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Friday, October 9, 2009

Redskins vs. Panthers

Interesting game this weekend. Keep waiting for the Redskins to have that breakout game but the longer I have to wait the more I think that it may never come.

Sherm Lewis was brought in but given that he isn't sure what his role is and he showed up on Wed. doubt he will have any impact on Sunday's game. It's a tough time to play the Panthers as they are winless and desperate for a victory, had a bye week last week so they are rested and had another week to game plan, and will be playing at home.

The Skins meanwhile are 2-2 but everyone is acting like they are 0-4. As mentioned, the team has brought in Lewis and there is a lot of talk of Zorn being on the chopping block. There is also the pressure of having to play another winless team. We have to keep in mind that the Panthers were 12-4 last season so they are not a pushover. Delhomme has been terrible but he is kind of shifty and seems like he could be hot one week and cold the next. Hopefully he continues his cold streak. His job is on the line as well. The Skins will need to not press and play good, solid football.

As I have mentioned for the last couple of weeks, I can only hope that the Skins get more aggressive on both sides of the ball. I would love to see some occasional blitzing and put Delhomme under pressure. Part of the reason we don't create as many turnovers as we should have is because we do not get creative on defense and put pressure on. If we did, I am certain we could get more turnovers. That is how other defenses in the league get their turnovers.

Offensively we should establish the run. The Panthers have a poor run defense so it would be good to get Portis going and again, run some delayed draw plays, run some end arounds, run left/right/middle. Do not just run a basic run left. The defense will stack that side of the line and shut it down. Also, I think the Panthers are probably expecting us to just run so lets get aggressive and pass. Just be aggressive with the ball. That's all I ask.



Rob said...

Bingo Sherminator to the rescue!!!

Actually, here is what I expect - another struggle on offense for both teams. Portis will be a non-factor. JC will fumble another ball or two when he gets pressured by Peppers (no interceptions), and in the end it will be a solid but not spectacular Panthers win, 17-3.

Danny Boy will be mad and we will hear about him flying around the country talking to coaches. He'll even try to tap John Madden as the next Redskin coach - but in a weird Danny-Like fashion he will instead just install himself as coach and use Madden's suggestions from Madden X to coach. It won't work.

j, k, and s's d said...

Actually, I was expecting something with a little more grandeur from you, Robs. I'm disappointed.

I think the Skins will find a good balance b/t run and pass this week. We will spread the ball around. We will attack Delhomme forcing him into at least one turnover. Skins will win 20-10

Rob said...

Not sure what you were expecting.

I think the whole Sherminator nonsense this week will really come back to haunt them. It was an unnecessary distraction.

Wilbon's short column on the subject today is dead on.

j, k, and s's d said...

I agree with Wilbon. I think I had mentioned the same thing. It's one thing to bring in a "consultant" but to do so with out consulting the staff first is bad.

Also, it was not handled well at all in terms of no one has any idea what his role is going to be. The coaches don't, the players don't, Sherman doesn't. It's like just show up and figure it out. It doesn't make sense and is disruptive and dumb.

deepie said...

I have a bad feeling about this game. Ignoring the Shermanator issue, this is setting up to be the type of game where the opposing team finds new life by playing the 'Skins. Their run D has been horrible, but Portis likes to fall down before he gets 5yards downfield...and we don't have a change of pace back like all of the Panthers' previous opponents had. The biggest concern is obviously that we don't score so we let struggling opponents stay in the game. Unless we score 14-20 points in the first half, this game is going to suck.

Back to Sherman Lewis...Bringing him in isn't the problem. The problem was how it was done. It may have been a Danny idea, but Vinny has been incompetent in the PR aspect of the hiring. It makes the organization look dysfunctional, which is exactly what it is proving to be.

I don't have a problem with an owner suggesting "another set of eyes" the GM needs to handle the issue better though. He undermined Zorn in the process and now we're officially a cluster-f*ck.

Scott said...

I don't know how to copy it, but go watch this. It's funny.

Rob said...

Guys, if you want to post a link into your comments just type this:

Type whatever you want to be linked in.

This will create a link to the page.

Rob said...

Here is Scott's link.

Rob said...

Deeps - you are assuming that Danny Boy did not know how Vinny was going to handle the situation.

This move has Danny Boy's fingerprints all over it - it is exactly the kind of B.S. that he has pulled in the past.

They hired a bingo parlor announcer without having any clear goals, mandate, or even instructions for what the heck he is supposed to be doing. Before hiring him they didn't even have Zorn talk to him.

Whether or not it is a good idea, the execution of it is so Danny Boy stupid.

deepie said...

It's already been made clear that Danny was involved with the hiring. Lewis said he met with him and obviously Danny needs to know who's on his payroll. I'm blaming Vinny at this point based on the information that has been made public. Vinny did a lousy job of explaining the hire to the press the other day. He's the one who opened the door to speculation reagarding the hiring when he said Lewis had been away from football since retiring from the Lions.

If Danny planned this exactly this way, then he's an arsehole and he doesn't know how big of a PR blunder he's pulled with the local press and with the fans. I think it is much more likely at this point that Vinny royally screwed up.