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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The soap opera that is the Redskins

I do not think I have ever experienced/seen such a universal feeling of disappointment and disbelief and mounting frustration with the way the Redskins are being run. From the fans, to the media (both local AND national), to the coaches, to the players and everyone in between there just seems to be this feeling that Snyderatto are F'd in the head.

I am actually enjoying it because I can only assume it will bring about change because if it doesn't, there will only be further backlash.

The interesting thing is that I was watching Comcast SportsNite and the players at the Park are all laughing and joking. I saw JC, Portis, Dockery, and Moss all much more relaxed and laughing. I'm not sure if it is because they are like F this and lets just relax and play ball or if it's more of a state of hysteria. Either way, it was interesting to see them so happy.

Honestly, the whole thing is mind boggling. I'm still a Redskin fan and always will be but I am shocked at the latest developments and I can't wait to see what's next.


deepie said...

I also can't wait to see what's next because I hope we are headed down a path where we'll eventually see significant change in how the organization runs itself. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but as a fan, that's all I can do at this point.

Snyder has to be aware of the backlash. I can't see how he isn't aware of what everyone is saying. Only an extreme narcissist could go through this and not do anything about it. That's the one thing I don't think we know about Snyder. Is he a giant a-hole who is enjoying the fact that the 'Skins are being talked about everywhere, albeit negatively? Or is he going to get it and start realizing that something drastic needs to be done?

Let's see what happens.

j, k, and s's d said...

It's kind of interesting because I don't think we have experienced anything like what we are seeing now before.

The thing is I have no clue as to what will happen next.

Rob said...

There is no question Snyder is a narcissist. Frankly most owners have a bit of ego and arrogance about them from being so rich. That isn't the problem.

The problem is that Danny Boy THINKS he knows football and I have to assume he THINKS he knows what he is doing.

The only question at this point is whether he will finally learn something and do what needs to be done to make the Deadskins a classy, well-run organization again.

Quite honestly, I doubt it. He phuks people over so easily and has done so so many times over the last 10 years (fans, Zorn, Arrington, Norv, Marty, John K. Cooke, etc.) that it appears it is a character flaw within the guy. We'll see - but I suspect you have decades of nonsense to deal with. The Lions were once a great organization in the 1960s - but the Ford family has run the organization poorly for decades. You may have the same thing here in DC.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't like Danny boy but how did he screw John K. Cooke? So Danny boy wanted to own the team. If anyone screwed John it was his dad by not just letting him inherit the team. I understand he wanted the philanthropic stuff and such but if you truly want the Redskins to stay with the Cooke's, why chance it? Why put the team up for auction?

Rob said...

You read how he dealt with him didn't you? I would have dealt with John K. Cooke with respect - instead he acted like the dick that he is.

It is in his character - that is my point.

Another example of his dickishness, is that he started to market and infringe on the Ravens territory. He also called Modell a loser and said, "how many championships has Modell won." Modell went on to win a Super Bowl and Danny Boy has frittered away all the good will surrounding the Deadskins.

j, k, and s's d said...

I did read the article and we got a tiny, little snipet from Cooke's side.

I don't doubt that Snyder is an ass. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with him wanting to pursue Redskin ownership when it was put up for auction. Jack K. Cooke should have never have done that. He didn't trust John to be a successful owner. I wish he had just let John inherit it but he didn't and we got Danny boy.

Rob said...

There is nothing wrong with pursuing the Deadskins. Again, my point is his attitude and dickishness to people comes out again and again.

As for Jack Kent Cooke not leaving it for Junior. That is neither here nor there. The Squire was always a nut - especially toward the end.

Junior came up with a $750M bid and probably would have bid more had he been given the opportunity to counter the $800M offer Danny Boy came up with.

I do find it odd that there was no opportunity to counter. Junior could be lying. Danny Boy could have bribed the trustees. Who knows? Frankly, who cares? That is the past.

j, k, and s's d said...

I understand Danny boy is an arse but what in that article indicated that he was an arse in that case? Again, you get a snipet from one side. Not much to go on. This is like getting mad at Danny boy for going to the Air and Space Museum with Tom Cruise.

So Danny boy wanted to buy the Skins and said that he wanted to leave the Skins to his kids. What is wrong with that? Should he just bow down like in the Godfather and told him lies?

Again, the Squire screwed his own son. That is who I would be angry at if I was John. Why didn't my dad just leave me the team?

Why should there have been a counter offer. That's the way sealed bids at auctions are conducted. You don't get a do over. If that was the case, why not just have a public auction and just let them go back and forth until one backs down?

Rob said...

You don't go into a meeting where you are trying to partner up with the son of the man who owned the team for 3 decades and say, "I want to leave the Deadskins to my kids." I'm sorry, but if you think that is appropriate then you are a jerk.

There is such a thing as respect - but if you don't agree then fine you have the perfect owner for your type of team.

The Squire could not pay the estate taxes and leave enough for the charity. Junior knew what was coming and had his partners lined up to buy the Deadskins. Squire made Junior aware of what was going on, it just didn't work out.

The trustees could have done anything - when you are in that position your job is to maximize profits for the estate. It should have become a bidding war if it was done properly.

j, k, and s's d said...

Who knows how the meeting went. The Cooke's are eccentric folk. Maybe Snyder was fine being a minority owner but wanted to make it clear that he had eyes on one day becoming the majority owner. Why not be honest and share his hopes? Again, Snyder has done a lot of dickish things but, contrary to your beliefs, taking Tom Cruise to the Air and Space Museum is not one of them.

We can't speculate on the details of that meeting from one sentence written in an article taken from one of the parties of the meeting. Snyder may very well have been a dick and demanded full control right off the bat and been crass and obnoxious and threatened Cooke but we don't know.

There was a quote in the same article about someone thinking that the Squire didn't trust the Redskins with John and that's why he didn't leave it to him. It would be easy to speculate that the Squire didn't care for his son and felt outshined by him and wanted him to prove his business acumen and merit by testing him to try and see if he could keep the Redskins in the family. It's all speculation.

Rob said...

Like I told you, I can think of no circumstance for Danny Boy to say what he said.

The article was clear - the Squire could not pay the estate tax and leave enough for his charity for him to give the team to his son.

But, let's not waste time on the Squire's decision - that is irrelevant. We are talking about how big an arsehole Danny Boy is.

Rob said...

I am quite certain that if you owned the Deadskins and your family had owned it for 30 years and a potential minority partner that you had never met before came in and said what Danny Boy said - under any circumstance at all - you would think the guy is a jerk.

That is simply not something that should be said in that kind of meeting.

j, k, and s's d said...

Why do I have to take what Danny boy says personally? You speculate that he just walks in demanding full control.

Frankly, I think it is ridiculous that we are debating one sentence from one article written by a reporter who interviewed Cooke. That's the minutia that I find annoying but since you like this stuff...

What if Snyder had a nice discussion with Cooke and was interested in partnering with him as a minority ower. What if he shared that his ultimate goal was to become the majority owner and wanted to see if Cooke would ever entertain that idea. Since he wouldn't have the luxury to wine and dine Cooke and get to know him over the years since the auction was coming up, why not be honest and share his ultimate goal? If Cooke wasn't interested, he doesn't need to take it personally and just tell Danny boy he isn't interested in ever giving up controlling interest in the team and no harm, no foul. Snyder can leave the meeting knowing he shared his hopes and then go off and build his own ownership team. There is a rush given the impending auction so it's fine cutting to the chase and it doesn't need to get personal.

I'm sure Cooke is bitter that he lost his team. Especially given the way Snyder has operated the team since he took over, why not take a jab at him? Again, I'm sure Cooke is upset about losing the team.

Again, if Jack truly wanted to ensure that the Redskins stayed within the family, he would have/should have just left it for John.

Again, you can pick that one line and speculate. Then how come we can't pick the one line about Jack thinking John wouldn't make a good owner and run with that?

I know you are a Danny hater and I don't think much of him either but you love to engage in speculation.

Rob said...

OK let's go with your version. Danny was a complete gentleman and I guess he probably wasn't a complete dick like he has been in everything else he has done.


j, k, and s's d said...

Whatever, dude. Again, this is the nonsense that gets me.

I'm done speculating.

Next issue.

Rob said...

I'll say this - you are the one who picked out one thing you didn't like about what I wrote and made such a big deal about it.

Cooke said Danny Boy was an arse - that isn't speculation that is what he said.

You are the one who started trying to explain everything away and creating all kinds of speculative excuses.

Then you get mad at me and accuse me of speculation and dealing in minor details. LOOK IN THE MIRROR FRIEND.

My only speculation is that I assumed that if you owned the Deadskins you would be offended if a potential minority partner that you never met said he wanted to leave it to his kids. But, your posts are completely ripe with speculation all throughout.