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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fred Davis

So the guy had a rough early start to his career but in his first opportunity at extended playing time did very well against the Eagles. He had a very good day receiving but struggled blocking.

He has put good work in the weight room and strengthened his body but his technique is poor. Davis deserves credit for staying at Redskin Park during the bye week and working with coaches for a few hours each day on his blocking technique.

I will say that that says a lot about the guy who is a young player on a 2-5 team. We could only hope others would step up and work during the bye week. I'm not saying everyone. Certainly, taking time off when things are going bad can be a good thing both in terms of getting away from football and nursing injuries but staying and working is where leaders can be born. The Skins are certainly lacking some real leaders and this is the time when guys can take a stand on their own and show that they are committed to being better.

Hopefully Davis's work translates to the field.


deepie said...

I listened to him on the Lavar show yesterday...seems like a good kid with his head on right. He wants to be productive and he wants to show people he can play. The best thing is, he said he wants those things for himself, but he wants to win more than anything. He recognized that the O-line stinks and said he doesn't want to be responsible for JC getting any more sacks than he has to because the QB needs to trust him.

I hope he does well. If he's as good as he was made out to be, it will really help while Cooley heals.

Rob said...

You read a story or two and you have completely changed your mind on the guy. Fred Davis regularly showed up late for meetings. He is known to giggle inappropriately during meetings. The reason he hasn't gotten on the field is he has not learned the playbook after a year and a half.

But he comes in for a couple of hours during the bye week and now he is a great professional.

Maybe he has turned a corner, and he realizes that he has an opportunity now that Cooley is hurt. We'll see, but my sense is that he will make as many mistakes as he makes plays and he will hurt the team because he remains unprepared.

deepie said...

What is this history of tardiness you keep referring to? He slept in on the 2nd day of training camp last year. That's been established. The only mention of tardiness I can find happened during college.

Give the dude a chance. So he wasn't prepared last year. Fine. He was prepared enough to step in when Cooley went down to catch 7 passes and a TD. If he prepares like he says he wants to, he'll be fine.

Rob said...

Jason Reid has written about Fred Davis on multiple times in the past. There isn't just one incident, and Reid hasn't discussed it only one time. If you read Redskins' Insider you would know.

If you don't want to believe Reid that is fine, but I am not making it up.

Rob said...

Here is one post from earlier this year - see the part on Davis:

deepie said...

He refers to incidents that occurred last season, not this year.

I say give him a chance. I also say a better coaching staff would have gotten him to produce already. All young players on O have been slow to contribute under Zorn and I doubt it's solely due to incompetence on the players' parts.

Rob said...

I only posted up what I could find - and he says he hasn't heard much about giggling this year - he doesn's say it didn't happen. Irrespective of whether it was this year or last year, true professionals don't pull that kind of B.S. I know Davis has not been a serious student of the game based on multiple stories I have read for months. You can give him a chance if you like - but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Giggling in team meetings? That is Zorn's fault?

Malcolm Kelly getting drafted even though he was not medically cleared by the Redskins' own medical personnel (and most teams were not willing to touch him because of his injuries) - that is Zorn's fault?

Devin Thomas not learning the playbook and checking out mentally for weeks at a time. That is Zorn's fault?

No, it seems pretty clear that the GM/scouts didn't do their homework - that is why they have so many draft busts. That's not coaching that is front office ineptitude.

DT has some promise, but MK and FD are going to be average players at best - certainly not worthy of 2nd round selections.

deepie said...

It starts with the front office drafting players who aren't ready/healthy/whatever. Zorn, however, continues to harp about timing and rhythm when the players he needs contributions from may not be ready for such a detailed offense. I don't see DeSean Jackson running routes that rely on timing so much. He runs to an open space and McNabb finds him.

It goes back to Zorn trying to fit the players into his system when it should be the other way around.

Rob said...

You think DeSean Jackson is just running around looking for an area and McNabb just finds him? That's not how football works - it isn't backyard pickup games. The Eagles pass plays to Jackson are completely designed plays.

The long TD play against the 'Skins was the result of play-calling. Earlier in the first half, Maclin had run free on a double move, but McNabb didn't see it. So they called the same play and McNabb hit Jackson. That was a totally designed play and the timing was right.

Jackson is a serious football player who came in and learned the playbook, earned the trust of the coaches and QB, and is delivering. The Deadskin trio of busts never did that. Blaming the coach doesn't make much sense.

I think DT will be a good player in the NFL for some time - I don't think MK or FD will really amount to a whole lot. We'll see.

j, k, and s's d said...

I too don't recall a chronic history of being late. I remember him missing the one practice for oversleeping and apologizing but nothing more.

Fine, he giggled last year. I heard a number of reports in preseason of him being much more promising this year. When you listen to him speak, he seems like he genuinely wants to work hard and be a solid contributor to this team.

As for your loverboy Reid, he also said that Kelly was going to be a good WR in this league. Do you buy that? Do you buy whatever Reid sells?

Davis had a good game last week and we'll see if he continues to develop. He has an opportunity now to do some things lets see what he can do.

I also agree with Deeps that coaches need to do a better job of developing these guys and putting them in a position to win. Give these guys the ball.

Have Thomas run back punts or kicks. I recognize that being a good WR is more than just catching but being able to run good routes but find ways to get these guys involved. Have them do end arounds or something. Thomas has size and speed and should be contributing more than he is.

Against the Skins, Jackson told McNabb to just throw up the 3rd and 23 and he'd be open. It's a straight fly route. Can't we do that?

Scott said...

GCM #80 knows how to play the receiver position. Don't question him.

j, k, and s's d said...

It was actually #95. Hands soft as pillows.

deepie said...

Wow...those are some old memories you're ringing up. All I remember are old videos of a guy who struggled to fill out his shoulder pads and his baby blue uniform, but could catch everything thrown his way. I wonder if he still has it in him.

Rob said...

If I had MK's physical gifts I would be a Hall-of-Famer. I maximized my talent. It is obvious that the Deadskins have duds.

j, k, and s's d said...

Since Robs' fantasy boy/loverboy Jason Reid said that he think MK will develop into a good WR. I have to believe Robs either agrees with him or they will end up having a huge argument tonight.

Robs buys whatever Reid sells so I assume he buys into MK.

Rob said...

JR expressed an opinion about MK and I disagree. Looks like I wad right.

He reported on FD - it wasn't an opinion. FD hasn't done his job well for the last year+.

I don't understand why you think I have to agree with JR 100% of the time - especially when there are facts and opinions.

The weird part is you want me to forget about the facts he reported about FD. But you want me to accept JR's opinion about MK. Odd.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't want you to forget about the facts on FD. Just seems like you love Reid so you would naturally agree on his assessment on MK.

You're free to do/think whatever the F you want.

Rob said...

You do realize that JR was giving opinions about MK and he was giving facts about FD.

You do understand the difference don't you?

Even if you don't, I still don't get why you expect me to agree 100% with JR. I don't agree 100% with my wife - why would I agree 100% with some sports reporter/blogger? That seems weird to me.