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Thursday, March 12, 2009

'Noop Dogg Survives!

So I think America made the right choices in who they dismissed yesterday. Jorge was bad and didn't look the part so he was a goner and the 17 year old African American girl wasn't quite ready to be the Idol. She has a good voice but frankly she was just a little too young. She needs to mature a little bit and strengthen her vocals some and then she could certainly compete for the crown. I think she tried to sing more mature songs and Simon's comment to her after she sang was that she should act more her age and I couldn't agree with her more.

As far as our friend, Nooper, I didn't ever seriously think he was in danger of being eliminated. The guy has too strong a following. I know he was placed there for elimination with Jorge at the end of the show but just because he was there didn't necessarily mean he didn't get a lot of votes. I am confident he got more votes than most of the contestants. However, he was put up there next to Jorge because of his dismal performance and for dramatic effect.

Regardless, 'Nooper has to come out really strong next week if he wants to reestablish himself as a legitimate contender. Again, he has a strong following but that following will dissipate with more performances like he had the other night.

We'll see what happens. Until then...NOOP DOGG IN THE HIZZOUSE!!!


Rob said...

No problem with Jorge going. However, I thought the blond girl was absolutely awful when she sang. She is pretty and has her following, but it won't carry her very far if she does not pick it up.

I haven't seen anything out of Noop to justify him in the competition as yet. We'll see next week.

The woman who won the first season and sang looked like she picked up some weight and I though Kanye West's performance was enough to have Simon say - "You stink."

j, k, and s's d said...

The blond girl doesn't belong there either so she will be leaving shortly.

'Noop need to step it up and I am confident he will. He really needs to sing a slower, softer R&B song. That is his niche.

Kelly Clarkson has had her weight issues. Didn't care for her song. It was okay but the chorus is kind of dumb. Didn't listen to Kanye. Didn't care to listen to Kanye.

Rob said...

I don't really get the whole Kanye West phenomenon.

I can never remember Kelly vs. Carrie Underwood.

j, k, and s's d said...

I really don't know any of the artists that are out there now.

Underwood is the attractive blond that sings country. Clarkson is the chubby rocker.