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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Singletary on V. Davis last year

Singletary coaches the way he plays. With passion and intensity and he demands discipline and execution. He expects to win and wants winners on his team. He took over midway through last season and finished up 5-2 and they have been respectable to start this season. It's a clear case of how a guy that demands excellence can have a positive change on an NFL team.


Rob said...

I like Singleterry, but again, yelling at guys or pulling your pants down at halftime only goes so far in the NFL. You have to have good play in the trenches to win.

The 49ers are 3-3 and get Indy this week. Looking at their schedule they look like an 8-8/9-7 team.

After their 2-0 start, they have lost 3 of 4. We'll see what happens, but Singleterry needs some more players to be truly successful - particularly a QB.

j, k, and s's d said...

Sure, but he is building something. He has them on a path. He has changed the culture there.

No question you need talent but along with talent you need attitude and demand good execution. He would not tolerate laughing on the sidelines. Schottenheimer wouldn't tolerate that. Belichik would not tolerate that. J. Johnson would not tolerate that.

We don't hold players accountable. Portis gets to sit out of practice all week and then gets to play. I'm sure there are players that don't like that. Fat Albert takes 50% of the snaps. He plays pretty well but I'm sure players want to see him out there more. We need coaches and players to tell them get your ass out there.

Guys on our team have no idea what's going on. B-Mitch would love to be paid to be that guy that gets guys energized. It's not just yelling in someone's face. It's about expecting excellence and holding people accountable and getting people to execute properly since clearly everyone is saying that even in week 8, we have execution issues.

There is no sense of urgency with this team. There is no fire with this team. We lose even before we take the field.

Rob said...

The Deadskins will start winning when they get offensive linemen who can play.

It will be like magic - they will all of a sudden be able to execute.

You cannot develop an offensive rythm if your QB is constantly getting sacked and if your running back is getting hit in the backfield regularly. It kills drives.

The reason the Saints are so good is because they have one of the best lines in football. They have only given up 9 sacks and they are rushing for 150 yards per game with relative no-name backs.

It's not Brees jacking up the team before the game.

j, k, and s's d said...

Okay. So we could get the second coming of the Hogs and we would be putting up 45 points a game? Is that all it takes?

Rob said...

No, but at least the team would be respectable and mediocre like its been for the last decade.

In addition, then you would be able to properly assess whether Zorn is a good coach, whether JC can play, or if other changes are needed.

Rob said...

The point I have been trying to make for weeks with you is that the Deadskins' current O-line trumps everything else. You cannot assess anything or do anything with that line.

deepie said...

Robs...The 'Skins have been mediocre for 18 years. This is the first year during that time that the o-line has been bad. Shuler, Friesz, Frerotte, Hostetler, Green, Johnson, George, Banks, Mathews, Wuerffel, Ramsey, Brunnell, etc. all had good O-lines...Ramsey got killed because Spurrier didn't think he needed to design blocking schemes...but you get the picture.

The problem is the culture. We bring in weak coaches that either can't whip grown men who act like babies into shape (Norv, Spurrier)or who believe adults should be able to motivate themselves (Gibbs, Zorn). All the while, the owner and his puppet enable the players to act the way they do by meddling and overstepping the coach's boundaries.

I agree with you that if the o-line is fixed it will be mediocre again. Obviously that implies that the problem isn't going to be fixed that way. Change the culture with a strong coach and a commitment from the owner to stay away, then this will get better.

As I write this, I realize how futile this is. If the owner can kick his team's fans out of the stadium for bringing signs, there's no hope. He's a complete tool who will not do anything to make the fans feel better about the team.

Rob said...

Deeps, I can accept mediocrity if the organization is actually trying to change. But I recognized what was happening with Snyder at the helm years ago - which is why I am no longer a Deadskin fan.

Snyder is a world class jerk who f*cks the fans, plays around with a horrible GM who allows him to make picks and provide input on player personnel, rips the nuts off his coaches, and then acts surprised that things aren't going well.

If the Deadskins fix their line, they would be competitive and have a shot to make the playoffs every few years - even with their ridiculous owner. But if they really want to win consistently and be a real power, Danny Boy needs to quit trying to run things. We'll see what they do in the off-season.

j, k, and s's d said...

No question we need O line help but we need change in attitude. As Singletary says, we need to find winners and guys committed to being part of the solution.

It's not just about yelling and screaming. Dungy and Belichik don't scream but they demand discipline. They run the locker room. Not the owners. Not the players. They have good leaders on the team that support the coach and they have a culture that breeds winning. Again, my whole point of R. Moss not imposing his ways on the team but the team imposing it's culture on him.

If Moss comes to the Skins that doesn't happen.

Not sure why I bother trying to explain to you anymore.

Rob said...

If by attitude you mean they need to get rid of their meddlesome owner who is undermining the coach then I agree with you.

If you think hiring a guy like Singleterry will somehow solve the problems then I disagree with you.

Zorn has a bunch of players who are loyal to him. They play hard for him and support him. I think he has done a remarkable job given the stupidity of Snyder and his idiot henchman Cerrato. The problem is that Snyder wants Zorn gone so he can get a yes man to go along with Cerrato. It's not the coach that is the problem.