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Monday, October 15, 2007

'Skins let another one slip away.

Tough loss. We had the game in hand but it was a case of missed opportunities. Moss admittedly had the worst game of his career. He fumbled leading to the 57 yard recovery TD that put GB ahead. Worse, on the ensuing drive, he dropped a 30 yard strike that was right in his hands. Moss had 4 dropped passes ('Skins had 6 dropped passes total) and pulled himself from the game in the 4th quarter. However, like Moss, I am not making any excuses for the loss. A loss is a loss and we are now 3-2.

The good news is that Campbell continues to shine. He had another solid performance and his numbers would have been much better if the receivers had held on to the ball. His decision making is good and he continues to mature. Not bad for a guy making his 12th NFL start.

Also, the defense continues to play well. We are actually getting turnovers and sacks this year which was completely lacking last year.

The bad news is that the offensive line has been decimated by injuries. First we lose Jansen and Thomas, now we lose Rabach for perhaps an extended period. Wade is hurt with a pulled groin (seems less severe and hopefully he can play). Also, Stephon Heyer seems to have hurt his hamstring. We'll find out later today the extent of those injuries. That's five injuries to the O line. This could become a HUGE issue for the 'Skins. We were already playing a makeshift line and it will become even more makeshift now.

Each week brings another test. I am disappointed with the loss. Again, it was a game that we let slip away. However, I am happy that we played well enough to win and we are showing that we can compete and, perhaps outside of the Cowboys, it looks like we can compete against anyone in the NFC.


Rob said...

'Skins self-destructed down the stretch. Moss and Portis fumbled. Their offensive line is in even worse shape - as you said. It doesn't look good for their offense to have so many injuries.

The D is playing well, but the 3-3 Redskins are mediocre like the rest of the NFC. That's both good and bad. A win against Arizona is almost a must, because they have to go to New England in two weeks.

j, k, and s's d said...

The make shift O line was playing well. It's asking a lot though now when you have 5 injuries to the O linemen. When your backups are getting hurt, it is going to cause some significant issues.

The Portis and Moss fumbles/dropped balls are correctable. It's just a shame that they all happened in one game especially from Pro Bowlers.

BTW - the 'Skins are 3-2.

Rob said...

My mistake - I meant to hit the "2."

I'm not arguing that injuries don't play a part in wins/losses, but every team has injuries. The Bears have lost plenty of defensive starters for the season and multiple games - it happens.

j, k, and s's d said...

I am not blaming injuries for anything. You said that the O line was in even worse shape. Even with the injuries, our O line was playing pretty well. However, when it gets so decimated you might have to put in a D lineman to fill in at the O line, that's pretty bad.

No matter what, we'll do what we have to do. It sucks that we have suffered so many injuries to the O line but it can't be an excuse. We'll pick up the pieces and move on.

Good luck with the Arch Deluxe. Glad he is working out for you like you thought.

Rob said...

Arch is playing fine. Unfortunately he broke his hand and missed one game, but he is gutting it out.

He is fourth on the team in tackles, has an interception and has 2 passes defensed. He's worked out fine for the Bears.

Why he was scapegoated by the Redskins is beyond me - but they did the same to LaVar and are doing it to Lloyd now. It is just what they do.

j, k, and s's d said...

Oh yeah, he's working out great alright. He's missing tackles and still can't cover. He's working out so well he was benched yesterday.

Not sure what your fascination is with the Arch Deluxe but he's your problem now.

Rob said...

I've got no problem with Arch. If you are trying to pin everything on him then you truly are Danny's Boy.

Are you going to be calling on the Redskins to cut Kili Lefotu? He is the practice squad offensive lineman who was arrested for getting drunk, destroying property, and assault.

Just wondering - but it looks like you have a mini-Tank problem.

j, k, and s's d said...

Apparently Lovie has a problem with Arch Deluxe because he yanked him from the game. Unless his cast is weighing him down and he can't run because of it, I don't think his broken arm is causing his poor play.

Ricky Manning, Jr. is questioning why he isn't playing more and a rookie is coming in ahead of him.

For you to compare Lefotu's situation with Tank is ridiculous. Lefotu is a reserve player and he had one incident. Tank was a decent starter and had multiple incidents. The guy kept enough arsenal in his house to arm a small country and he got into it with officers on a regular basis. He kept company with druggies. Shortly after the cops found his arsenal of illegal weapons, his friend is gunned down. He spent time in jail. Even after ALL of this, the Bears let him on the team and he STILL couldn't play within their rules. Yeah, the practice squad Lefotu can be compared to Thug Johnson. Good one, RobsObs.

Rob said...

Arch wasn't the only problem. In fact, given the scoring, I'd say it made things worse.

I don't know what your point is about Manning.

You can never compare two situations exactly. NEVER. Sean Taylor running around waving a gun in the faces of those two boys who he though stole his motorbike wasn't enough to make you worried, so I didn't think that Keli's infraction would make you blink.

I was just asking.

j, k, and s's d said...

Arch Deluxe isn't the only problem. Not sure I follow your second sentence. So you think Arch Deluxe made things worse? You were exicted about bringing on Arch Deluxe but he is not performing. His play is poor enough where your coach benched him. Do you agree with your coach or do love Arch Deluxe so much that you think he should have stayed in?

Regarding Manning, the team is confused and unraveling.

Of course you can't compare two situations exactly. I was concerned with Taylor's situation. However, that was an isolated incident. Not a pretty incident but if he had a history of problems, I would probably not want him on my team. If he was doing things like Thug or Marcus Vick, I don't want that player on my team.

Again, Lefotu isn't even on the active roster. I don't know the details of his troubles. However, to compare the long string of serious problems Thug had and the one isolated incident with Lefotu is ridiculous. Understand Thug was a quality starter so he was given more latitude. If Lefotu is cut so be it. If he is lectured to and has another run in with the law, he should be cut.

Rob said...

I support the coaches - but I also support Arch. Both he and the coaches are members of the Chicago Bears, and I love the Bears.

The D has been terrible and every guy is responsible. Injuries play a part. Coaching plays a part. But, ultimately it is missed tackling on the field that is killing them as a unit.

deepie said...

Regarding the 'Skins...
Tough loss considering it was our game to win. The Giants took a win from us. Against the Packers, we gave the game away, which makes it a bit more irritating. I think we clearly outplayed Green Bay, but once the injuries piled up, there was little that the offense could do. The fumbles are inexcusable. Moss and Portis better start taking things a bit more seriously because it's clear that they aren't exactly in game shape come Sunday (that's directed to Portis more so than Moss).

The Cardinals game is a must win. It should be a win considering the Cards are having injury problems at QB.

Regarding Da Bears...
Tough times in Chi-town. The defense seems to have the same bug the 'Skins D had last season. Not pretty. The offense did enough to win. The defense is a major weakness right now.

Regarding RobsObs' last comment about his unconditional myopic love of da Bears...
To keep up with the theme, why don't you say, "I'm an American and so is George Bush. I love America so I support everything that George Bush does."

j, k, and s's d said...

What's funny about RobsObs is that when Arch Deluxe was with the 'Skins, he was all over him and complained about his play. Once he signed with the Bears, he revered him. Now that his play continues to suck to the point where his own coach benched him, RobsObs still defends Arch Deluxe.

Rob said...

Get real Deeps - if I felt that Lovie was bringing the Bears down I would criticize him and want him removed. I didn't want Bush removed on day 1 of his presidency. I have come to that conclusion after watching his incompetency over a period of years.

JKD - I don't "revere" Arch. I simply don't have a problem with his play. He started the season better. His broken hand has limited him in the last two games in terms of tackling and then with all of the injuries he is being forced to play deeper (which obviously is not his strong suit). He didn't start off playing deep as often as he has had to because of the injuries.

Frankly, when the Redskins benched him and made him the scapegoat in DC, I criticized the Redskins for essentially blaming all of their problems on Arch. Do you think I was "revering" Arch then also?

deepie said...

Who said anything about wanting Lovie removed? All I'm saying is you're flip-flopping more than John Kerry did during the '04 campaign. The only things that are consistent with your football points of view are:
1. Unconditional Bears love.
2. Unconditional Groh love.
3. Unconditional 'Skins hatred.

j, k, and s's d said...

That's my whole point with your thinking on Arch Deluxe. You said he sucked. When the 'Skins benched him, you complained. When he signed with the Bears, you loved him. When he was benched for the same reasons he was benched with the 'Skins, you defend him.

So when you say "Do you think I was "revering" Arch then also?" it throws me off. All I want from you is consistency.

Because right now, I totally agree with Deepie's comment in that you are basically very biased.

Rob said...

Deeps - you cannot seem to understand my point. I had no problem with Bush when he was first president. I have come to dislike Bush because of his incompetence. That is why I don't support him. It has nothing to do with being Republican or Democrat. I support Lovie and the Bears coaches also. They have not given me reason to doubt them enough to not support them. That is why your analogy is flawed.

When Arch is not forced to play deep he is fine - like the first three games of this year for the Bears.

He cannot be relied upon to play in deep coverage. That, along with his broken hand, is why he did not play in the second half.

However, you don't see the Bears blaming it all on Arch. I have been consistent. Nobody is scapegoating him.

Rob said...

JKD, let's also be intellectually honest about my views on Arch. He was being pursued by the Bears and Redskins before last season. The Redskins chose to make him the highest paid safety in the history of the game. I criticized that and in preseason it was clear that the Redskins were misusing him - go back and look at my blog posts.

You cannot separate the financial aspect of the equation in my criticism of what the Redskins did.

Look, even if Arch is benched for the rest of the season it doesn't cost the Bears that much.

I think he is a solid player who can play in the NFL. I don't revere the man, but you certainly do hate him for some odd reason - otherwise you wouldn't be jabbing at him for no real reason.

j, k, and s's d said...

I don't hate him. I think he was a mistake made by the Redskins. You seemed to think the same.

I have an issue with your flip flopping. Because he is a Bear, suddenly his mistakes and shortcomings are okay.

Arch Deluxe is being ripped by the Chicago media. If he wasn't doing such a poor job, he wouldn't have been benched.

Rob said...

I'm not flip flopping. I said he shouldn't have been benched in Washington last year. I said they were just not playing him correctly. How do you think I am flip-flopping? Remember, you are the one who mistakenly claimed that I "revere" Arch.

Whatever happens with Arch, it is a good thing the Bears didn't make him the highest paid safety in the history of the NFL. Isn't it?

That was the honor bestowed upon him by Danny Boy, Pepper, Vinny, Gibbsy, Double G, and whoever else is part of the Redskin braintrust. Which is why they will suffer through mediocrity - with only a few rays of sunshine from time to time - until they get a real GM.

j, k, and s's d said...

You never thought Arch Deluxe was very good. You were the one that started calling him Arch Deluxe. Yes, it was a mistake for signing him for as much money as we did but regardless, you still didn't think much of Arch Deluxe.

I have said that the 'Skins need a GM. However, right now, going into Week 7, the 'Skins have to be considered one of the better teams in the NFC. I am happy with the way we have been playing and if our line can shore up, I like our chances meeting the 9-7 record I predicted.

j, k, and s's d said...

You won't even call him Arch Deluxe any more. What? Now that he is on the Bears, he has your respect?

Rob said...

Arch Deluxe was the highest paid safety in the history of the NFL. He isn't anymore. He has a far mor reasonable salary. Why would I call him Arch Deluxe if he is just a safety with an average salary?

j, k, and s's d said...

You got an answer for everything. Fine.