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Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So CP was on ESPN 980 yesterday and they were asking him about him possibly losing his starting job. He said that he liked Betts. That they were good friends and good teammates and that Betts is a solid runner and that he only helps the team and that was a good thing. He also said that he doesn't mind sharing the load because it can only make the team stronger. He seemed genuine in his comments and I believed him. However, he said that they have run well in the past with CP in there and that as far as him possibly losing his starting job that was a non issue. For what it is worth, JZ and Sherman Smith have both said that CP is the starter.

It all seems the right way to handle things. Frankly, one can only hope that all the Betts success and talk will light a little bit of a fire under CP and get him running with more purpose.


Rob said...

CP is on the downside of his career. Whether he is the starter or not really doesn't make much difference. The guy doesn't practice and the offense clearly has played better without him.

If it lights a fire under him that is fine, but he doesn't seem to have IT anymore. He doesn't practice, he seems like a complainer, he isn't liked by teammates, and his is way way overpaid.

j, k, and s's d said...

I think he is still a solid RB. I do not like that he doesn't practice as this alienates himself from his teammates but also doesn't help him prepare for gameday. That has to change.

Rob said...

On top of not practicing he complains to coaches about who should play (e.g., Sellers).

We'll see if he changes his ways.

j, k, and s's d said...

He and Sellers are good friends and they have put that behind them.

Actually, Sellers has missed quite a few blocking assignments and that is another reason why you see a lot more of Yoder.

Scott said...

Did you hear how the sportscasters on Sunday said that Champ Bailey is a HOFer. There was no such labeling of CP in the same respect when they were discussing the trade. I think if someone doesn't practice during the week, they should not be allowed to play on Sunday. Maybe CP is not really ready to go on Sundays without the reps during the week.

Practice is important in every sport and it's a joke to think that he can maintain and/or improve his skills without working hard during the week. Do you think Tiger Woods just picks up his clubs on Thursday to start a tournament? As great as he is, he still hits hundreds of shots between Monday and Wednesday to ensure success on Thursday through Sunday. Aside from a freak like Adrian Pederson, I think most NFL quality RBs can be just as serviceable as CP with the right blocking.

At the end of the day, CP, Haynesworth, Chris Samuels, Meangelo, Agent Zero, Jamison and Butler all get paid too much money for their levels of production. Ovi and Cooley are the only ones worth their money.

j, k, and s's d said...

I agree that CP needs to practice in order to play. I don't think CP is a HOFer right now but the guy is 28 years old and should have 2-3 years of solid football left in him. If that holds true, he would end up as one of the top all time rushers in league history and certainly makes a case for the HOF.

There are a number of athletes across the board that are overpaid. That is the nature of the business.