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Friday, February 22, 2008

Bears purge continues.

The Bears released Ruben Brown. That's the second o lineman released in recent days. Brown is a fierce competitor but he is aging. He was a Pro Bowler two years ago but he's declined and it's probably the right move to let him go as the Bears need to overhaul their pathetic o line.

Contracts have gone out to #1 WR Berrian, Lance Briggs, and Pro Bowl special teamer Brendan Ayenbadejo but all three contracts were well below what each player expected to receive. Jerry Angelo seems reluctant to budge from him position and there is a good chance that the Bears will end up losing those two Pro Bowlers (Briggs and Ayenbadejo) and their #1 WR. Interesting because it looks as though they will resign Grossman and if there is one thing Rexy is good at is it's the deep ball. Without Berrian there, he will lose his deep threat. It's also interesting because if Berrian leaves, that means they won't have either starting WR from last year. Essentially, they will be relying on Mark Bradley a guy who only caught 6 passes all of last year to become their #1 WR. Doesn't seem like sound practice to me.

The kicker in the whole bit is that the Bears are significantly raising ticket prices for the 2008 season. With HUGE question marks on the entire offensive side of the ball, I'm not sure how well the fans are going to react to the hike in ticket prices.


Rob said...

They are raising prices $3 to $10. That doesn't seem that significant. Do you think that is a lot?

Cutting Brown was not surprising in the least. As for their unrestricted free agents. The Bears have made their offers, I am quite sure that all three players will give the Bears an opportunity to counter and match any contracts they get on the open market. They have flexibility with their current cap situation.

I do hope that they can re-sign Rex. I don't want to start over at QB. I think Jamar Williams can EASILY take over for Briggs. I do not want to see the Bears overpay for Bernard Berrian. I would like to see them offer Ayanbadejo a great contract.

j, k, and s's d said...
