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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Samuels career may be over

This would be tough not just because it would hurt the Skins tremendously but because Samuels has been a tough, upstanding pillar on the O line. I'd hate to see his career go out the way it could possibly go out. However, the guy has stenosis of the spine and cannot afford to risk his long term health because of football.

Hopefully he is cleared to play but would not blame him in the least if he can't return.

Regarding the Skins, his inability to return would be devastating. I really don't like the idea of Mike Williams at RT. That guy is a big body but he is way too slow. His footwork is not great and guys are going to be fly right by him. Heyer is less of an issue but to have those two guys at the tackle positions is scary. It's one thing to have a Samuels on one side and one of them on the other but both of them out there is something that is going to be very scary. I don't mind Montgomery or Rinehart for that matter at guard. I think they will be serviceable.

Interested in why we are not thinking about bringing back Kendall or Bridges. Those guys must REALLY suck. Bridges has NFL experience and was fighting for a starting job in camp so I'm not sure why we don't look at him. Whatever. Pray JC doesn't get killed.


Rob said...


I hope JC takes out another health insurance policy because it will be a minor miracle if he doesn't get hurt this year.

deepie said...

Kendall apparently is available, but the team doesn't need to replace inexperienced guards with a painfully slow guard. Bridges signed with Arizona last I heard.

I feel bad for Samuels. After six pro-bowls, the possibility of his career ending after a seemingly insignificant hit that caused a stinger would be a terrible way to have to call it quits...Especially considering the state of the team. If I were in his shoes, I'd be pissed to see things falling apart as I left my team. Ultimately, his health is the most important issue, but it's unfortunate.

Rob said...

He has been dealing with this spinal issue for a couple of year. The Deadskins had to know about it which makes their failure to draft/sign O-linemen even more foolish.

j, k, and s's d said...

He was diagnosed with stenosis in high school so it's something he has dealt with his entire career. It wouldn't have been a reason for Samuels or the Skins to be overly concerned about.

Agree on Kendall. He has bad knees and not sure how much he would bring. Also, I am less concerned about guard. We should be fine with Montgomery. He was coached by Skinner in high school so he must be good.

Most concerned with the tackle position -- especially Mike Williams. I think that is going to be a real disaster.

Rob said...

You've got to be kidding me. You have a 32 year old, oft-injured LT, who is also suffering from stenonis. No reason to worry. Right!

You have a good chance of becoming the next GM of the Deadskins with that kind of thinking.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm not saying the O line didn't/doesn't need to be addressed. What I'm saying is that the stenosis (we aren't talking about his age) is something he has been dealing with his entire adult life so why all of a sudden this past offseason would it become a high priority concern? I am saying that the stenosis probably wouldn't have had much of an impact on a decision by Samuels or the organization in him being able to play.

Rob said...

It is just another factor that should have been considered. It adds to the need to address the line.

Rather than praying they could squeeze out another year from an ailing LT, they should have done something.

I'm not sure if you actually read about your team, but there was a piece earlier this week in the Post about all of the injuries Samuels has been dealing with over the last couple of years. There were a couple of players who said they would have been surprised if Samuels would have made it through the year.

I knew that and I am not even a fan of the team. I also thought Thomas would get hurt. None of this is surprising - yet, for you it seems like you are surprised by these developments.

Like I said, this type of mentality makes you perfect to be the next GM of the Deadskins under Danny Boy.

Rob said...

I was just reading through some of the posts on this blog from mid August where I was talking about your horrible O-line. You should go back and read them.

I talked about Samuels and Thomas age and injury struggles. JKSD, in response you were claiming that Samuels had a lot left in the tank. I guess we know how that turned out.

I also talked about the fact that in preseason, Zorn had to have the first team defense out so that the first team offense could get off passes because the O-line was so bad. Looks like that is playing out now in the season.

It was known last year, it was known at draft time, it was known during training camp, and now it is playing out this season. Danny/Vinny didn't address it and now Zorny has to deal with it.

j, k, and s's d said...

We all knew last year that the O line sucked. Way to go, Carmac!

Sure, we hoped the O line would improve and hold up. No surprise with the injuries. When I stated that Samuels still had a lot left in the tank I was referring to him not being too old and still playing at a high level. Injuries happen that is part of the game. I was not accounting for injury. Sure, Carmac, it was not unreasonable for them to expect injury particularly to Thomas and Samuels and again, I wish they did more to address the line. They didn't. We have who we have and we have to to move forward.

I am not a fan of Cerrato and wish we had a football guy in there. Again, we have who we have and we have to move forward and make do. Hopefully the team will finally learn its lesson and attend to the O line during the offseason.

Rob said...

I don't know who "Carmac" is.

With the first pick in the 2010 NFL draft, the Washington Redskins select Colt McCoy/Tim Tebow/Sam Bradford."

Maybe they'll address their line like they should have in 2007, 2008, and 2009.

j, k, and s's d said...

I misspelled. I meant Carnac.

Way to go, Carnac!

Rob said...

Who's Carnac?

j, k, and s's d said...

Carnac the Magnificent. Johnny Carson's famous psychic character on the Tonight Show.

Maybe you should spend less time on the Redskins.

Rob said...

Maybe you should live in the here and now. It is the 21st Century.

j, k, and s's d said...

Maybe you should stick your head up your ass again.