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Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So Nooper needed to come out big last night after last week's debacle. I was worried given that it was country week and I don't see Nooper as much of a country singer. I was really concerned going into the show that he would blow it again and really lose the fan base that he has built up.

Surprisingly, he came out and did a heck of a job singing Willie Nelson's "Always On My Mind." The kid nailed it and got a big ovation and more importantly stellar comments from all the judges. In many ways he had redeemed himself for last week's train wreck.

I'm glad Nooper did well. Frankly, many of the contestants did well. Including Danny Gokey (the guy I expect to win this thing), Matt Giraud, and a few others. I will say that this is by far and away the most competitive class of "Idols" we have seen yet.

The people who I didn't really care for last night include the visually impaired guy, the girl with the tattoos, and the small girl with the blond hair with streak of pink in it. I was a bit bothered by the girl with the tattoos. I didn't think it was that great of a performance but the judges gave her good marks and credited her for coming on while being sick. Then as they were giving their comments, she was up there coughing. I kind of felt like she was milking that and trying to garner the sympathy vote. If she couldn't hold the coughing for the 2 minutes while the judges gave her their comments, how could she sing an entire song without coughing a single time?

One final note...Adam Lambert gave an interesting rendition of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." He definitely made it his own by turning it into some kind of Middle Eastern version that you would probably hear smoking dubage from the hookah naked being surrounded by 20 other drug induced naked people writhing all over each other. I didn't really like it. It sounded weird. However, I will give him credit for taking the bold direction he did. He certainly doesn't look like a country singer and it might have been worse had he try to sing it as a country song. Who knows? I don't really like him.

Just glad that 'Noop Dogg is BACK!!!!


Rob said...

I agree with pretty much everything you said.

I think the judges want the blond tattoo woman around because she is eye candy for folks. If she really was suffering from the flu - and I don't really doubt that she was - then her performance was OK. But, I thought her enunciation of words was odd, and she cannot move. She flails her arms and looks very awkward on stage.

The tiny blond woman gave a weak performance and then seemed to be making excuses and talking back to the judges - it made it worse and I think she will be removed tonight.

Is that crazy haired dude really blind? It seems like he can see. I thought his performance was OK, but not special.

Actually, I loved Adam's song. You described what my living room was like last night. Were you there. I don't know because it is still a bit hazy.

To get real for a moment, I think Adam is a weird partially-talented guy. I think he screeches and is just an OK singer. His big thing is his moody stare into the camera, but that act will wear thin and I cannot imagine America really going for that guy beyond about the top 5.

Noop was great, but I think Matt Giraud nailed it yesterday.

j, k, and s's d said...

Yeah, that tattoo girl did have strange enunciation. I couldn't figure out her body movements either. I wasn't sure if that is how she moves or if it was part of the character/story of the song. Either way, looked mechanical and weird.

Little blond girl doesn't have much time left on the show.

The "crazy haired dude" is visually impaired. Not sure if he has some vision but I'm sure he can't see much because if he could, he would certainly fix his "crazy" hair.

I was in your living room last night but I left almost immediately. The sight of you naked at the hookah with all of your naked boyfriends writhing on top of you caused me to ralph early and often. I am/was scarred by the site and could not get it out of my head as I tried to sleep. I ended up having to punch myself in my balls hoping the pain would divert the scarring image from mind. I ended up punching my balls enough where I passed out due to the pain and that was the only way I could get some rest. Next time you tell me to come over for a beer and watch a movie let me know if by "beer" you mean dubage in a hookah and if by "movie" you mean you naked stuck between two other ugly, hairy, stinky guys in a varitable "manwich."

Adam sounds like the second coming of Axl Rose and I think I had plenty of him the first time around. Agree with the gaze. There was a guy on Idol a few seasons ago that tried and succeeded to some extent with the same look. His name was Constantine something or other but we got tired of the look and we got tired of him. Adam will stick around to stare at us a few weeks more.

Noop was great because he gave some soul to that song and that is his strength. He needs to do that some more and at the same time will need to show that he isn't a one trick pony. As the various themes present themselves each week, he will have to show that he can also sing some faster, more upbeat songs. Still, he showed yesterday that he is still a player in this game. The other thing that I REALLY like about Anoop (and I think the judges like this about him) is his confidence. It's borderline arrogance but deftly doesn't cross that line. I liked when Seascrest asked him if he thought he'd be that good yesterday and he replied, "Yes." I think he got some laughs from the answer but he followed up by saying that he expects to be the best each week and that is the kind of contestant you want on the show. I really think Simon in particular likes that kind of answer. I also agree with Simon in that Noop could have easily crumbled after last week's performance but he took it in stride and came out big. That's the reason why people like Noop. Tall, lanky Indian dude that can sing soulfully but has all the confidence in the world. GO NOOP DOGG!!!!

Rob said...

Man, I am dying laughing. I hope you don't have to punch yourself in the nuts again tonight. I imagine it is hard to actually hit your nuts given how small they are. It probably takes you three shots just to get a hit.

I think tattoo blondie lacks normal moves and basic dance motor skills. She was bizarre last week and this week was only better because she didn't move as much.

I expect little blond lady to go tonight.