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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blache to the Rescue!

Breaking his media silence, Greg Blache spoke up and defended Danny Boy after hearing about Riggo's ranting.

"This is a man I've known for six years, since I've been here," Blache said. "And in the six years, I've never seen John Riggins here. I met him once at the Beach Blitz down in Virginia Beach -- never seen him in the building. So, to hear such a vicious criticism of somebody I consider not just my employer, but a good friend, bothered me."

Blache cited Snyder's charity work and his dealings with Blache and Blache's wife.

"We've had criticisms from people outside the building saying who Dan Snyder is and who he isn't," Blache said. "They don't know Dan Snyder and that's the problem. Trust me because he and I, we work together. I'm not going to tell you that this is a utopia. There are no utopias in football, and there are no utopias in life. At the same time, enough is enough. Every story, there is one person's side, another person's side, and then behind it all there is a third side and it's the truth.

"I just felt like it was time for somebody to come and throw a little truth out there," Blache said. "We keep hearing these other sides, these other factions, and to be quite candid, the third side -- the truth -- is that this person, all he wants to do is win. That's all he wants to do. He will spend his money, he will spend his time, he wants to win, he is here for the people, for the fans, for the Washington Redskins.

"Nobody pains more when we are unsuccessful than Dan Snyder. There is nobody that cares more about the fans than Dan Snyder. There is nobody that wants to win here, more than Dan Snyder. I just think that it's time to put out there, for you guys to understand, that everything that is wrong with this organization is not Dan Snyder."

Blache is a guy that stood by his players, his head coach, and now his owner. I don't doubt Snyder's commitment to wanting to win and feeling genuinely sick at our record. However, it really starts with Snyder and if he truly wants a winner, he has to change some of the fundamental ways he is conducting his business.


Rob said...

He's a butt-licking a-hole. He wants to be the HC and is just trying to soothe Danny Boy. The way he turned on GG is pathetic. I have no respect for the man.

j, k, and s's d said...

He doesn't want to be the coach. He is ready to retire. He has never made any type of indication that he wants to be the head coach.

He has defended Zorn as he has been ridiculed during the year. He has defended his players. Now he is just defending his owner.

If it is true that he has aspirations to secretly take over the head coaching position (which I doubt) than that would be bad but you don't even know the guy and you don't respect him.

Nice to see that you aren't judgemental.

Rob said...

Do you know how he became DC?

j, k, and s's d said...

Yes, I've read the story. You love to bring it up and remind us all on every occasion you can get. I knew you would bring it up in this case as soon as Blache defended Snyder.

The point is Blache is a fiery guy and he stands up any time one of his own is being bashed. He took great offense to some of Trevor Matich's questions about some of the players on the D line. He has taken offense at the media's portrayal of JZ. He is taking offense at Riggo's bashing of Snyder.

I don't think Snyder has done a good job at being the owner of the Skins but I can't go so far as to call him evil and dark. If someone who didn't really know you attacked your character in the media, I would be ticked off and standup and tell them that that is not how you are.

Point is Blache has not done that solely for Snyder. I do not think he has aspirations to be the Redskins head coach. He is older and has some health issues. He retired before Snyder told him to come back as DC. Yes, I know the story so you don't have to bring that up.

Without knowing the man, you have cast some strong words against him. I know it's hard for you but just assuming he didn't want to be head coach, what other reason could he have to defend Snyder against the accusation that he is just dark and evil?

Rob said...

We'll see. I don't see anyone who is not on Snyder's payroll defending him.

Blache was retired, but he quickly unretired and stuck GG in the back when Snyder offered him a pot of money.

I don't think it is a stretch to think he wants an even bigger pot of gold. He will take over as coach and Vinny will stay on as GM. That's what I think will happen.

You aren't on my payroll so already the example is different. And please stop using the term "evil." No one called Snyder "evil." That is your term. He was called a "bad guy." There is a huge difference.

I do believe Danny Boy has a dark side and is a bad guy. There are enough examples that we have seen over 10 years to know that he is a bad guy. To deny that is to deny reality.

deepie said...

This is ridiculous. Blache disappeared 4 weeks ago and this is what he breaks his media silence for??? He didn't answer any questions. He didn't speak to issues about the defense. He just came out to defend his owner/friend.

I don't get it. There's no control at Redskins Park. Players, coaches...everyone just comes out whenever they want to and say whatever they want to say. Is it really that surprising that its a circus over there? There's no one running the show.

I was listening to Lavar on the way home last night and he was PISSED! His point was that he sees the careers of his former teammates and new guys like Orakpo getting wasted because of the circus the organization has put together. They're not focused on football. They're just trying to cover their arses.

I hope we get our arses handed to us by Hot-lanta.

j, k, and s's d said...

Fine, I won't use the term "evil." Riggo said that Snyder has a "dark heart." What do you think that means? For goodness sake, please answer one of my questions. You never answer any of my questions.

Again, what do you think the term "dark heart" means?

To me, that means Riggo thinks Snyder is more than just a bad guy and that he is evil. I would love to hear what your interpretation of "dark heart" means. Again, please answer. I ask this repeatedly because you never answer questions.

Joe T. said Riggo was wrong. Doc Walker, Trevor Matich, Mark Maske, and Ivan Carter of Washington Post Live all said it went overboard. Collinsworth didn't agree with Riggo. Phil Simms kind of shook his head in surprise when Riggo said it. JB seemed surprised.

JZ said that the comments were extreme and that Snyder has received unfair bashing and that he blamed himself (which is pretty much JZ does all the time now) saying that if the Skins were winning no one would have any problem. I think we agree that winning cures all and that JZ is most likely correct in his statement.

It's fine that Riggo thinks that Snyder is a bad owner. He is in the majority on those feelings. It is something else to get personal and attack a person.

If Danny Boy was not the owner of the Skins and we just knew him for his philanthropic and charitable ways, would you still think he was a bad guy and had a dark heart? Oops, that's two questions. Not sure if you can/will even answer one of them.

As I recall, you said yourself, "I don't think Danny Boy is evil, but I think he is a bad guy."

You used the term "evil" yourself so I am only assuming that you believe the term "dark heart" means evil. I will let you clarify though.

Regarding Deepie's comments, it's par for the course. More drama at Redskin Park. I don't really have an issue with Blache standing up though. If I felt like a friend was being attacked personally by a guy that didn't really know, I would say something too. As I recall, that is why I said something to you when we had our issue.

Again, Snyder is a bad owner and I'm sure has made plenty of bad decisions as an owner but he has also done a lot of good in the community with his charitable work and he really takes care of his players and being concerned with their families. He has helped out players when they needed it including letting them use Redskin One in case of emergencies. I don't know the guy personally and while I think he is genuine in his passion to bring a winner to D.C. and is genuinely upset with the state of the franchise, he has done it to himself and not been a great owner. However, to say he has a "dark heart" seems to go overboard.

Robs, please answer the questions. I always feel like I have to remind you several times and even still you will dodge the questions.

Rob said...

That he is a bad guy who mistreats others regularly. The point is that Danny Boy isn't just making bad decisions he is hurting folks.

Sending long-time season ticket holders into bankruptcy by suing them isn't just a bad decision - it goes beyond that.

Banning signs at FedEx is just because Danny is an ego maniacal control freak. It isn't because he made a mistake.

The way he has treated Zorn is not just a mistake. Danny publicly humiliated his coach in an effort to force him to resign.

j, k, and s's d said...

And again, Robs fails to answer the questions.

Rob said...

I don't even know what question you are asking.

I can only say that Danny Boy is not just making bad decisions. He is doing far more than that. That is why he is not just inept, but a bad guy with bad moral values (i.e., a "black heart")

He is not killing people, torturing people, raping people - so he is not "evil".

I really don't know what else you want.

j, k, and s's d said...

Do you read what I write? Do you not see the question marks? Do you not see where I specifically ask you multiple times to please answer the question?

Again, my questions:

"Fine, I won't use the term "evil." Riggo said that Snyder has a "dark heart." What do you think that means?"

"Again, what do you think the term "dark heart" means?"

"If Danny Boy was not the owner of the Skins and we just knew him for his philanthropic and charitable ways, would you still think he was a bad guy and had a dark heart?"

deepie said...

Riggo's term "dark heart" equals evil. Let's not kid ourselves about what he was saying.

I think he may know somethings that we don't know. People have been calling the radio shows lately talking about run-ins with Danny Boy (former employees, security guards, service providers that have been to his home) and by all accounts, he's a guy who doesn't like to be told he's wrong and he doesn't like interacting with people who he feels are beneath him. One caller said he worked for Danny Boy and he was told to never look him in the eye and that Danny Boy would turn away and face a wall instead of acknowledge that people were in the room with him. Another caller said his friend, an exterminator, was called to Danny Boy's home because he was complaining about moths in his closet chewing holes in his suits. The exterminator showed up, inspected the closet and saw that the holes were caused by cigar burns. He told the house servant to tell Mr. Snyder that there are no moths and that the he should be more careful when enjoying a cigar. The servant told the exterminator to just spray whatever he could and he would be paid accordingly because he could not tell Danny Boy that it was his fault.

We can't be 100% certain that these stories are true, but they're consistent with the way people describe Danny Boy, i.e., he has a dark heart.

Rob said...

I don't know what Riggo meant, nor do I know how he would define "evil" or "dark heart." I wouldn't call Danny Boy evil, because I reserve evil for more sinister behavior (murder, rape, torture, genocide, etc.) - but that is just me.

I think this much is clear - Danny Boy is not just making honest mistakes. He is a bad guy who has a major character flaw. He regularly mistreats people and doesn't seem to give a sh*t. Whether you call it a "dark heart" or "evil" or whatever, I think it is clear that he is a "BAD GUY."

Also JKSD - don't make up irrelevant scenarios that have nothing to do with anything.

j, k, and s's d said...

He is a bad owner and while I believe he genuinely is upset with the record of the team and does whatever he can to make a winner and he does a lot for the community and cares for his players and their families, there are enough stories out there that would indicate he has a good side but he is still a bad guy.

We seem to not agree on the definition of "dark heart." I think that is over the top but that is based on my definition.

What irrelevant scenarios? What's wrong with asking you pointed questions to understand where you are coming from? You shouldn't have any problem with that since you never answer them anyway.

Rob said...

OK you Danny-loving apologist. I get it you love him and want to protect him.

Your scenario is irrelevant because it does not reflect reality. Saying, if Danny didn't own the Redskins and farted out flowers and made everyone smile" doesn't mean anything because he does own the Deadskins and has been a horrible owner who has done so many terrible things.

I will say this - you are the exact type of fan Danny loves. One who will excuse his behavior because he "really wants to win." If he really wanted to win he wouldn't do the crap he does.

He doesn't spend any more than anyone else. But I will make a bet. As revenues decline because of fan apathy, Danny Boy will spend less than the other teams to try to save money.

Rob said...

There isn't a commitment to winning at Deadskin Park under Danny.

Here are the priorities:

1. Make money.
2. Allow Danny Boy to get involved in all decision-making even though he doesn't really understand football.
3. Disallow any criticism of Danny Boy.
4. Make the biggest splash in free agency so that it looks like the Deadskins are doing something in the off-season.
5. Win.

The problem is the first 4 don't do anything to help with #5.

j, k, and s's d said...

WTF is wrong with you?

I am not an apologist. I am not a Danny boy lover. I said multiple times he is a bad owner. There are several stories out there that would confirm reports that he is a bad guy.

However, my definition of "dark heart" seems to be different than yours (Deepie seems to have his own opinion on what "dark heart" means).

Fine, we get it. Enough said. Although, I know you won't let it rest.

deepie said...

I just explained what I believe Riggo's definition of dark-heart is. I think Riggo is saying he's evil.

I tend to agree with Robs that evil is a description for a murderer/rapist/Hitler-type character. I don't think Danny Boy is evil, but he's a douche.

Shall we now go back and forth to determine what a douche is?

j, k, and s's d said...

I agree that he is a douche.

Robs likes to argue the nuances so perhaps we will end up debating the definition of douche.

deepie said...

Here's what I think of Danny Boy.
He's willing to pay large gobs of money to attract the top talent to the team. I like that he's willing. I don't like that so much money goes to so few players.

His willingness to throw money around isn't a bad thing, until you factor in the fact that much of that money has gone to guys that don't deserve it and that it prevents the team from paying more players adequately to create depth. I know Robs is going to say he doesn't spend more than other owners and I understand that. I'm talking about his willingness to do whatever it takes to bring in what he believes is top talent. If that willingness is refocused, it would be a VERY good thing.

Danny has neglected the fans. The stadium is fine, but the infrastructure around it SUCKS! Parking costs are ridiculous considering how far some lots are from the stadium. The ticket packages that resulted in law-suits were unnecessarily binding and the team was extremely selfish in taking down on their luck fans to court. The ban on signs is ridiculous. It shows that he is egomaniacal and that he can't take a little criticism, which are symptoms of douchyness.

Danny is a meddeler (sp?). There is a chance that the treatment of Zorn lately has been Vinny's doing, but it's not likely. We'll find out in the next few months though. If Danny gets rid of Vinny, it will say a lot about what he thinks about how the team has been built. Vinny, BTW, is also a douche.

I'll give Danny the benefit of the doubt and a chance to see if this turmoil changes his approach. JKSD has said many times that this crazy season may be exactly what is needed. It's never been this bad before and if even if Danny is no smarter than a 3 year old, no matter how douchy he is, he should realize that drastic changes need to be made in how he builds the front office and in how he interacts with the operations of the team.

Rob said...

If you think Danny is actually committed to winning, then you have not been paying attention to his stewardship of what was once one of the best franchises in the NFL.

I told you above what he is committed to.

I also told you this years ago. Maybe you'll figure it out in the next year or two - maybe it will take you 5-10 years. It doesn't matter to me.

Deeps, I have said it over and over - Danny Boy does not spend any more on salaries than the Chicago Bears or the rest of the NFL. He just concentrates the money on a couple of players which has proven to be a waste.

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, why do you keep saying the same thing on the cap? Deepie and I understand. Deepie just mentioned that in his previous post. WE GET IT!!!!

I agree with Deepie's comments. I'll leave it at that.

Have a good weekend, bitches!

Rob said...

The point is there is no more or less willingness to spend money to bring in players - which was Deepie's main point. He wanted to credit Danny Boy for something that he doesn't deserve any credit for.

Blowing your wad on one or two big name free agents is just a marketing ploy. It gets headlines but it is not a commitment to winning. Nor is it in any way a reflection of Danny Boy's commitment to winning. It has proven time and again to be a major problem for the Deadskins.

deepie said...

Robs...I think the issue is you don't get it. You want to stick by your guns and that's fine with me. All I'm saying is Danny Boy's strategy involves paying a lot more to a few players that he and/or Vinny believe will push the team over the top than other teams are willing to pay. You can't deny that the strategy is a good one if you have a solid draft strategy and you're raising home-grown talent. The problem is, the Skins don't do that and they use the high priced FAs as a band-aid on a gaping wound rather than on the paper cut it would be if Snyderatto could draft well.

Rob said...

I get it. It doesn't work. What I don't get is why you want to give props to him for the failing strategy.