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Monday, October 19, 2009

What now?

I was actually more disappointed in the Panther loss than the Chief loss because I felt like if we were going to do something this year, than we needed to win that Panther game. Yesterday was just more of the same so it came as less of a surprise. Still, it was dejecting.

The thing now is that we have SO many questions. We are a freak show and now it's almost like what is the next act of this crazy freakshow.

Who is the QB? I like JC but he deserved to be benched. Is this a permanent move or just something to try and light a spark yesterday? JC is in a contract year so does this mean he is pretty much done in D.C.?

Snyderatto is an ass! So Cerrato comes down right after JZ addresses the media and puts out a statement to the effect that Cerrato wants JZ to succeed but feels he has too much on his plate and wants him to relinquesh the play calling responsibilities. JZ in a statement thought this would be a good idea. I'm tired of the PR statements. I'm sure it was more like Cerrato saying Snyder's pissed and will fire you unless you give up playcalling. Zorn reluctantly says okay. Now we are giving it to a guy that just joined the team a week and a half ago and has been out of football for a while.

I actually don't have a huge problem with him giving up the playcalling responsibilities but again, how this is all done looks ridiculous. Things are being imposed on JZ. Still, JZ is the type of guy that you can impose things on. If he felt like he was being abused, he should just quit. In fact, part of me would actually like to see him say, "Hey Snyderatto! F you and your whole F'ing families!!! Zorn OUT!!!" This whole thing adds to the freakshow and the players are stuck in the middle.

Many players have said that they have never been part of anything like this in their careers. London Fletcher said that we are the most significant, insignificant team in the NFL. Most people wouldn't care about a 2-4 team but we still garner national headlines because we are a freakshow.

Again, I don't have a huge problem with some of the changes/issues going on but I don't like the way we are dealing with them. Additionally, I feel like things can be fixed but Snyderatto are just going to F it up even more.

There are ideal solutions and more realistic solutions. Ideally, in a nut shell, the fans revolt, raid Snyder's home, kidnap him, and burn him at the stake and we get Ted Leonsis to become the new owner of the Skins. That's not happening. Something still on the idealistic side but perhaps a little more realistic is that we get a good, proven coach in here that doesn't put up with any B.S. (from management or players). We agree to fire Cerrato and bring in a proven football guy that can serve as a true GM. We sign JC to a one year contract and then draft the best O lineman we can get. We bring in one or two O linemen. We draft more O linemen and we try and get this thing fixed.

I truly believe we have enough talent on this team to fix things pretty quickly if it's done right. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the Skins went out and signed Tebow (as Carnac has foretold). Snyderatto continue to F things up and it's more of the same. That's the toughest part is that I see this thing that can be fixed but I have no confidence it will be fixed.

Well, we'll see what Act 7 brings to the circus.


Rob said...

Zorn shouldn't quit - no reason to give back Danny Boy's money.

At least you are catching on to the B.S. PR that comes out of the organization.

Frankly, I would not be surprised if Snyderatto sent word down to Zorn that JC should be taken out. Snyderatto probably listed to Sonny this past week and then during the game and actually believed that TC is better.

This is what happened to Norv - Snyderatto forced him to play Jeff George over Brad Johnson.

JC is out of DC - it is over for him here. Snyderatto don't want him and now that Zorn has benched him there is no support within the organization by anyone that matters (players don't count).

Tebow/McCoy/Bradford - welcome to DC.

Looks like Sanchize and his 5 ints didn't work out too well for the Jets yesterday. Snyderatto was that close to getting him. Imagine what Sanchize would be doing behind this O-line. The Jets have a great line and a great running game, and Sanchize stinks. Behind this line he would be an outright disaster. At least you got Orakpo.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am fine with the defense. I like Orakpo too.

I like JC and as mentioned, I think we should do our best to revamp the line and sign JC to a one year deal and see what he can do. I am disappointed with JC as well though. He missed some easy throws yesterday and JZ said that he missed some open looks.

The thing with JC is that he also doesn't like to take chances nor is he decisive in his decision making. There are times when he should just tuck it and run and he will get positive yards. He, himself, has mentioned that he needs to be more decisive. Also, you look at Drew Brees and the guy is a gun slinger. He will just throw it up in double coverage sometimes (yesterday to Meacham) and trust the WR. I remember even Collins doing that when he was in a couple of years ago. JC doesn't do that.

I like him and sure the makeshift line gives him less protection and maybe makes him worry back there but he has to play better. Scheme/playcalling still needs to be better.

Again, the issue is that I don't think any of this gets resolved.

deepie said...

This morning on Snyder 980, the topic of discussion was how do you fix this cluster f*ck? Basically, the general consensus was, until Snyder fires Vinny, hires an experienced GM, gives that GM the autonomy to do his job, and stops with the meddling, this is not going to get better. The 'Skins will continue to be a 6-10 to 8-8 team with an ocassional burst into a wild-card spot. I completely agree. Sonny even called in and said it starts with management and talent evaluation. Apparently, Snyder listens to Sonny. Hopefully he'll listen to this.

Kevin Sheehan raised an interesting point. He said Snyder really has "no other hand to play" from a PR perspective than to fire Cerrato, hire a GM, and get out of the way. The public trust and goodwill has been depleted and unless Snyder wants to continue to fill the stadium without having to worry about creative marketing schemes to attract customers, there is nothing else he can do. Firing a coach and inserting even a Holmgren or a Gruden will not create the spark among the fans necessary to rebuild trust. Only getting rid of Cerrato and getting his hands out of the cookie jar will.

Callers said the stadium was half full yesterday and those who were there weren't really cheering. They were there to see how bad this gets. Redskins Nation has become numb because we know Snyderatto will try to pass this off as a coaching issue instead of admitting where the root of the problem is.

Regarding the QB situation, I believe JC will start the rest of the way. Clearly, the QB isn't the solution...Despite the slim possibility that TC would succeed, I'm glad we did something to try to create a spark. It's clear now though that we might as well use the guy best suited to play behind this patchwork line.

j, k, and s's d said...

I heard a rumor that Snyder is going to install himself as head coach and make Cerrato the starting QB.

Stay tuned.

matar-alloo said...

"I'm gonna pee on Daniel Snyder."

Greatest quote ever from my friend Guldar.

Rob said...

It is going to be interesting to see how the stadium looks for Monday Night Football next week. I expect there will be a lot of no shows and a lot of Philly fans.

But that is good in this respect - hopefully for you Deadskin fans it will get Snyder to see what a shell of an organization he has.

He has been pouring chocolate over a pile of crap for years and there have been enough fans eating it up that it hasn't mattered. But chocolate covered sh*t is still chocolate covered sh*t, and it finally looks like fans are also recognizing it.

Snyder needs to get his arse out of the way, expel the guy who has been serving up crap (Cerrato), and hire a chef (GM) who knows how to cook chocolate cake.

Rob said...

Sherm Lewis' first offensive call:


I saw someone else post this on Reid's blog and found it funny.

It is just like my movie idea - the old retired coach rides in to save the day. He hasn't even talked to all of the offensive guys and now he is going to call plays? What?

deepie said...

Based on what I've heard, this mess is Vinny's doing. He's trying to save his arse by doing whatever he can to make it look like Zorny is completely responsible for the ineptitude. I still believe Zorny's playcalling can be blamed to a degree, but I believe it when the guys on Snyder 980 say Cerrato is the one who made the call to hand over playcalling duties to the "new set of eyes." Vinny wanted to bring Sherm in. He called Zorn and "strongly suggested" that Zorn hand over playcalling duties to Sherm. This doesn't smell like a Snyder turd. It definitely smells like Vinny's though to me. The piece of info that confirms it for me is, apparently one of the Snyder 980 reporters got a hold of Zorny immediately after his press conference to ask him if he knew that Sherm Lewis has a pretty poor reputation as a play caller. Zorn's response was, "You'll have to take that up with Vinny."

Apparently, Tony Kornheiser was in the owner's box on Sunday. He spoke with Danny at length and apparently suggested that Zorn be fired and a new, top flight GM should be brought in. I can only hope that Danny Boy realizes the mess that is the Redskins is his own doing. By relying on Vinny to build the team, he's allowed the team and the entire organization to fall apart.

deepie said...

Another interesting sound bite from the 'Skins talk shows yesterday...JC said he's done worrying about what everyone thinks about him and worrying about what would happen if he makes a mistake. He says he's just going to go out there and play football. Apparently, he's allowed all the anti-JC stuff bring him down and according to him, he realizes that it's held him back.

I hope he gets the start going forward and he lights it up.

Rob said...

Deeps - you really have not followed the team very well if you don't think that Danny Boy is intimately responsible for the decisions Vinny has made. Danny Boy is deeply involved in player personnel decisions. He wines and dines the picks and free agents. He is the one who spent 18 hours interviewing Spags, Fassel, Double G, etc.

Look, the whole reason Marty was fired and Vinny was brought back was because Danny Boy was unhappy not being a part of the decision-making.

The idea that Vinny independently decided to bring in Bingo Sherminator and that Zorn is being hung out to dry by just Vinny is laughable. Danny Boy is right in the middle of it and whether he suggested these first or not, he most certainly was the one who approved these decisions.

In the end, you cannot fire the owner, and maybe someone who is competent will come in and be the GM. But, I don't really see why a top notch GM is going to want to spend his days dealing with Danny Boy and all of the interference he would create. It is a mediocre/losing organization the way Danny Boy runs it and until he really changes there won't be any real success.

deepie said...

I know Danny's involved. I'm not ready to say he's doing anything more than telling Vinny, "This sucks. Do something!" I know he meets with FAs and prospects and gives the sales pitch to bring people in, but I am not convinced that he determines who he's wining and dining until Vinny says, "We need him on our team."

Look. Vinny convinced Snyder that Zorn was the right guy for the HC job. Snyder said so himself during an interview last year. Vinny suggested bringing Sherm Lewis in. Maybe Danny initially thought they could use a consultant, but Vinny picked the guy. Now, with the team struggling, Danny must have said, "Do something!" Unless it is confirmed that Danny is making the decisions, I'm willing to believe he's just the spoiled brat in the background crying because his toy is broken and Cerrato is the one pulling the trigger.

Rob said...

Even if your contention is correct - that Vinny is pulling all of the strings (I certainly don't believe it) - then Danny Boy is still the idiot in charge who hired Vinny and keeps him in place.

I've been telling you for years the organization is a loser. The sad part is you will believe what Snyder/the Organization says "Vinny convinced me to hire Zorn" when the organization lies to you constantly (e.g., "Zorn asked for help with play calling").

Deeps, as long as the Deadskins have fans like you who take their lying arses at their word, then nothing will change. The reality is that fewer and fewer fans are bying the crap they are trying to sell.

John Feinstein's column is relevant to this discussion and pretty good today in the Post. Here is a quote:

This is what has become of the Redskins after 10 years of Snyder's ownership: a quarterback tackled in his own end zone in front of thousands of empty seats while the few fans still around booed angrily as the hapless offense trotted off the field.

The point he makes in the column is that this reality isn't the work of just a QB or coach. It cannot be just from a GM. It is because of Snyder that this has happened.

deepie said...

Robs - I understand that Snyder is the root cause. The point I'm trying to make is, even though Snyder may be the general yelling, "FIRE!" it is very likely that Vinny is the trigger man with really bad aim. Getting rid of him and hiring a GM worth his salt is potentially a way out of this mess.

Danny's not going away so there's no point in discussing a solution with him out of the picture. As a fan of the team, I have to believe Danny understands what's going on. I hope he does the right thing and brings in a football guy who understands how to build a team. Danny is too big of a fan of the Redskins to not want that, especially now that he's on the verge of losing considerable amounts of revenue with low attendance at the games. If he wants to wine and dine the right guys, that's fine. Right now, bringing in the right guys at the right price is the problem.

Rob said...

I guess we have to disagree on the involvement in day-to-day operations of Mr. Danny Boy.

What decent GM wants to have an obtrusive owner hanging around - especially one who knows little about football and seems more like a jock-sniffing nerd?

j, k, and s's d said...

Again, I will have to agree more with Deeps. I don't think he is saying that Danny is not involved at all. I don't think any of us are real Danny supporters. I think Deeps and I are happy that we have an owner that cares and is willing to spend money and do whatever he can to put together a winner. I think we agree that we don't like him meddling in personnel and coaching decisions.

That said, Robs again is speculating when he believes that Danny is the one pulling the strings on the person to bring in. Danny boy probably didn't even know who Sherman Lewis was. I am sure Danny boy is sick and angry about the offensive production. However, I believe he does tell Vinny to fix it. I am fairly certain Snyderatto both feel like they should pull the play calling responsibilities from JZ. Snyder probably is involved in some personnel decisions and is certainly more involved than he should be.

Still, the point is Danny boy should take 3 steps back and get his stupid looking wannabe face out of football decisions. He is not going anywhere so we are stuck with him. I don't recall ever experiencing the kind of backlash we are experiencing right now so hopefully some of it has an impact on him. Hopefully he gets rid of Cerrato OR when they do interview a new coach, who I assume will be an established coach with successful experience, that candidate will bring up front office decisions/control. None of the candidates being discussed will want to be undermined the way JZ has been undermined. So, again, hopefully during those discussions Cerrato is fired or put into his place (his place being the shitter).

We are what we are and we can only hope that Snyder listens and gets rid of Cerrato.

Rob said...

I keep saying it - Danny Boy doesn't spend more than other owners because of the salary cap. In fact, he is being cheap by not just firing Zorn and trying to get Zorn to resign to save money. He was also cheap when he hired Zorn because he told Zorn (and other coaching candidates) that they would not be allowed to hire all new staffs because so many coaches were under contract.

You say I am speculating, but then you just speculate yourself. Whatever.

I'll just say this - Danny Boy is the owner and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that he is a meddlesome owner. Even if you want to discount that and don't think he is approving/inputting the day-to-day decisions Vinny is making (that is a big if, and I don't believe that for a second), then he is a horrible owner for allowing the Deadskin organization to be run into the ground.

Either way he is the idiot who allowed the Deadskin organization to rot to the point of being a national joke.