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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pettitte comments

I watched some of Pettitte's press conference yesterday and I must say the guy comes across as very credible. He is in the unenvious position of being in the middle of an argument between two close friends. Pettitte said that everything McNamee said was true. He did not fault or blame McNamee for anything.

I thought it was interesting that he has not spoken with Clemens in more than a month. He said that that relationship had become strained. Roger testified that he and Pettitte were very close. If they were so close, why haven't they spoken? I wonder if Roger knows that he lied and doesn't want to show his face in front of Pettitte.

Bottom line, I just don't believe Roger. I think he knows the truth but he is doing whatever he can to save face. He knows that there is not enough evidence to send him to jail. He knows that with the evidence that is there it basically comes down to "he said vs. he said." Thus, he does not have to admit. If he were to admit that he took something to enhance his performance, he knows that everything that he accomplished in his great career would be forever tarnished.

I just don't know what McNamee has to lose by coming clean. Again, the lies that he told early on seemed like they were told in order to protect his friends Roger and Andy. However, once the whole thing exploded, he was forced to tell the whole truth. Pettitte seems like a straight shooter and I don't think that he would lie. Again, I don't believe Roger.

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