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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Redskins want Snyderatto to endorse Zorn

A few veterans have come out anonymously this week to say that they are tired of fielding questions about Zorn's job status and would like management to address the issue. It seems that the players are in large part endorsing Zorn and feel that the poor play has been on them.

Carlos Rogers said blame for the poor play needs to be shared and part of that sharing includes management.

D. Hall said that we need more/better personnel around here.

I have to admit I kind of like the mini mutiny we are seeing. One can only hope that the message may be getting through to Snyder about his mismanagement. Before it has always been the fans and media but now players are starting to chime in. It would be great to actually see Cerrato ousted and a real football executive brought in to manage the operations.

This may just be wishful thinking.


Rob said...

Danny isn't going to fire Vinny. They are both f'ing idiots.

The players recognize that Zorn is not the problem - unlike you and Deeps who want him out.

Management f'ed Zorn by giving him a horrible O-line. They have undercut him for weeks and left him twisting in the wind with all of the stories of Snyder interviewing other coaches and I am glad to see Deadskin players saying it is wrong.

Jason Reid's post today about Snyder wasting Zorn's time all week trying to understand what is wrong with the offense really tells you all you need to know about Syder.

If I were Zorn, I'd just say, "Well Danny Boy, you and Vinny are the idiots who refused to address the O-line. JERK!"

Rob said...

So Deeps and JKSD, are you all for firing Zorn or not?

j, k, and s's d said...

I am sure there are players on the team that question Zorn. Even the players that talked, they didn't say Zorn was not to blame. They just wanted an answer from management on whether Zorn would be coach or not so they wouldn't have to answer the questions. ESPN's Adam Schefter said it would probably be a mistake for Snyder to say anything to the public and that if the players want to quiet down the media, they should perform better and win then they wouldn't have to worry about questions.

Rogers said that everyone is to blame.

I don't doubt that players are to blame as well. Look at Sellers missing blocks.

To me, there are still fundamental coaching issues with JZ. I like him just don't think he is cut out for this. It's not like Deepie and I are alone in this thinking.

Rob said...

You always like to add that "others" agree with you. SO WHAT? I know "others" agree with you.

You want Zorn out. Fine - that is enough of an answer.

I'm sure Deadskin players want to win for Zorn, but the reality is that this offensive line and the overall team talent level is not good enough. Even if they get by a very bad KC team this week, they would be lucky to squeeze out 3 wins the rest of the year.

You'll get your wish - a new coach will be in town next year (probably in 2 weeks). We'll see how long Danny Boy sticks with the next ex-coach of the Deadskins before he starts undermining him.

j, k, and s's d said...

I have not changed my position. I have not seen any improvement in the offense. We can blame it ALL on personnel but I don't think that is all fair.

Depending how we fair this week and the rest of the games, will help determine my feelings. If we miraculously turned things around, of course I would not want to fire JZ. However, the line played well enough early this season that the offense should have been better. I still don't understand all of the questionable calls I pointed out earlier.

Again, it's not like the entire team is standing behind their coach. They just want to know if he is going to make it to the end of the year so they don't have to be bothered with the media's questions because it is distracting and I'm sure bothersome as they are trying to prepare.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm sure the players want to win for their coach, themselves, the fans and everyone else. I would imagine that is often times the case. SO WHAT?

Robs, why do you care so much? You hate the team so what the F difference does it make to you?

I think you just get off instigating and that's your whole purpose. It's pretty amazing how much time you spend studying a team you hate. I think you have a problem.

Rob said...

You haven't seen any improvement because the O-line sucked last year and is even worse this year. How do you expect your O to improve when there is no line?

I know, I know, the O-line held up OK. Zorn also has to trim down his offense because there isn't time for 5 and 7 step dropback passes. There isn't anywhere to run the ball so that limits play calling. There isn't any time for play-action so that limits play calling.

Then you have an owner who loves to undermine his coach, bring about division in the locker room, and waste the coach's time in useless meetings to explain what is going wrong with the offense.

In the end, you are expecting Zorn to coach and improve the team with a playbook limited by personnel and with his nuts being ripped off (metaphorically of course).

You have become just a typical fan - blame the coach - it's his fault they cannot win.

I'm just curious, if you asked players who they would rather have Zorn or Portis, who do you think they would say?

Rob said...

I don't have a problem. I get the Washington Post and live in the DC area. You cannot listen to sports radio or read a sports page without hearing about the Deadskins.

When I am in my sports bar watching the Bears, the Redskins are usually on and there is a large contingent of depressed 'Skins fans.

I read your blog.

Your problem is that you claim objectivity for some strange reason and then just get mad when I tell you the truth. No problem for me - you are the one who seems to have a problem.

j, k, and s's d said...

The truth? Your "truth" is your f'ing opinion. You seem to think you are some kind of insider and have the pulse of the entire locker room. You are full of shat.

Your sick fascination with the Skins is more than just hanging out at your sports bar and overhearing/overlooking Skins fans. You spend an exorbitant amount of time seeking out and perusing through neighborhood newsletters to find something on the Redskins. If you hate them, quit reading about them. Why do you watch them? Why do you care so much? I know. Because you just like to instigate. You really do have a problem.

JC had plenty of time to do 5 and 7 step drops in games this season. Contrary to your belief he has had time to throw this season. I have watched all the games. I was the first to say in the latter part of last year that the line was horrible and JC had no chance. With the injuries and the decimated line now, that may happen again. However, that was not the case for the first 4 games of the season.

Again, JZ is all of a sudden not excused from everything. He has made a number of very questionable calls this year. I pointed out just a few. Maybe the team is really behind him now and will rally behind him but I'm certain there are players that are questioning his game planning/play calling just as I am certain there are players not thrilled with CP's work ethic/attitude or with Snyderatto's antics.

You may think you are the all knowing Carmac and understand the inner discussions/workings at Redskin Park but that's b.s.

Again, if you hate them so much, don't watch them.

Rob said...

My opinions seem to all be right.

I like watching them - for the comedy - so I'll keep on doing so. Thanks.

j, k, and s's d said...

Your opinions on the O line? We all knew the O line needed to be upgraded from last year. Still, the O line was fine in the early part of the season so that wasn't true.

Your other opinions are nonsensical rantings about inner workings at Redskin Park. How the F to do you know what is going on there?

I am being genuinely honest when I say this. You have a real problem in your love to hate the Redskins. It is amazing how much you hate them and try to instigate things. Honestly it reminds me of the way my 6 year old teases my 3 year old. The ridiculous thing is that you are in your 40s.

Rob said...

I'm young at heart.

j, k, and s's d said...

Borrowing a line from School Ties, "...but you'll always be a prick."

Rob said...

I'll still get into Harvard.

deepie said...

Getting to this a bit late. Looks like Robs already has his head up his arse, so I may be too late.

I've said firing Zorn mid-season would be a mistake. I've also said that if Zorn continues to be stubborn about his system, then he should be canned at season's end. If he gets his stuff straight and makes some changes to indicate that he will try to meet his players half way, then I'll respect him for leaving his ego behind. If changes are made and the team struggles, then perhaps he needs to go just for the sake of starting over.

Zorn is unwilling to change things. Randle El is average 4.8 yards a punt return, yet he's still back there. His QB can't seem to find open receivers or is unwilling to take risks, yet he stays in there. He starts tackles at guard. He replaces the best tackle on the team with the 4th tackle on the depth chart. He mismanages the game clock. "He's all golly-gee" 21 games into his term as coach as Riggo said. I dont' think he'll change, so I won't mind seeing him go.