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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Danny Boy speaks...

Earlier this week, Danny boy said the following regarding the disappointing Skins.

“I think, number one, I feel bad for the fans,” Snyder said. “I feel sorry for the fans. We’re very, very appreciative of our great, loyal fan base. And I'm understanding. I mean, we just feel terrible. We’re disappointed and we’re embarrassed. And we hope to get it going soon.”

Asked how the team’s struggles have impacted him personally, Snyder replied: “It hurts. I mean, it really hurts. We are really trying very, very hard. Everyone at Redskins Park--the coaches, the players, the organization--quite frankly has held up well. I think we have an opportunity the rest of the season to hopefully get it going.

“But to date we have let everyone down, including ourselves. We know that. We’re just apologetic. We've blown some games that obviously we think we should have won.”

Asked for his thoughts on the fans’ perspective of the team, Snyder replied: “I see disappointment. It’s the same way I feel and I share their frustration. It’s hard. We’re going to try to put it together and get it going.”

I do think he genuinely is hurt and frustrated and bothered by the team's performance. I don't doubt his commitment to wanting to win. The problem is his execution. It is poor. Also, the whole business of suing fans and not allowing signs in the stadium and that type of b.s. does not absolve him by any means.

On the flip side, the media is scrutinizing each and every one of his words and trying to find out what he is truly saying and how he truly feels and whether it is enough and this and that. I don't like that type of b.s. either. The guy said what he said and lets move on. That is why he doesn't speak because every one of his words is overanalyzed. Again, I don't excuse him for a lot of the shat that has gone on but I don't feel the need to overanalyze each one of his words. NEXT!


deepie said...

He said what he said and the problem fans have now is he seemed to not come across as if he understands the actual problems the fans have with the Redskins. He said there's disappointment resulting from losing some games we should have won. He also said there's an opportunity to get some wins and put together a win streak.

WHO GIVES A FART! A few more wins won't do anyone any good and the team's record this season has jack to do with the fan's frustrations. The problem is Danny Boy. The problem is a mismanaged organization with no idea how to evaluate talent and no idea how to compensate players relative to their actual value to the team. The problem is Vinny sucks! The problem is the quality of the stadium experience is lousy due to traffic, concession prices, etc. (Did you know that fans had to build a makeshift bridge across a creek to get to and from the main road to the stadium from the parking lot where I have to park? Yeah you can go the long way around to avoid the creek, but it makes the walk to the stadium 20 minutes instead of 10.)

Danny may be hurt, but he doesn't seem to get it. He's out of touch with what is really bothering the fans and that's why I don't believe things will change dramatically.

Rob said...

"I think, number one, I feel bad for the fans. I feel sorry for the fans. We’re very, very appreciative of our great, loyal fan base. And I'm understanding."


1. I will sue you dumb ass fans if you don't pay for your season tickets - even if it means you have to file for bankruptcy.

2. You idiot fans are no longer allowed to express yourselves with signs at the game because I don't want see criticism of my leadership.

3. I continue to give you Vinny Cerrato - so go suck it fans!

But I really do feel bad for fans.

j, k, and s's d said...

You don't feel bad for fans. You don't feel bad for Deepie or me.

You enjoy this shat. I'm sure you are smiling right now.

I just hope the revolution continues to mount and change will be imminent. Continued embarrassment this year cannot continue in the offseason and hopefully Danny boy will have learned a few lessons.

Rob said...

I was writing what Danny Boy says.