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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So I didn't watch as much or as carefully given that the Caps were on but I saw enough to make comments. Here are my scores:

1. Kris: C+. The judges loved him. I didn't. Thought he was just okay. He seems to really be eating up the fact that he is the cute one out there. As Robs says, he looks like a monkey when he sings with the way he closes his eyes and curls his lips. Didn't care for his performance.

2. Alison: B. Thought the performance was decent. She surprised me a bit given that she has a rocker voice but she pulled it off and she looked decent too. The problem with her (and Simon has an issue with this) is that she is content just being in the competition and doesn't really seem to care whether she wins or not. She needs more of a competitive fire and really want this thing if she has any hope to win. Still, she is only 16 years old and probably just amazed that all this is happening to her.

3. Giraud: N/A. I missed it. Too bad because he is the one guy I would've wanted to see last night. I thought the rat pack theme would fit very well with his jazzy kind of crooner type persona. I did hear the judges comments and they thought he did well so good for him.

4. Gokey: A-. Thought he did a very good job. What I liked was that it was the first time where I felt like Gokey wasn't singing the same old song. He sang a different type of song than we are used to and did it well. Still, his performance is just okay. Great vocals but he has that goofy Robert Downey, Jr. look that doesn't help him.

5. Lambert: B+. Why does Lambert always seem to get to go last or near the end? I'd like to see him go first. He was good but as always, his performance outshines his vocals. He did some more of that Axl Rose type yelling which I don't really care for but I suppose the audience likes it. The thing for him is that he can just act out and sell these songs. He does it by far and away better than any other contestant.

In the end, who really cares because the CAPS WON, BABY!!!! BRING ON THE PENS!!!

1 comment:

Rob said...

Didn't watch except for Gokey (he went on during a Caps intermission). I thought it started great, got boring in the middle, and then picked it up at the end.

I was working on something and was just listening and not watching it, but at one point I looked up and Gokey was doing some kind of weird dance and I just blurted out, "What is he doing?"

The guy is a good singer, but I don't really like him. I think the judges have been far to kind to him all season and that is probably a big reason why I feel that way.

I think it is going to be Adam vs. Kris in the end. Adam has to be favored, but I think Kris has a strong following and may still win out.