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Friday, April 3, 2009

JC is a class act

So after all the Cutler trade talk, the Redskins are trying to do damage control with JC and repair the relationship. Jim Zorn had a long conversation with JC yesterday and has always shown his support for JC. Frankly, it seems like JC is fine with his teammates and coaches but does hold some harder feelings towards Snyderatto.

In speaking with Michael Wilbon, JC said, "I still went and worked out. My teammates said, 'Jason, why are you here?' And I told them: 'I'm still the quarterback of this team until they get rid of me. You haven't seen the best of me. I'm not here for ownership. I won't miss days working out with you, and I won't miss time preparing for the season. Who knows? A trade may not work out.' "

Campbell acknowledged that he was disappointed in having his name involved in the trade speculation, "but you can't let that get to you. You really just have to understand what it is. That's the business side of it and you have to go do your job still."

Campbell said he spoke with Coach Jim Zorn after completing his workout today at Redskins Park and said that Zorn was very supportive and encouraging, telling him that they are in this together and that Campbell is his quarterback.

"That meant a lot to me," Campbell said, "to know that he's behind me and he's been behind me all along. You need to have that trust with your head coach because he's the one I'm going to be dealing with most of the time. I know that the coaches and my teammates are behind me. I trust them. That means a lot to me."

JC is all class. I really like this kid and I sincerely hope he has a monster year not because I am a Skin fan but because I am a Jason Campbell fan. What's interesting is that many fans didn't want the Cutler trade to go through and because of what has transpired, JC has garnered a lot of respect and many fans are feeling the same as me in hoping he has a big year. I really hope it all works out for him.

P.S. Cutler could probably take a lesson or two from JC on how to be a professional.


Rob said...

I like JC, he just has to translate all of his class into field performance.

I agree Cutler has been a whiny a-hole. But the same thing holds for him. If he performs on the field all will be well.

Your "Snyderatto" reference is funny and I like it. Danny Boy is the one constant for the Redskins and it is why they remain a shell of their former greatness. He thinks and acts like a fantasy owner without regard for his players. I'm sure the players love his money but bitch and moan about how much of a a-hole he is, and perhaps his manny, Vinny, is.

j, k, and s's d said...

Actually many of the players have been supportive of Snyder. I have heard Portis and others talk about Snyder being a good guy. I know he does a lot of charity work. I don't know the guy so can't say whether he is a good guy or not. He is kind of screwy when it comes to the Redskins but who knows what kind of guy he is.

Rob said...

Yeah, the players don't have any incentive to lie. They must be telling the truth about their boss.

Come on!

What do you think would happen if Portis said, "I think Danny Boy (let's say he did call him Danny Boy) is a real dick!"

j, k, and s's d said...

I honestly don't think Portis is one to mince words. He will stand up to who ever if he feels he is in the right. I just saw him on Comcast and he reaffirmed that. I understand that no one wants to talk negatively about their boss but I truly believe that if Portis hated Danny Boy the last thing he would do is commend him and stand up for him. If anything, he would just keep his mouth shut on the subject.

Rob said...

OK. I don't think it is wise to bite the hand that feeds you.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't think so either although it happens regularly in professional sports. As mentioned, if you really didn't like your coach/owner, it's very easy to just keep quiet on the subject. There is no need to commend and praise him/them if you hate them.

j, k, and s's d said...

JC is a good example of what I just said. I am sure he is/was upset by the trade talks. However, he has been vocal of his appreciation of the support given to him by his teammates and coaches. He could have pulled a Cutler and voiced his displeasure at Snyderatto but he didn't. He kept his class and didn't say anything about them. However, you can read between the lines and understand his issues were with them. That is the way to handle yourself.