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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Noop Dogg/A.I.

So Nooper had another strong performance last night. Strong vocals where he showed a lot of range. The comments from the judges were that he needs to kick it up and have some showmanship. They liked the vocals but thought the performance was a bit boring. Fair comments. The great thing about Noop (aside from the fact he can sing) is he seems "coachable", he is smart, and he is confident. I fully expect Nooper to bring the heat next week. If he has a downside it's that he doesn't really have the "sexy" look. He is tall and lanky and kind of looks a little nerdy. Still, he has a strong following and there are many that think he is sexy so I expect him to go deep into the competition. Below are my grades and comments on the individual performers.

Noop: B plus - strong vocals, needs to work on his look/clothes and showmanship.

Blond Girl: F MINUS - I am tired of weird voice and even weirder movements. She seemed to brush off all of the negative comments from all the judges and said, "it's okay. I have my fans." She's attractive but it's just awkward watching/listening to her. I expect her to be out tonight.

Michael the Roughneck: D - I didn't think it was as bad as the judges thought. However, it did seem a lot like yelling. He seems like he is just enjoying the moment and being in the competition at this point and doesn't seem committed to winning it. I'm glad he is having fun and enjoying the experience but his time is running out.

Visually impaired guy: D minus - Probably a good idea for him to get back behind the piano. However, he did not have a strong enough voice for You Can't Hurry Love. It just sounded weak. He is more of a James Taylor type singer. Didn't enjoy it.

Lil Rounds: C minus - By far the most disappointing of the night. Like Kara said, I expected more from her last night with the Motown theme and she didn't do it for me. She can sing but that theme was perfect for her and she didn't nail it like she could have/should have.

Gokey: B - I like Gokey and he had a solid performance. I think the problem with him is that the expectations are high for him every week and he always delivers a very good performance but he isn't able to wow us anymore. It's like he has leveled off and I'd be afraid that his fan base is getting a little bored of him. I still expect him to go far into the competition but he really needs to do something to catch our attention again.

Lambert: A - For some reason, I still don't really like this guy but at least he molded himself to fit the music as opposed to last week where he molded the music to fit him. Definitely did a good job. I liked the unplugged version of the song. Did a good job and he'll go on deep into the competition.

Young dude with the guitar: B - He's good but not great. There is nothing special about this guy and with this field of competition, he will get lost. Seems like a nice guy that will last a couple of more weeks but he will bow out at around the final 6 or so.

Giraud: I can't comment because I only caught the end of the performance. From all accounts, he did well. I think it is good that he got away from the piano. He also seems like a guy that will go down towards the end of the competition.

Red Haired girl: No comment because I missed all of her performance.

Conclusion: I expect this competition to go down to Giraud, Gokey, Lambert, and Nooper. I suppose the good thing for all of these guys is that they will all end up having a career in music and will be able to cut a record. Good for them.

One final note: I am sick and tired of Paula. She adds nothing of value to the show. Her comments suck and she seemed to try especially hard last night to give some more "technical" type of comments but she just comes across as an idiot to me. Also, it appeared to me that Paula and Kara don't seem that close to each other. I don't know if Paula is threatened that there is another female judge now or what but I got the feel like it was just a little cold between them. I also get annoyed that Paula and Simon are constantly whispering to each other during the performances and have their hands all over each other. I'd like to give Paula a swift kick with a steel toed boot right in the arse!

1 comment:

Rob said...

I pretty much agree with you. The bottom three should be Sarver, blind crazy hair dude, and tattoo blondie. There is no question that tattoo blondie is the worst of the bunch.

Frankly, I don't see how anyone can stand her for the competition. She is waaaaay out of her league. I also think she may have gotten to LA and gotten on drugs. She seems a bit whacked out.

She may stick around because of her looks, but I would drop either her or blind dude.

I think Giraud was excellent last night. For the first time, I thought Adam put on a good show. My feeling is that Adam is a good (not great singer), but he has a way with his eyes and can put on a good show. It looked like he had tears in his eyes at the end of the song - not bad when you are singing "Tracks of My Tears." The fact that Smokey stood can clapped said it all.

Noop needs to get someone to fix his clothing. Jeez the guy looks like he is trying to dress like some teenybopper boy band member. His look does not fit his soulful voice. If he would put on a slick suit and just let his voice work, he'd look more like an Idol. Right now he doesn't have the look.