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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jason Campbell to start

By all accounts, JC will be starting Monday night against the Eagles. I like the decision. Let JC have a shot. He is the better suited and better prepared guy. He has worked withe the first team all season and he has better mobility which is needed with our makeshift O line.

What I really want to see from the playcalling and JC is more aggressiveness/decisiveness. JC needs to be decisive when he is going to pass and when he is going to tuck and run. This is even more critical given the line and the pressure he will face. He has said himself that he has not been decisive and I know the coaches want this from him. Additionally, take chances. He is pretty conservative. You look at other top QBs in the league and they are risk takers. They trust their WRs and will throw in tight and even double coverage and let their WR make the play. JC needs to do this more.

Regarding some of the playcalling/game planning, I can only assume the Eagles will be bringing heat. Set up short pass plays with the occasional deep ball. The Falcons had a lot of success against the Bears doing dump offs and short pass routes. Look at their plays for examples. I believe it was Roddy White's short pass for a long TD is what we need. Let our playmakers make the plays. Have Portis and Cooley chip and then release for the short pass on blitzes.

Additionally, I hope that our defense remains aggressive. The Raiders were all over McNabb. Lets do the same. I like that the last two games we have brought pressure. Our CBs and Safeties are playing closer to the line and threw off the timing of the passes. Haynesworth has been a monster and allowing guys like Carter to get the benefits. Send in Orakpo.

Honestly, what do we have to lose at this point. Playing conservative will get us no where. I would rather play aggressive and take chances and lose by 30 points than just sit back, be conservative, and have more of the same.


Rob said...

Are you sure? You may get what you asked for. Losing by 30 to a division rival in your own stadium filled with Eagle fans may not be very comfortable.

Given their schedule, it could get a whole lot worse than it is now.

That said, I don't expect the Deadskins to lie down for the Eagles. I would take the opposite approach to your philosophy. I'd try to play a more ball control, conservative type of offensive game plan. Sure take a few shots here and there, but I'd try to play good D, get a couple of turnovers, and not make offensive mistakes. Then, hope for a 14-13 win.

I'd call for some short passes and designed roll out runs for JC to get him into the flow of the game, but I wouldn't just turn him loose. There isn't time for 5 and 7 step drops - let him just get some yards and just take a few shots from time to time.

Scott said...

Play calling won't change JC's deer in the headlights look. If I see him put his fingers together again to tell his players to huddle up quickly, I'm going to throw up. One of my favorite quotes from "Risky Business":

Myles: Joel, I'm going to throw up. Joel, I'm going to throw up on you.

Now, replace Joel with JKS Dad and I'll be Myles.

Hey, why don't we just focus on the CAPS?

j, k, and s's d said...

Robs, do you read what I write? I said the same thing you said. "I can only assume the Eagles will be bringing heat. Set up short pass plays with the occasional deep ball. The Falcons had a lot of success against the Bears doing dump offs and short pass routes. Look at their plays for examples. I believe it was Roddy White's short pass for a long TD is what we need. Let our playmakers make the plays. Have Portis and Cooley chip and then release for the short pass on blitzes."

The larger point is I want JC to be more decisive. He didn't play well in the last game. He missed open WRs, wasn't decisive when he should have tucked and run, and felt pressure that wasn't there that affected his reads/throws. I want him to be more decisive and aggressive. I want him to trust his WRs more and let them do the work.

I want us to remain aggressive on the defense. I want to blitz or show blitz and have the CBs/Safeties play close to the line, as needed to show pressure. The Raiders defense destroyed the Philly O line and McNabb looked uncomfortable all day. I want to keep on doing what we have been doing the last couple of weeks. I like the change in philosophy. That's what teams do. It's not like high school football where the only change on a defense is the angle the d line is going to take. You have to make adjustments throughout the season because you have to show things the other team hasn't seen in watching/studying your game film.

Don't get me wrong. I do not want to just go out on a suicide mission with guns ablazing. I want to come out firing but do so with some control. Again, I want to be aggressive in playcalling and performance and if we get beaten badly, we get beaten. I don't want guys to play tentative or the playcalling to be the same.

Regarding Scott's comments, I agree we should start to shift our thoughts to the Caps.

deepie said...

Regarding Scott's comment...Why shift to the Caps? Don't get away from this 'Skins circus just because Mr. oversensitive 'Skins "fan" can't handle a bad season. We can talk Caps, but discussing this '09 version of the 'Skins is way too much fun to ignore.

Regarding JC...I am ready to see him start taking chances. I think he's going to come out of his shell because he knows that his 'Skins career is done and he needs to audition for other teams now. I expect to see a more dynamic performance. That doesn't mean he's going to light it up. I still think he has problems anticipating where the open receiver will be. I just think he'll be more willing to take chances.

Rob said...

I must not understand what you want. So you want JC to be more decisive, but you want them to call a bunch of dumpoff passes? How is that different from what JC currently is doing?

On another note JKSD, I'm not sure if you even watched the Bears game this week. The Falcons didn't a lot of success throwing dumpoffs and short passes - they had one short pass that worked on a blown assignment. The Falcons only had 185 yards passing and Ryan threw 2 interceptions. Manning dropped a third one that was right in his hands.

Frankly, the Eagles playcalling was horrible against the Raiders. This happens to them every year - they play a game where they go pass happy and abandon the run. It leads to teams teeing off on their QB.

14 rushes, 46 passes in a close game on the road makes little sense. Especially when you see that Westbrook had 50 yards on 6 carries. Even if you take away Westbrook's longest run (25 yards) he averaged 5 yards a carry.

I expect the Eagles will work on playcalling and play selection balance and will end up destroying the Deadskins. We'll see what happens.

j, k, and s's d said...

It is more decisiveness than aggressiveness. JZ and JC both have said for a few weeks now that he has not been decisive on when he wants to throw or tuck and run. He needs to get that straightened out. Part of the reason he was pulled last week was because JZ said that JC felt pressure that wasn't there and made mistakes. With the line being what it is (shat), it is even more imperative he is decisive on whether he is going to throw or tuck and run.

Again, with the line being what it is (shat), more than likely we will have to do shorter passes. Thus, Portis and Cooley will need to disguise and chip and release for shorter passes. Also, set up screens to WRs and Portis. However, we can't just keep doing short stuff because Philly will creep up so I want to take shots downfield regularly. JC can't be afraid of the consequences. The better QBs in the league take their shots throwing into tight and double coverage. JC needs to be decisive on throwing those balls, trusting his WRs, and trying to make plays. Just do it.

I didn't see all of the Bear game. I didn't see Ryan's other INT. I saw his bad throw into Nathan "Yes, I am still on the team" Vasher that he fumbled. The entire first quarter seemed like the Bears owned. Once things settled down, it looked like the Falcons were comfortable doing shorter passes and running.

Look at the drive charts b/t the first and second quarters. The Falcons got nothing in the first quarter but in the second it was solid running and shorter passes. Ryan completed 19 passes but for an avg. of 5.6 yards/catch. Most of his catches went to RBs and TEs.

Rob said...

I watched the game. I don't need to see the drive charts. Ryan and the Falcons got a couple of plays but the reality was the Bears just frittered it away with their mistakes.

I am still not clear what you want from JC, but I'll just watch the game and see what you have to post next week.

j, k, and s's d said...

Bears blew it but good teams always find a way to win. Falcons had their mistakes but won the game.

I want decisiveness from JC as does he and JZ. I also want confidence and aggressiveness.

Rob said...

It's a long season, and I am not worried about the Bears - every team has its share of games where they blow it. We'll see how it looks as the season progresses. There is no shame in losing to the Falcons on the road.

I still don't know what you expect to be different. JC has a good completion percentage and he dumps the ball off on short passes pretty well.