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Friday, March 27, 2009

Giraud in the Bottom 2. WHAT?!!!

So interesting elimination show on A.I. yesterday. Giraud was in the bottom two with Sarver. Fortunately, Sarver got kicked off. Frankly, even if Giraud had gotten the least amount of votes, I am sure the judges would have kept him on the show. The guy is deserving of going much further in the competition.

Equally surprising was the fact that tattoo blondie wasn't even in the bottom three. The thing that got me was that she showed no worries at all yesterday as if she knew she wouldn't be put into the bottom three. She had this goofy face and either seems very confident in herself or is just a moron that doesn't care because given her performance the other night, she should have easily been the one eliminated. Perhaps, people are just caught up in her looks or perhaps it's the Sanjaya effect where people are interested in seeing how silly she is going to be week after week. Not sure but she is not even close to the caliber of rest of the class of singers up there.

Still, I was okay with Sarver leaving. He had run his course. Good guy, decent singer but time to go home. Frankly, I think he was happy to have gotten as far as he had gotten. I think he knew he wasn't going to win it. He just seemed elated that he had made it to the final 10 and that he would be able to go on tour with the rest of group and also that he had become a local celebrity. Good for him.

As for Giraud, this may be a blessing in disguise. I think America knows that he is a better singer than many of those left standing and getting so close to being eliminated will only get his supporters to vote more for him so I expect Giraud to be safe for several more weeks...assuming he continues to put on strong performances.

For me, Noop Dogg is still my boy and I'm pushing for him.

1 comment:

Rob said...


I agree he would have been saved, but it shouldn't have come to that.

I say Tattoo Blondie is being kept on by a combination of factors, but the biggest is what you refer to as the Sanjaya effect.