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Friday, May 2, 2014

Donald Sterling

The whole story is screwy.  His comments are ridiculous.  The fact that they were recorded and apparently he wanted them recorded.  His mistress - V. Stiviano (what kind of name is V. STIVIANO?).  She claims she didn't release the tapes to the public.  I'm sure she gave it to a friend to release so technically she didn't release them.  The backlash.  And now the guy has cancer.

The comments are deplorable but we all say and do things that if were recorded and seen by the country would be seen as strange and/or deplorable.  I know I have said/done some things that if got out for the country to see/hear without knowing me and understanding the context for which my actions took place, would make me appear very strange.

I'm not excusing the guy.  He has a checkered past.  However, I'm sure he isn't the only owner in the major sports leagues that has those types of feelings.  It got out there and he may have even had friends/colleagues that shared some of his beliefs but they will turn on him because of the public backlash and they don't want the public to turn on them.

The public just needs stuff to jump on and complain about and someone to point fingers at.  Sterling will have to sell the Clippers.  He'll fade away and this will be forgotten soon enough as another celebrity will have a scandal that will garner the public's wrath.

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