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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Favre wins

Pretty good game last night. It was entertaining. It had the feel of a playoff game. As much as I dislike Favre, I have to say that he really came through. The guy seems to save many of his special moments for Monday Night Football.

I really like Rodgers but his O line is failing him. He is under constant pressure and it's so difficult for him to produce. Even still, he had a solid game.

The Vikings seem to be separating themselves as one of the better teams in the NFC. I still think Favre will fail them deeper in the season but he did have a great game last night.


Rob said...

The game was a good one - playoff atmosphere - and it lived up to the hype.

Rodgers getting sacked 8 times and hit on every play while Favre having all day to pass was the difference.

Obviously the Packers O-line stinks. They are missing their LT and I believe one of their guards, so they should be better later in the year. I think the Packers failed to make game adjustments to make Favre uncomfortable.

When he is pressured he makes mistakes - that will happen against teams that pressure him. You cannot blitz every down and you have to worry about AP, but you need to pick some spots to get to him - the Packers just didn't do it.

A couple of cold weather hits in Chicago and Green Bay will get to Favre - I'm sure.

No doubt the Vikings are a tough team. I cannot wait until they play the Bears.

deepie said...

Robs...did you watch the game? There were plays where Favre had "all day to pass," but he made some tremendous throws in situations where 99% of other QBs would have taken a sack, thrown a pick, thrown the ball away, etc. The 2nd TD was an excellent example of a QB moving in the pocket until a receiver breaks open. I doubt even Jay George would have made that play.

So...the question we've raised in the past should be asked again. Do you believe Favre is still a top flight QB? I've said yes. JKSD and Robs have said no. I believe, based on how previous discussions went, the underlying reason for your opinions of Favre is because you don't like him.

Favre, if he can remain healthy, will lead this team deep into the playoffs. The Vikings are the class of the NFC North with him. He is a competitor and he makes his teammates better through his play and by being a vocal leader on and off the field.

Fault the guy for wanting to play after previous teams gave up on him if you want. He's obviously proving those teams and his detractors wrong.

j, k, and s's d said...

Packers O line sucked before last night and their injuries.

Favre made a living in cold weather so not sure if cold weather will affect him. I'm sure the Vikings can't wait to play the Bears either and light up that secondary.

Scott said...

After last night's game, I don't think that the Giants are the best team in the NFC anymore. How great it would be to have a defensive player like Jared Allen who had 4.5 sacks and was all over the field. Also, it shows you that the Skins receivers really suck because they never get the kind of separation that other teams' receivers do.

Rob said...

I watched the game. Favre played great. But that hasn't changed my view of him. When he is pressured he will make mistakes. The Packers just did not get to Favre and he had all day to pass. I can only remember him getting hit once during the game.

He threw the bad interception at the goal line that was called back because of the questionable call on Woodson. I expect to see more of that as the season wears on.

Last year Favre have that 6 TD game and everyone was talking about how great he was. Then he faltered as the hits and cold weather came in and he hurt his shoulder.

Minnesota comes to Chicago for a Monday night game on December 28. I hope that Favre is the QB that night for the Vikings.

j, k, and s's d said...

Here is something I can agree with
Robs on. I too agree that Favre played very well yesterday but I still think he will fail the Vikings in the end. I may be wrong. The good thing for him is he has the best RB in the league. He has a very good O line and he has solid WRs. Thus, he has the tools but I just think that he is still all about Brett Favre and he will ultimately fail.

Rob said...

I don't think the Vikings O-line is a great pass blocking line. They didn't allow a sack last night and played well last night, but they were not that good the first three weeks.

The Packers spent too much time rushing just 3 and dropping 8 into coverage. Favre had plenty of time to find the receivers he wanted to find.

We'll see what happens in coming weeks.