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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Brandon Lloyd is cut!


He is the biggest mistake the Redskins have EVER made.


Rob said...

EVER? What about making Cerrato the Executive VP of Football Operations?

Firing Marty was a bad choice that set them back a couple of years.

Forcing Norv Turner to play Jeff George over Brad Johnson was a bad choice.

Hiring the ol' ball coach (Spurrier).

It seems like in recent years there are plenty of examples.

But getting back to Lloyd, to make matters worse he is going to still add about $1.8M in dead cap space on June 1, and he is going to count about $5.4M next year. He is the gift that keeps on giving.

This year, the Redskins will have at least $9M in dead cap space.

Next year, it will be even worse because of the way they handle their contracts (renegotiations for older guys to free up space now).

j, k, and s's d said...

The dead cap amounts are part of the reason why he is the worst mistake ever.

Sure, the Redskins have had their fair share of boneheaded mistakes but Lloyd is the worst.

We'll see how Cerrato does in his new role. Right now, he hasn't done anything too egregious. I like the way the coaching staff has been assembled. I also like that we aren't going free agent crazy. We'll see how he handles the draft.

Firing Marty wasn't good but that was done pretty much because Danny Boy loved Spurrier.

Spurrier sucked but at the time it was seen as a good hire.

If Norv didn't agree with playing George, he should have stood up for himself and Brad. I don't know all the discussions that took place around that issue.

Lloyd wasn't that good to begin with. He was a problem player and the 'Skins went out and gave him boat loads of money and he has not contributed anything. He has argued with position coaches in front of his teammates. He has missed mandatory meetings. He appears to have given up on balls. He has not been productive at all. On top of that, he will continue to hurt our cap situation. As you said, he is the gift that keeps on giving.

That is why he is the worst decision the 'Skins have ever made.

I am just glad to see him gone.

Rob said...

OK OK. It seems to me like Lloyd can play - he got in the doghouse and just couldn't get out. I know Portis thought he could help on the field.

Whatever, he is gone.

j, k, and s's d said...

I'm sure he does have talent but we all know guys like Lloyd. Talented but have a poor attitude and think they are better than they are. They expect things to be handed to them.

He came in with a bit of a bad reputation. You don't help that reputation when you yell at your position coach in front of your team or by missing mandatory meetings. If he wants to be taken seriously and have any kind of future in this league, he needs to mature and listen to his coaches and now do MORE to show that he is a coachable player that doesn't have an attitude.

j, k, and s's d said...

Maybe the Bears should sign him. They need WRs.

Rob said...

I don't like him, but he played under Ron Turner in college. Ron Turner must know the guy and if he feels like he can coach him, I don't see any reason why not.