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Monday, October 19, 2009


Actually, let me be a bit more specific...Skins offense REALLY sucks!!! I know Robs will say the O line sucks and that is true but it is more than that. Everything about this offense sucks. The scheme, playcalling, talent, etc. The tough part is the defense is playing well.

I was listening to Joe Theismann this morning (not a huge fan of the guy but he made sense). He was saying that when JZ first took the job he said that football is all about changing direction. When he first took over, we were doing things that opposing teams had not seen from us so we went 6-2. Teams were then able to figure us out and game plan against us and we went 2-6 to finish last year and are now 2-4 this year. At the beginning of the season, we were at least able to move the ball. Sure, the red zone O sucked but we were gaining yards in the game. We can't even do that against the worst defenses anymore. Teams know what is coming. The offense is not changing. It is not dynamic.

Conversely, I really like what has happened to the defense. The Lion game was abysmal but Blache shifted things around and made us more aggressive. We are bringing more guys to the line. CBs are playing closer. Safeties are creeping up. We are blitzing or showing blitz. We are throwing people off. Thus, we are getting more sacks. We are getting more pressure. Haynesworth gets hurt every game and comes off the field and flops like a whale but I don't care when he is playing the way that he is playing. The sad part is our offense is not helping the defense out at all. We are getting killed in time of possession. We got like one first down the entire first half. It's pathetic.

Some one said in the Comcast post game show that it's like we have an 11 win defense but a 4-5 win offense.

A few random thoughts about yesterday's debacle:

1. O line is bad but actually held up better than I thought. Still, not saying much but at least they were semi decent.

2. JC was bad. He missed Devin Thomas on a bomb on the right sideline. The ball was thrown out of bounds. Thomas still caught it but he was well out of bounds. If that is thrown properly, that's a TD. He also missed a wide open Moss in the seam for perhaps another TD. I like JC a lot. I have been a huge supporter but I didn't have a problem with the switch to Collins for a little energy.

3. Playcalling again a question. We don't/didn't seem to have any identity. We don't pass well and we don't commit to any running. Also, the play before the end of the half...why didn't we try the 53 yard FG?!!! I would have rather tried and missed the FG than try that lame ass play where JC doesn't even throw it into the end zone. WTF was that?!!!

After Portis runs 78 yards, the play calls after that sucked. We have to think of something better than that.

4. Special teams was average. I still cannot understand why ARE is our punt returner. He does nothing! Occasionally we put Moss back there and nearly every time he is there, he comes close to breaking it. ARE dances in place a few times and then hits the turf before he even gets hit for maybe a 2 yard gain. Put Thomas back there or put Tryon or D. Hall. Anyone!

I was fine with the defense. They are on the field for a long time and all in all they did a good job. Certainly, they have done plenty the last two weeks to win these games.

I'm SICK!!!


Rob said...

The scary part is that the Deadskins have the hard part of the schedule ahead of them.

I still say the O-line makes it impossible to have a good offense. KC has one of the worst defenses in the NFL. They only had 6 sacks in their first 5 games and they got 3 yesterday. They also got a lot of hurries and knockdowns and they weren't blitzing every down.

Putting in TC won't do jack. In fact, I think it will make it even worse because he isn't a mobile guy who can make plays with his legs. Fans wanted TC and now have him - I doubt they will be any happier with the results.

Now that the tough part of their schedule is coming, I expect them to give up 5 sacks a game. If that happens, they may very well end up leading the NFL in sacks allowed. It will be close between them, Green Bay, and KC. But at least GB and KC have younger guys and injured guys who are working their way back into the lineup.

In yet another embarrassment for how the organization handles itself, there is no clear direction from the top. Rather than fire Zorn outright, Snyder and Vinny are trying to get Zorn to resign so they can save some money. It is ridiculous.

If I were Zorn, I'd wait until Snyder fired me - I would not give up the salary. It isn't Zorn's fault he was left with no offensive line and a bunch of deadbeat receivers.

Related to the last comment, at some point, JKSD you will realize that Malcolm isn't any good. There was a piece in the Post over the weekend thta Kelly was a medical reject because of his knee for a bunch of NFL teams and that even the Deadskins' medical staff questioned his health, but that Vinny and Danny loved him so much that they took him anyway.

Maybe if everything is really, really horrible then Danny Boy will change. There had to be at least 20,000 no shows at the start of the game and FedEx field was empty late in the game. If fans actually stop paying money because of how horrible things are, Danny Boy may do something different.

j, k, and s's d said...

Again, the O line is an obvious issue but the entire offense is an issue from top to bottom.

Coaching/play calling is still an issue.

I really don't think Kelly and Thomas and frankly most everyone on offense is being utilized. The offense is SO anemic. We can barely get a first down. I am not putting that solely on the O line. I have to believe that other people need to do better -- both players and coaches.

Like I said, at least early in the season, we could move the ball. We can't even do that anymore. We haven't been able to do that for the last 3 weeks. It gets worse with each passing week. I understand the line is bad but it's more than that.