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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Redskins coming off the bye week

So I know the bye week was supposed to take the Redskin players minds off of football and the dismal 2-5 record and they are supposed to come back refocused and recharged. They started the season against very soft teams and now go into a stretch in November with the toughest schedule in the NFL in terms of the oppositions win percentage.

For me, the worst possible thing would be for the Redskins to surprise a couple of teams and actually pull out a couple of victories and put up some decent numbers. At this point, I would rather continue losing and have a couple of embarrassing losses to help continue the charge for change. Hopefully the O line continues to stink it up. Things have to be SO obvious for Snyder that he will have no choice but to fire Cerrato. Snyder is a marketing guy and he is losing his fan base fast. Cerrato is Redskin fan enemy #1 so even if Snyder loves Cerrato it seems like he would have no choice but to fire that idiot if he wants to save some face. Literally, that move alone would bring smiles to many Skin fans faces.

Of course, than we would need to find a decent football guy to serve as GM and assume that that qualified guy would be willing to work with Snyder. We would then need for that GM to bring in a strong coach that could work with the GM and for the two of them to be on the same page in terms of direction and what type of team we are building and get the right players for that particular system. We can't just continue to get the big name free agent and try and continue to fit square pegs in round holes. It doesn't work.

We have got to draft a couple of O linemen and get a couple more in FA. I am literally hoping for continued sacks (don't want JC to get injured though -- sorry JC) and continued embarrassment and for the fans to continue this revolution that has really gained momentum so that change is forced.

I love the Skins and only say the above because it truly is time for change and it won't come about unless we really suck.


deepie said...

If Snyder doesn't get rid of Vinny, there is no hope. It would mean that they believe they know how to fix this mess. It would also mean that they believe the problem is the coaching. Vinny getting kicked to the curb is the only way this can get better.

I agree that we need to keep sucking. I don't think there's any way it can get better, so I'm not worried. We were average with a good O-line. Now we don't have an O-line. Do the math. I know there's a chance we can sneak out a couple of wins, but it's pretty unlikely considering the schedule.

In the end, I'm going to feel bad for Zorn. He's a good guy who got in over his head then had to deal with an owner and a GM who had their heads up each other's arses. His coaching philosophy doesn't fit his talent so a lot of the problems are his fault, but as we all know, the bigger problem is Snyderatto. If Snyderatto is still intact next year, we're going to draft a QB with the 5-th pick only because "there were no tackles who justified the 5th pick in the draft" and we will continue this charade by blaming further ineptitude on a coach who couldn't win despite having a rookie QB with no offensive line to protect him.

j, k, and s's d said...

I like Zorn as well but as you said, he got in over his head. He signed a contract w/o any representation and is stuck having to do whatever the bossman says. He also took over a team where he was not able to bring in any of his choices for coordinators. He did this to himself.

It goes back to trying to fit in square pieces into round holes. Of course, Robs likes doing that sort of thing but in football most times this will not lead to successful outcomes.

Right now, we have a collection of people (Snyderatto, coaches, players) all going in different directions. We need for the front office, the coaches, and the players to all be in sync in terms of philosophy and personnel and scheme, etc.

It will be interesting to see how the season AND the offseason plays out.

Rob said...

Snyder has to come to the realization that he is a football idiot and that HE needs to get out of day-to-day operations.

If he fires Cerrato but just goes out and gets another guy who allows him to be involved in day-to-day operations it won't make any difference.

I really don't expect any major change with the Deadskins. By that I mean that even if Vinny and Zorn are out, the next Vinny and Zorn will be in.

Until Snyder decides to but out, it doesn't really matter. And since I don't see Snyder stepping back I don't see anything changing.

deepie said...

I agree 100%. The next GM, God willing, will not be a Danny puppet. He will have to be a strong, experienced GM who will know how to appease Danny while building the team without Danny's influence.

If Danny hires another yes-man, we're doomed to be mediocre forever.

j, k, and s's d said...


Still, I just want to see Cerrato fired. That guy is a crazy looking idiot.