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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Buh Bye, T.O.!

The Cowboys actually did a good thing by cutting T.O. Sure the guy has talent (although that seems to be waning) but he is such a locker room headache that he isn't worth it. The guy gets 18 passes thrown to him in a game and he will still cry that he isn't getting the ball enough. When he drops a ball (and he drops plenty), it's not a big deal but if the throw is too high he will have a hissy fit.

He has now been kicked off of two teams and he has had major issues with almost all of his QBs (Garcia, McNabb, and Romo). It will be interesting to see who will want to gamble on him. I just hope Danny Boy isn't thinking something stupid. He would be a disaster for JC and Zorn. Both those guys are still trying to find their way and having a T.O. would just set them back. The only way I would want to sign him is to a 1 year minimum contract where it would not be much of an issue to cut him if he started acting up.


Rob said...

The fact that you think TO is a possibility says a lot about what you think about Danny Boy.

j, k, and s's d said...

I have said a number of times that I am not a fan of Danny Boy. I don't hate the guy like you do. I don't think there are too many owners out there committed to winning the way he is. That doesn't mean that I like how he executes certain things but I do admire him for doing everything he can to try and bring a winner to D.C. Many owners do not have the same passion. I understand what he is and how he works and I am sure he along with several other owners are thinking about TO now that he has hit the open market. A few years ago I might me more concerned with him actually trying to bring TO in but I don't think TO would be a realistic option right now. UNLESS, as mentioned, he signed a 1 year minimum contract with a number of conduct clauses written up in there.

Rob said...

Committed to winning? He spends as much as everyone else and he blows as a GM.

He should be committed!

j, k, and s's d said...

Look at Angelo. He hardly makes a splash in FA and many of his draft picks suck (Grossman, Benson).

He rewards aging vets who skills are declining.

Nathan Vasher cashed in a couple of years ago and has now fallen off the table. Angelo's words, "He (Vasher) really hasn’t played in two years, so he needs to redefine himself, starting in the off-season. He has to earn a spot on our team. He has to show he can be a starter, somebody we can depend on. We rewarded a very good player. He earned a new contract. But since then he has had some injuries, and when he has played, his play hasn’t been up to his standards, I’m sure, and certainly our standards."

One Bear fan wrote, "The other factor is that [Jerry] Angelo, despite being $30 million under the cap, doesn’t seem to want to loosen the purse strings. Yet somehow Angelo seems to feel that Lovie [Smith] has the players to win. There’s no way he does. You can’t say Lovie has the players if you trotted out Brandon Lloyd and Marty Booker as WRs last year and then haven’t even replaced those guys. Lovie doesn’t have the players if your left tackle is entirely unproven and basically a rookie. Add to that Tait retiring and the defense only getting a year older."

The Bears aren't "cheap" but they are "small-minded". They are 16-16 since going to the Super Bowl and remember that they play in arguably the weakest division in football.

Steve Rosenbloom mentions, "Lovie Smith says the Bears need a solid no. 2 receiver to step up behind Devin Hester, which indicates he believes Hester is a No. 1 receiver, which is further proof that the Bears coach remains credibility-challenged.

This is the same guy, mind you, who told us Mark Bradley was his No. 1 receiver last year around this time. Give Smith this: He did it with a straight face.

This is also the same coach who famously told us the Bears are "close," no matter that he guided his team to a second straight playoff miss.

"Close" to what? "Close" to making the playoffs? "Close" to collapse? "Close" to having a clue? "Close" to having Second City build a show around some of the things the Bears coach says?"

Angelo hopes to find a #2 WR in the draft. Maybe it will pan out. We'll see. However they have needs at Safety, CB, O and D line, not to mention a backup RB and a QB. Who knows maybe Earl Benett will step up.

The Bear GM hasn't done a bang up job either. You seem to think the Bears are in good shape. I think they suck. They might be okay in their division given that the division is so weak but as far as being a contender...NO WAY! NO HOW!!

Rob said...

We've won plenty of games over the last 4 years. Injuries have really hurt our team, yet we have remained in the hunt throughout the last two years until the end.

I could easily pick out something one fan writes that is negative - so what?

It is far more likely that the Bears will win the North than the Redskins will win the East. I'm very comfortable with where the Bears team and organization are.

If things don't go well this year, then it will be time to reevaluate. I expect them to draft an O-lineman, a linebacker, and a running back in the first couple of rounds and I think we will be fine for the season.

j, k, and s's d said...

Since the Bears were in the Super Bowl, they have fallen by the wayside. They haven't had the same fire that they had since going to the Super Bowl. That is what I said would happen. If you remember, I said repeatedly success breeds egoes and they have lost the eye of the tiger. Guys like Harris, Vasher, Urlacher have been paid handsomely but have underachieved the last couple of years. That DE Mark something or other has disappeared after a good rookie campaign. Briggs developed a huge ego and got a huge payday and has had his legal issues. Fortunately, he has managed to play well. Even the coaching staff has had their heads swell. Lovie got rid of Rivera and brought in his boy Babich which hasn't worked out. He now will be taking over more control of the defense to try and get them back on track. We'll see how that works out for them. They still seem like they are a ways away.

Sure, you could easily pick out something positive a fan writes. I could easily pull out 10 negative things fans write. Point is that there are a number of people in Chicago that follow the Bears that are unhappy with the leadership, the organization, and the direction of the team.

As far as the Bears being more likely to win the North...that is just a product of how poor that division is. The Bears would have zero shot of winning the East. The North is still arguably the worst division in football. The Lions didn't win a game last year, the Pack will be rebuilding, the Vikings are the only team out there any good. The Bears are mediocre.

We can leave it with we'll see how the Bears do.

Rob said...

They haven't fallen by the wayside. They were 7-9 and 9-7 the last two years and in the playoff hunt right until the end.

Injuries ravaged the team the last two years, but because of their depth they did not "fall by the wayside."

Two years ago they lost their top three defensive tackles, two of their starting linebackers, and three of their starting secondary including both corners for extended periods of time. I don't know many teams that can lose 4 starting Pro Bowl defensive players and not see a dropoff.

Again, I have no problem with where the Bears are nor do I have a problem with the way the organization operates.

I'd like to see them draft an offensive tackle with their first pick, a backup running back in a later round (although they re-signed Kevin Jones) and defensive players with their second, third, and other picks (defensive tackle, linebacker, safety are all fine, but just take the best available players).