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Monday, March 24, 2008

I Am Legend.

Not bad. I'd give it 2.5 stars.

Pretty good story and effects. Didn't really understand the virus and what it did to people. I believe at one point it was explained as having a rabies like effect. However, it seemed like it just made people into monsters. I mean, the "darkseekers" were intelligent. They made the same contraption to catch Will Smith that he made to capture one of them. They were able to organize and communicate. They were able to develop freakish strength. It was just kind of strange because they were "normal" humans just a few years earlier. However, now they were violent, human blood sucking, freakish animals but still had rational thoughts. Just kind of strange to me. It might make more sense if they were just full on rabid and more mindless.

Also, some times Will Smith seemed okay with his loneliness and isolation and other times he seemed totally lost. I mean I don't know what something like that will do to a person but there were times he seemed totally sane and other times where he seemed like he was losing it. This was just a little weird for me.

When his dog died, Smith didn't seem too torn up about it. I would have probably lost it. This is my one friend and now she is gone. I have nothing. Not only that but she died giving her life to protect me. The guilt and loneliness would have killed me. He just didn't seem to care too much.

On that note, when he was trying to get back in his car after freeing himself from the trap, he didn't seem to be in too big a hurry. I understand he is physically wounded and he is a little out of it but he seemed to have enough clarity to figure out what was going on. I would have just thought that he would have been in a little bit more of a hurry to get back to safety.

The woman and boy who come to visit him. If they knew of this human colony in Vermont, what took them so long to try and get there? Where were they and what were they doing? If I knew of a possible colony, I would have head for it almost immediately and not waited years to see if it was there.

I know, I know. I am being highly critical. I will say that I was entertained and that is what matters most. It was an enjoyable movie and for all the complaining that I have done, there was a lot of good stuff in there. Again, 2.5 stars


Rob said...

Let me make a couple of comments. First, the book is much more explanatory. I have the book if you want to borrow it. I don't want to get into what the virus was because it is too hard to explain.

I thought Will Smith did a good job of flipping between various states of mind. I think after three years of not talking to anyone, one would be all messed up.

I thought he was torn up about his dog, but the reason he wasn't in such a hurry to get back to his car at the time was probably because he was stunned/injured, but also he was trying to figure out who set the trap in the first place. He may have been thinking that another uninfected human was around.

As for the woman/child and not rushing off to the colony. Maybe they just found out about it. They heard Will's radio call (probably just recently), and maybe they just heard the call from the colony recently also.

j, k, and s's d said...

I would be curious to read the book. I'm sure it is more explanatory about everything.

I suppose we disagree on how sane/insane he was. It is subjective and who knows how one would deal with being put in that situation. I just thought you would be a little more crazy. I didn't care for how he flipped b/t totally sane and focused and then had moments of insanity.

Again, I think it is subjective in how he reacted to his dog dying. If the the dog is my only source of companionship and now I am TOTALLY alone, I think I would have been a little bit more broken up about it but again, it is subjective. I can accept your reasons why he moved slowly to his car.

I can accept your rationale for the woman/child not rushing off to the colony.

Again, entertaining movie.

Rob said...

He's not alone - he has "Righty" and "Lefty."

I'll let you borrow the book. It is a weird book. The first story is about Neville and the plague, but then the latter parts are short stories about the afterworld, after all humans have been extinguished. It gets a little too nutty for me, but the Neville story is pretty good and it is more than half the book.

deepie said...

I saw this a little while ago and I liked it as well. It's not the greatest movie, but it's an interesting story and Will Smith is always entertaining.

I was a bit disappointed in the ending, however, it was reported that Smith screwed up in an interview prior to the movie's release and gave away the ending. It had to be changed at the last minute. Apparently the DVD has the original ending. I'm interested in seeing how the movie was supposed to end.

Rob said...

I have the extra special DVD with both endings. Frankly, both of them are weak. I like the movie, but I like the book much better. The story was a bit different.

In the book, Neville lives in a suburban neighborhood and spends his days hunting the zombies as they sleep and at night he hunkers down in his fortified house.