

Get rid of Vinny and Portis, get some line help, bring back JC and Zorn and this team could compete next year.

But Danny and Vinny will F it up again.

deepie said...

I don't think Danny is as attached to Vinny as Robs believes he is. I think Danny will hire a new GM. The question then will be, is the new GM another Danny Boy puppet, or will he have the autonomy to do what is needed to fix things?

Portis needs to go. He can't stay healthy and when Quenton Gaither can make more spectacular runs than the 50 Million Dollar Man, something is not right.

Zorn has already been fired. It's just a matter of making it a formality now. The sad thing is, as Robs said, getting some line help can push this team up a notch. The offense is clearly more productive now than it was earlier this year and it is because of the simplified philosophy...Run between the tackles and run shorter routes. Too bad a new coach will probably mean a new system. If the system changes, JC won't stay.

There's nothing to look forward too over the next few games except to see if the young receivers continue to improve and if Carter and Orakpo can increase their sack totals. There are big changes coming up, which means more years of mediocrity are probably in our future.

j, k, and s's d said...

No question Cerrato needs to go. Unfortunately the play has improved and the younger guys are contributing so I fear Cerrato may stick around.

Don't care for Portis but he will stay.

Zorn took blame for all the bad plays yesterday. No question the offense has been better since he relinqueshed play calling duties. While we are playing better recently despite the number of injuries to key players, my guess is that Zorn is pretty much done here.

I think JC's future kind of hangs on who the next coach is. If they like JC, we'll keep him but if they don't, he will be gone.

As mentioned, the problem is that there isn't anyone out there that is significantly better than JC so why not keep him?

No question it will be an interesting offseason as it always is but the good thing is that I feel like the team is playing more the way I expected them to play at the beginning of the season. We just need to learn how to win and then many of these close games will start coming our way. Right now, there is a feeling that we will end up losing. As a fan, you feel it.

When Suisham missed the FG against the Cowboys there was a feeling that they would come down and score a TD. Against the Eagles, we couldn't convert the INT into a TD and settled for a FG. Again, you felt like Philly would come back. Winning teams find ways to win. We are playing better. We need a new O line and we need to bring an attitude that we expect to win.

Scott said...

JC may not be an unrestricted free agent if there is no CBA in place prior to March 5, 2010 because he has not been a vet for 6 years. If he's not eligible, the Skins may be lucky to see how the draft goes before they have to commit to JC for 2010.

j, k, and s's d said...

If no CBA, he would be a restricted FA which would be good.

Regarding the draft, who in college right now would you like to see lead the Redskins in 2010? Please do not tell me Tebow.

Bradford is a risk and McCoy seems like a good college QB and that's it.

deepie said...

I believe Bradford is the best bet to succeed in the NFL, although he is a risk due to his injured shoulder. He has the size, arm strength, and intelligence to put it together at the next level.

McCoy is accurate, but lacks arm strength. He's exactly like Colt Brennen, so he's a long shot.

Claussen is young and could benefit from another year in college. He seems a bit raw and unpolished.

Tebow has played four years in an option style offense...a system designed to his strengths which are his size and rushing ability. He's not an accurate passer and he will struggle considerably at the next level. He has the desire to win, which is great, but it will take him a few more years than the others to reach his potential as a QB.

Who should the 'Skins take? The best Left Tackle available...Then they should take the best Right Tackle available. If Tebow is still there in the 3rd or 4th round, I don't have a problem with trying to develop him...But to take a QB in the early rounds would just mean another year with no running game and a QB who who no time to step back and throw.

j, k, and s's d said...

Largely agree with Deepie's comments. I like Bradford but his shoulder is a real concern. Outside of Bradford, I don't think too much of McCoy, Claussen, or Tebow (as a QB). Frankly, I am fine with JC and would like to see him behind a legit O line.

Tebow seems like he could be a Mike Alstott type or a solid TE but not QB.

HAVE to go LT, then RT, then get a couple of FA linemen and then maybe get a good RB in the third round. Good RBs can be found in later rounds so we should be able to find a serviceable RB later in the draft.